Chapter 34 – I’m a What? Part Two.

As they closed in on their destination, Nappa observed Vegeta effortlessly slipping into his cold, lofty Prince persona in his peripheral vision. It was a characteristic move from Vegeta, a mere shift in demeanor that he had witnessed countless times.

Vegeta's disdain for fraternizing with the enemy was well-known among the Saiyan ranks and the Frieza Force. He had a unique way of treating opponents as if they were utterly beneath him and worth less than nothing. The Prince of All Saiyans had mastered the art of emotional detachment, thanks to his preference to view adversaries as little more than non-sentient lifeforms destined for annihilation.

For the most part, this approach worked well for Vegeta, as it solidified his reputation as a merciless warrior who approached battles with an unwavering focus and ruthless efficiency. But unlike Vegeta, Nappa operated on a different wavelength. He didn't shy away from fraternizing with the enemy, and in fact, did so often.

Though he can't exactly prove it, Nappa harbored a suspicion that Vegeta was, in fact, impressed by his ability to effortlessly transition from shooting the shit with a local in one moment and ruthlessly tearing their heads off without a shred of hesitation in the next. And since this unorthodox behavior of his never truly interfered with their primary objectives, waging war and conquering planets, Vegeta tolerated it.

That being said, tolerance and approval are two very different things. Vegeta frequently tells him to 'cease fraternizing', with varying degrees of force and frustration. Despite these warnings, Nappa never stopped. Now, the real reason why he never stopped, a truth he doesn't dare to share with Vegeta, was because he knew this tendency of his vexes his Prince greatly. And for Nappa, any day where he can push Vegeta's buttons and provoke a reaction is a good day.

Drawing near to the ragtag group, Nappa adopted his serious persona as well. Fraternizing aside, he did recognize the significance of leaving a strong first impression. Descending with measured precision, he touched down lightly on the ground, maintaining a quiet intensity beside Vegeta, who had descended with an imposing aura of regal authority.

Before anyone could utter a word, Yamcha sprang to the forefront of the conversation in his signature blend of bravado and wit, his mouth moving faster than his brain.

"I'm sorry, Earth is closed today. Please come back never!"

"Heh! Nice one, smartass!" Nappa chuckled briefly, genuinely amused by Yamcha's jest. It was a rather rare occurrence for any natives to crack jokes; the usual reaction involved a cacophony of screams, pleas for mercy, and desperate footsteps retreating in fear. And trust him, it gets boring after a while.

Nappa sized up the small menagerie of individuals standing defiantly before him. Two midgets, one average Joe, and… wait, was that a–

"A Namekian—?!" Nappa's brow arched in surprise, shooting up into his non-existent hairline. "Why the hell did Raditz not report thi–? HOLD UP! Wait a minute! Is this who Raditz meant by Big Green?"

Vegeta let out a dismissive snort through his nose. "Incompetent as usual."

On the opposing side, Piccolo furrowed his brow in confusion at the unfamiliar word, uncertain if it was some form of insult. However, since he was the subject of their conversation, he stepped forward with an inquiry of his own.

"What's a Namekian?"

"That's you, dumbass," Vegeta instantly retorted with a disdainful flick of his eyes, his arms crossed impatiently.

"Don't compare me to Son Goku," Piccolo shot back sharply, his face contorted with a blend of offense and irritation. He glanced down at his hand, clenching and unclenching it as he grappled with the revelation. "So, I'm a Namekian, huh?"

Nappa watched Piccolo come to terms with the revelation of his newfound identity with a combination of disbelief and an expression best described as 'What the actual f*ck?!'.

"What on King Vegeta's second beard is happening on this planet? Why does no one remember their origins here? You think there are some voodoo hijinks going on, Vegeta? Perhaps something in the water?"

"Don't care," came Vegeta's blunt and dismissive reply.

Undeterred by Vegeta's lack of interest, Nappa started a meticulous visual examination of Piccolo while scratching his chin. His forehead scrunched up and his eyes squinted in intense concentration, inspecting Piccolo up and down like someone would a particularly challenging "Where's Waldo" illustration.

