Chapter 39 – Nappa, the Saiyan Juggernaut

Nappa's imposing figure concealed the tremendous power contained within him as he advanced confidently with deceptive grace. With purposeful strides, he started a series of arm rotations, loosening his shoulders in anticipation of the impending battle.

A dangerous smile spread across Nappa's face, exposing a set of perfectly straight teeth.

"Just to let you know, my battle power stands at 5,500, so you're all too weak to take me on." Nappa declared casually. Then, with a devil-may-care attitude, he cracked his neck, the resounding pops echoing loudly in the ears of the Z Fighters. "This will be no fun if I were to go all out, so I'll grant you all a handicap. I'll restrict myself to melee attacks only, no energy blasts, how's that?"

Despite the demeaning declaration, none of the Z Fighters voiced their objections, the recent demise of Yamcha still casting a dark shadow over them. They have dedicated an entire year to preparing for Nappa, but his power still dwarfed their own despite their tireless efforts to bridge the gap. A sense of unease, tinged with apprehension, crept through the Z Fighters.

Nappa's Ki surged around him ominously as he took another step forward. The very earth beneath Nappa groaned as he unleashed his power, the maelstrom of energy released creating small cracks that snaked across the ground.

As tension intensified, Nappa's gaze picked out Gohan from the small crowd, addressing him:

"Hey kid, stay put and watch closely, alright? I'm about to demonstrate the philosophy of combat, step by step, just as I instructed Raditz. And Vegeta too, I suppose." Nappa paused, as though contemplating his next words. "I'll exercise some restraint to make commentary on their mistakes, so be sure to keep an eye out for those. There'll be a practical exam after I'm done with these chucklef*cks, so be ready."

Unsure of the situation, Gohan's eyes sought validation from Piccolo and received a subtle nod in return.

Gohan's eyes twitched. Well, that's unhelpful. He can probably interpret that nod at least three different ways on the top of his head given the current situation. But he's going to tentatively interpret that as Mr. Piccolo permitting him to sit this one out. And, maybe, perhaps, possibly join in at an opportune moment. Gohan nodded hesitantly to Nappa's and Piccolo's instructions, due to a lack of a better response.

After confirming Gohan's affirmation, Nappa made the universal "bring it on" gesture, mirroring the gesture Yamcha made against the Saibaman. Nappa's eyes flickered between his opponents, dissecting their stances and searching for the weak link among them.

The first to move was Chiaotzu, spearheading the offensive by once again taking an aerial approach. He detached from the group and ascended into the sky, a Dodon Ray already in his outstretched hand.

On the battlefield below, the remaining Z Fighters tensed their muscles like tightly wounded springs, before launching into battle in a synchronized assault against the stationary Nappa. The first few exchanges were absolute chaos, a flurry of movement and limbs. Punches were hurled with full force, ki blasts streaked across the battlefield like bolts of lightning, and the clash of firsts vibrated through the air.

However, Nappa remained unwavering. His responses were swift, almost supernatural, as he adeptly parried the barrage of attacks with minimal effort. Limbs poised for strikes were redirected, Ki blasts that sought to breach his defenses dissipated futilely against him, and even the rare attacks that landed did minimal damage to the Saiyan juggernaut.

Nappa's defenses seemed impenetrable.

Throughout the chaotic start, Chiaotzu provided aerial support, expertly showering the battlefield with Dodon Rays. Each beam navigated through the chaos with remarkable accuracy, avoiding harm to his allies while finding its mark on Nappa. At the same time, blue light surrounded Chiaotzu as he utilized his telekinesis to impede Nappa's movements while attempting to twist the Saiyan General's neck.

To Chiaotzu's shock, Nappa was largely unfazed by his interference. Each Dodon Ray, meticulously aimed and skillfully fired, merely scorched the surface of Nappa's armor and his formidable skin. The telekinetic force enveloping the Saiyan General seemed to have little effect on slowing him down, and Nappa's neck remained resolutely immovable despite Chiaotzu's best attempts.

That being said, Nappa's lack of visible response to the interference did not imply that he was not aware of it. In fact, he was acutely aware of the interference because the telekinesis was actually significantly hindering his movements. Without these impediments, he could effortlessly dismantle the trio confronting him, and the fact that he was being kept from doing so genuinely grated on his nerves.

"Good aim with those blasts, midget! I'm going to deal with you first because you're damn annoying!" Nappa managed to shout through the chaos, his voice booming even as he ducked and weaved through the onslaught of three different attackers.

Nappa frowned as an unexpected punch slammed into his face immediately after his shout. The blows didn't hurt too much, and he wasn't taking a whole lot of damage from it either; those didn't concern him. Instead, what concerned him was the image of his perceived invincibility. He had a reputation to maintain and a kid to impress, but he wasn't going to achieve either if he was buried beneath these feeble attacks.