"So, how did one of your kind end up here? Didn't your species become extinct, like, a thousand or so years ago? The historical records stated the Cold Empire surveyed Namek and found it devoid of all life way back then."

"No. There's a rogue faction of rebels going around actively fighting against the Frieza Force in a few contested areas. Their purported leader is said to be a Namekian, though he has yet to reveal himself." Vegeta turned his head to Nappa with a mix of annoyance and disappointment. "You should be aware of this. Were you not at the debrief?"

"Is that the one where I was shitting my brains out because of that damned cookie from Cui? And you had Raditz track me down to ask where the hell I was?"

"Oh, was that the one?" Vegeta directed an amused sidelong glance at Nappa.

Nappa looked like he had just bitten into a particularly sour fruit, offended that his competence was being questioned due to a digestive apocalypse that was totally not his fault. He crossed his arms, a wounded expression fixed on his visage. He had spent so long on that 'porcelain throne' that he was practically on a first-name basis with the darn thing. To add insult to injury, Raditz, that little shit, had recorded his wails without his knowledge, literally caught him with his pants down after busting in, reported all of it to Vegeta, and had been taunting him with the recording ever since.

Amidst his amusement, Vegeta's eyes suddenly narrowed, his sharp intellect connecting the dots with a sudden realization.

"Wait, Nappa, I believe I've unraveled what's happening here. It's very likely that the Dragon Balls the Namekian alluded to a year ago were none other than the wishing orbs of legend that they are rumored to possess back during the pinnacle of their civilization."

Nappa's expression transitioned from that of a wronged puppy to genuine shock, his eyes widening in disbelief.

"You can't be serious, Vegeta. That's nothing more than a myth from thousands of years ago, nearly lost to time! As far as legends go, it's on the same level as the Super Saiyan!"

"And yet, here we are, on a backwater planet at the edge of literal nowhere, staring at a member of a mostly extinct species from the very civilization of the legend we're currently chasing." Vegeta turned to Nappa with a raised eyebrow. "Coincidence?"

Nappa, catching onto the train of thought, responded with a confident smirk. "I think not."

"It appears this planet has more in store for us than we gave it credit for initially." Vegeta's eyes swept over the Z fighters, causing Earth's defenders to tense up. "And on that note, we should reinstate Namek back onto the list of planets to conquer. The Namekian's existence suggests that it's worth paying it a visit."

Besides Vegeta, Nappa suddenly looked constipated, as if he was attempting to contain something within himself. After a moment of great internal conflict, Nappa chose to voice the thoughts that he had been hesitant to express.

"... so, how did you manage to draw all those conclusions from just recalling my explosive diarrhea?"

Vegeta closed his eyes, taking a deep, deep breath before exhaling slowly.

"Just shut the f*ck up, Nappa."


Having achieved the rather rare feat of being told to "STFU" twice in a single day, Nappa turned his focus to the Namekian to assess his reaction to the revelation. Much to his amusement, all the Z Fighters sported comically shocked expressions, clearly overwhelmed by the wave of information that had just washed over them.

"I swear, every time I meet a new Saiyan, my world gets flipped upside down..." Krillin grumbled to himself, though his comment was largely ignored by the rest.

While Nappa was still enjoying the Z Fighters' flabbergasted looks, the scouter perched over his ear beeped. His eyes swiftly darted to the scouter's screen, processing the incoming data. It appears two more power levels will arrive shortly.

"Two more battle powers approaching. What do you think, Vegeta? Shall we wait for those two to get here?"

Vegeta took a nonchalant step back, dismissively casting his gaze across the surrounding landscape instead.

"You deal with it. Weaklings like them aren't worth my time. Do as you please, as long as we secure the Dragon Balls in the end."

"Alright, let's just hold off until everyone gets here," Nappa replied in a booming voice, intending for everyone to hear his words.

As they awaited the arrival of the approaching power levels, Nappa took the opportunity to twist his back, a series of loud cracks resonating through the air. He sighed in relief at the release of tension. Unfortunately, the Attack Balls adhered to standardized sizes, and while someone of Vegeta's or even Raditz's size can sit comfortably, it is much less pleasant for someone of his stature. After nearly a year of being cooped up in there, finally having the freedom to fully stretch felt invigorating.