Nappa knew he could swiftly put an end to this skirmish, crush his adversaries' advances, and effortlessly claim their lives. Easily, in fact. He has a million and one different ways to do so. However, he was not here to just win. He was here to impart the wisdom of Saiyan combat to Gohan, and to accomplish that adequately, he needed to engage them one-on-one for an optimal showcase of his lessons.

And for that, he needs distance.

"Explosive Breath Cannon!" Piccolo roared, unleashing from his mouth a surge of energy that coalesced into a powerful beam.

Nappa casually sidestepped the blast, watching the energy beam soar past him and detonate in the distance. Hey, he has one of those moves too. What do you know, in addition to being a shit teacher, the Namekian is a copycat too.

"Don't announce your attacks like a dumbass unless you're certain they'll connect, Namekian! You're not in the Ginyu Force, you donkey!"

Seizing the momentary lull from the blast, Nappa bellowed, projecting his energy outward to generate an explosive release of force. The surging energy propelled the Z Fighters away from him, scattering them across the battlefield like fallen leaves in the gust of wind.

For once freed of his enemies, Nappa flexed his colossal thighs, the muscles within them tensing like coiled springs. A spider-web of cracks expanded outward as Nappa catapulted himself with explosive acceleration into the air directly at Chiaotzu.

Chiaotzu panicked, his small frame becoming a blur as he frantically backpedaled desperately through the air, unleashing Dodon Rays at Nappa in rapid succession. The beams of energy sliced through the atmosphere in a desperate attempt to halt the approaching juggernaut. However, to Chiaotzu's dismay, Nappa did not even bother to defend himself, instead rushing straight through at a breakneck speed and ignoring every attack thrown his way.

Chiaotzu's eyes widened in disbelief as his attacks bounced off Nappa harmlessly as if they were mere ping-pong balls. As his Dodon Rays fizzled out, their luminous trails dissipating like dying embers, so did his hope. It was too late for him to do anything else, for Nappa had already closed the distance and arrived before him.

"I told you I'll take you out first."

Nappa swung his colossal arms forward, harnessing the entirety of his momentum, and executed a classic clothesline that slammed into Chiaotzu's chest with bone-crushing force. Nappa could both hear and feel something break as the midget was sent hurtling backward, soaring through the air like a ragdoll.

The ground trembled upon Chiaotzu's impact in the distance, the collision creating a cloud of dust and debris that hung in the air.

Nappa has a feeling that the little guy won't be rejoining the battle anytime soon.

Descending with calculated precision, Nappa crashed into the ground near Gohan, his boots meeting the earth with a harsh thud. Paying little heed to the distant shouts of 'Chiaotzu!,' he raised a single finger, pointing straight upwards, exactly like a patient schoolteacher teaching a lesson.

"The lessons might be a bit out of order, kid, given the chaotic nature of this battle and all—" Nappa suddenly ducked as Krillin sailed over his head, the earthling warrior's flying kick narrowly missing its target. Unfazed, Nappa continued without missing a beat. "—and don't be like that idiot. Flying kicks are almost always an invitation for your opponent to beat your ass."

Nappa ignored the defiant "screw you!" echoing in the distance, presumably from the same bald idiot who had just flown over his head.

"So, kid, Lesson One–Deflect. It's about knowing when to dodge and when to block!" Amidst his instructive words, Nappa found himself forced to reengage with both Tien and Piccolo. The two warriors, grasping the chance, had dashed in to confront the Saiyan juggernaut. Unfortunately for their pride, Nappa still had the leeway to continue his lesson. "This normally doesn't need to be explicitly taught, but we will this time because the Namekian screwed it up!"

Piccolo's scowl deepened, his features contorting with anger at the insult hurled his way. He immediately retaliated, punching Nappa in the face. It dealt no damage.

Nappa gleefully punched Piccolo back. He watched with satisfaction as his punch sent the Namekian hurtling through the air. Nappa pressed on with his lesson, refusing to be interrupted.

"If you find yourself evenly matched with your enemy, Gohan, then mere evasion won't cut it! Do not JUST dodge their melee attacks! Dodging by itself allows the enemy to maintain their rhythm and seize control of the battle's pace. Instead, deflect! Deflections introduce deviations, and those deviations create opportunities."

Engaging Tien, Nappa showcased his lesson, deflecting oncoming attacks with a precision that bordered on being art. "When your enemy loses their rhythm, that's when you seize control!"

In a seamless continuation of the lesson, Nappa demonstrated the practical application of his teachings by deflecting one of Tien's strikes and simultaneously pulling Tien's arm downward in an unexpected motion, forcing the Earthling off balance. Nappa immediately shifted gears, transitioning from a defensive stance to a relentless offensive onslaught while picking up the pace of the melee significantly. Tien scrambled to block the rapid succession of blows.

"And when they panic or overextend, that's when you capitalize on their mistake and punish them for it!"

Nappa's words foreshadowed the imminent conclusion of the lesson as Tien, greatly rushed by the accelerated pace, committed a mistake. In that moment of vulnerability, Nappa seized the opportunity with ruthless efficiency, delivering a brutal knee to Tien's stomach. Tien practically folded in half from the impact, the air escaping his lungs in a gasp of pain before the strike propelled him through the air on a collision course with a distant rock pillar.

Having concluded his demonstration with Tien, Nappa turned his attention toward Gohan.

Suddenly, Nappa's sharpened instincts, honed by years of combat experience, screamed at him to move, and he trusted them without hesitation—a split-second decision that had him twisting in the air. A fraction of a moment later, a menacing yellow-spinning disk hurtled through the space he had stood just moments before. Nappa watched as the disk continued on its trajectory, spinning into the distance and slicing a rock formation in its path cleanly in half. Oh shit.

"Alright, kid, I almost died there, but that's Lesson Three–Situational Awareness. Stay vigilant and be wary of sneak attacks!"

Krillin, more than a little annoyed, surged forward toward Nappa, fist brightly aglow with infused Ki. His resolve and anger were palpable as he shouted, "Shut up! I'm not your teaching material! And this one's for Yamcha!"

Krillin's determination to avenge Yamcha's earlier demise materialized in a full-powered body strike, one of the most powerful physical blows he had unleashed in this battle. The air vibrated as Krillin's punch landed squarely on Nappa's chest, an explosive fusion of energy and force that converged into a single moment.

Nappa didn't budge an inch.

A strangled gasp clawed its way out of Krillin's throat as he witnessed the cruelty of reality. In a sudden and stark realization, Krillin became acutely aware of his proximity to an unscathed Nappa. His face paled as the implications of his actions settled in.

"Oh nooo..." Krillin exhaled breathlessly.

"Don't charge in screaming, you imbecile!" Nappa backhanded Krillin in the face with a powerful strike, the sheer force sending the martial artist forcefully into a nearby rock pillar. A bellowing roar echoed after Krillin as he soared away. "And nobody can tell me to shut up except Vegeta!"

Nappa lowered his gaze to his blood-stained fist, staring at it, before casting a critical eye at the motionless Krillin a few rock pillars away. Oof, he might have hit the bald one a tad too hard. He is not sure if that one could muster the strength to stand up again before the battle ends.

The stupid suicidal charge aside, Nappa had to acknowledge his begrudging admiration for the bald idiot's energy frisbee, and as far as Nappa was concerned, it's been a hot minute since he'd been impressed by anything. That energy sawblade has proved itself to be genuinely intimidating, and in the right hands, could be absolutely lethal.

Nappa nodded to himself. He's made his decision: he's going to reverse engineer that attack and steal it. It'll be a fantastic addition to his arsenal and a spectacular finishing move.

Nappa's sharp eyes swept across the battlefield, assessing the aftermath of the clashes and taking stock of the locations and conditions of his adversaries. The small midget hadn't reappeared, so his clothesline must have really broken something important. The bald one had just landed in the rock pillar and wasn't showing any signs for a round two. Three-eyes was still digging himself from the debris, but the Namekian seemed to have recovered and was ready for seconds. Nappa had identified his next target.

"Lesson Two is 'Fight Smart, Not Hard!'" Nappa's voice carried clearly to Gohan. "A less forceful attack at a strategic time is more effective than a full-on assault when the enemy is on high alert!"

In the blink of an eye, Nappa blurred into action, his figure streaking towards Piccolo. The two warriors met in the middle of the battlefield, sending shockwaves rippling through the air as their bodies collided with raw physical power.

Nappa wasted no time in unleashing a brutal combination of attacks. Each of his fists glowed with energy as his fists pounded at Piccolo, forcing the Namekian warrior into a defensive stance. Piccolo braced himself against the onslaught, teeth gritting at the strikes.

However, Piccolo was no slouch either. Though he raised his arms to block the relentless attacks, wincing at each impact, his eyes remained sharp, searching for an opportunity to counterattack.

In a sudden move, Nappa kicked out Piccolo's knees, causing Piccolo to stumble momentarily. Jumping on the opening, Nappa deliberately cut off his energy flow before gripping Piccolo's head in a vice-like hold, his fingers digging into his enemy's green skin. Then, recalling Gohan's tailless state, Nappa proceeded to ruthlessly smash Piccolo's head into the unforgiving ground. The impacts echoed through the battlefield—once, twice, and three times.

Nappa concluded his combination with a final, unenhanced uppercut executed with picture-perfect form. The impact of the uppercut propelled Piccolo backward in a textbook parabolic arc, with Piccolo landing with a loud thud.

Nappa's attention shifted to Gohan once again, who was rather distant. Nappa projected his voice, shouting across the battlefield.

"See that? Fight smart, not hard! Those last four unenhanced strikes packed more punch than the entirety of my energy-enhanced combination combined!"