Completing his stretches, Nappa recollected that he had initially wanted to address the Namekian before being distracted by his scouter. Now is as good a time as any.

"So, Namekian, you're the one who killed Raditz."

"Yeah, that's me," Piccolo affirmed, meeting Nappa's eyes with an ever-stoic stare. There was no hint of pride in his voice, only acknowledgment of the role he played in Raditz's fate. "You want revenge?"

"Nah, he died as a warrior. You did him dirty at the end with that comment of yours, but you took him down in a fair fight, no dishonor in that," Nappa stated matter-of-factly, with a nonchalant shrug. "Us Saiyans usually don't hold grudges when it comes to an honorable death in combat. If we did, our quest for vengeance would literally never end."

Piccolo arched an eyebrow at the response. So, this was the individual who had stirred such strong emotions in Raditz? Piccolo wasn't so oblivious as to overlook the fact that Nappa's words had granted Raditz a degree of peace before his demise. He had expected passion or anger, the typical emotions that accompanied those who watched their close ones get murdered. But then again, who is he to assert himself as an expert on Saiyans' cultural norms?

"You did honor your promise and give him a proper burial though, right?" Nappa inquired once more.

"We did," Piccolo affirmed.

Nappa, seemingly satisfied with the confirmation, nodded in appreciation. "Good. He deserved to have one."

Shortly thereafter, Tien and Chiaotzu descended to the battlefield with swift and precise movements. Landing beside the Z fighters, they greeted everyone perfunctorily, the majority of their attention clearly on the formidable Saiyan duo.

After a momentary silence, Tien directed his question towards the young Gohan. "You're Goku's kid, right?

Despite the tension, Gohan managed a quick nod in response. His eyes involuntarily and curiously drifted to the distinctive third eye on Tien's forehead, a unique biological feature Gohan had never encountered before.

"Is Ajax not here yet?" Chiaotzu inquired; a hint of bewilderment in his words. His gaze swept across the gathered warriors, searching for a familiar face that had yet to make an appearance. "He's not the kind to shy away from situations like this, not with the fervor in which he trained. He stayed behind on the Lookout for additional training even after we departed, after all."

Krillin shook his head. "We're in the dark as well, so we don't know what's going on either."

"He was probably still training on the Lookout when he got wind of this. Given that the Lookout is on the other side of the continent, he's probably still en route." Tien delivered his comment with a measured sense of certainty.

Piccolo wasn't entirely convinced if the brat deserved such confidence. While he could acknowledge that Ajax had a knack for seizing opportunities and formulating plans, he also recognized the rascal's disturbing degree of rationality.

After the clash with Raditz, Piccolo had been intrigued by the fearlessness Ajax displayed and had discreetly eavesdropped on the subsequent conversation. Piccolo remains uncertain about the accuracy of Bulma's claim about everyone "dancing on the palm of Ajax's hands," as he doesn't know enough about the brat to say much.

However, one thing he is certain of is that Ajax had spouted pure bullshit about his ignorance of the Special Beam Cannon being a piercing attack. He isn't sure why Ajax chose to tell such a blatant falsehood to his friends, and he opts not to dwell too deeply on the probably disturbing implications. Right now, the Saiyans are the more pressing threat, and after this, they'll be enemies again, so it will no longer be his concern.

That aside, Piccolo recognizes that there is the possibility that, like any strategic thinker, the brat may have assessed the strength of the impending invader and deemed the odds unfavorable. He can totally envision the youngster opting for a strategic retreat rather than confronting the Saiyans head-on.

"There's a chance he chose to retreat," Piccolo voiced his contemplation aloud.

"Do not insult the integrity of my pupil's character. He won't buckle from something like this." Tien snapped back, visibly bristling at the insinuation about Ajax. Tien's eyes narrowed as he shot a nasty glare at Piccolo. "And don't underestimate him."

At that, Nappa clapped his hands loudly, interrupting the conversation.