Chapter 43 – Clash of Juggernauts

Nappa's muscles rippled beneath his battle-worn armor as his massive form emerged from the wreckage he had wrought. With a mighty heave, he tossed aside the pile of rocks that had buried him, the larger boulders shattering as they met the unforgiving ground.

Shaking his head vigorously to dispel the lingering dust, Nappa's fierce gaze scanned the battlefield in pursuit of the mysterious newcomer. Despite the dust that surrounded him, Nappa's focus zeroed in on the unmoving figure that had dared to challenge him. The newcomer stood resolute like a sentinel, staring at him from hundreds of meters away.

At this moment, Nappa's scouter, already bearing signs of wear and tear, fought to maintain its functionality. The fractured device briefly displayed a distorted number before succumbing to the damage and fading into darkness.


A feral grin lit up Nappa's face as he swiftly, almost casually, tore the broken scouter from his ear. His grin widened as the device crumpled in his formidable grip, its metal and wires giving way to his sheer strength. In a burst of explosive energy, the rocks surrounding Nappa shattered into a cloud of dust and fragments. Now freed from the debris that had briefly confined him, Nappa stalked forth with an almost predatory grace.

Meanwhile, Ajax watched impassively as Nappa picked himself up and blurred through the air like a flickering apparition. Even as Nappa abruptly materialized a single foot before him, Ajax stood unyielding, undaunted by the sudden proximity of his adversary.

The battlefield seemed to hold its breath as the two formidable forces locked eyes. Nappa had nothing but unbridled enthusiasm for the impending battle on his face. In contrast, Ajax met the Saiyan's gaze with a calm intensity, neither flinching nor betraying any hint of emotion.

"That was an impressive strike, pipsqueak. I might even feel that the next day!" Nappa's voice boomed, carrying just a hint of gruff approval. The Saiyan General appeared almost invigorated by the exchange, cracking his neck with an audible pop as his eyes gleamed with a feral intensity from the thrill of combat. "But next time, don't bend your knees. You're reducing the momentum of your kick."

Okay, Ajax just had to comment on that. Of course, he already knew this Nappa was different, but the disparity this time was quite substantial! What is he, a variant or something? The Nappa in Ajax's recollections had been characterized by great aggression and not-so-great intelligence—a brute, to put it bluntly.

The acknowledgment of his blow implied this Nappa was less self-centered, and the imparted wisdom on combat technique suggested a depth to his character that surpassed his one-dimensional portrayal in canon. Interesting. Ajax rapidly cataloged this new information into his mental assessment of Nappa.

The shift in Nappa's strength also did not escape Ajax's notice. This iteration wielded power slightly below five times that of Raditz, a notable increase from just above three times as depicted in canon. Now, that is disturbing. However, this enhanced strength does explain the predicament of the Z Fighters. As per Ajax's Ki sense, they were alive but incapacitated, and thus unable to actively contribute to the ongoing battle. It seemed he might have to expend more Senzu than he had thought to restore them. Darn it.

Also, what the hell happened to Nappa's mustache?

Outwardly, even as all those thoughts flashed through his mind, Ajax simply inclined his head in acknowledgment of Nappa's advice.

"Thank you, I'll keep that in mind."

With that momentary verbal exchange concluded, the brief interlude of camaraderie dissolved as the weight of their respective power intensified. The atmosphere between Nappa and Ajax underwent a staggering shift as cordiality was thrown out of the window.

Ajax ascended into the air, levitating just enough to position himself at eye level with Nappa. Separated by a mere foot, Ajax and Nappa's eyes met in absolute silence even as the tension between them intensified.

Without warning, Nappa bellowed a primal proclamation of power, and his colossal fist transformed into a lethal blur as it hurtled toward Ajax's face. The punch contained the entirety of Nappa's monstrous strength, a force derived from harnessing every sinew of his frame. It moved at a speed far beyond the limits of normal perception and was capable of overwhelming even the reflexes of the other Z Fighters. It was a truly tyrannical punch that transcended any physical attack unleashed in the battle thus far.

Nappa's unrestrained fist collided with Ajax's cheek in a thunderous boom. The shockwave from the impact rippled outward, triggering a violent explosion of dust that engulfed the immediate vicinity. The ground crumbled and small fissures shot through the earth for tens of feet in every direction from the blow.

Nappa grinned with satisfaction as he felt his punch connecting. Game over.

However, reality said otherwise. Despite the fearsome power packed into the punch, the impact barely managed to shift the position of Ajax's face by a few inches. Nappa's eyes widened in disbelief as Ajax, seemingly utterly unfazed, pushed against his hand. Slowly and deliberately, Ajax straightened his head back to its original position, Nappa's meaty fist still pressed against his cheek.

Ajax's gaze, cool and unperturbed, met Nappa's widened and astonished eyes head-on.

In one seamless motion, Ajax twisted his body, unleashing a full-body punch of his own that cleaved through the air like a comet. His punch struck Nappa's cheek with an equally thunderous impact, creating another violent explosion of dust while the earth beneath them cracked even further under the force of the devastating blow.

Nappa's head violently jerked from the force of the punch. The Saiyan General stumbled and started to collapse, but almost instantly, he managed to find his balance with an awkward step. Although he swiftly regained his composure, it was evident that, for a fleeting moment, he had been overwhelmed by the attack. Slightly embarrassed and refusing to be outdone, Nappa forcefully returned his head back to its original position as well.

As the dust settled, Ajax and Nappa remained entangled in a fierce standoff as their respective fists pushed against the other's face. An unspoken understanding passed between Nappa and Ajax before they slowly lowered their fists simultaneously.

Nappa started to laugh as he turned his head to shout across the desolate landscape toward Vegeta.

"Hey, Vegeta! This one's a mutant like Recoome! He can dish out and take punishment well beyond his power level and keep going!"

"F*ck Recoome, I've warned you to never say his name in my presence!" Vegeta's scowl deepened as Nappa's word stirred unwelcome memories, and he snapped back his response with an unusually distinct irritation.

"You've got a point. I'm still trying to purge the memory of those last few 'advances' he made on us. His tastes are just too abnormal." Nappa gagged a bit.

"I told you to shut up, Nappa!"

Orders received, Nappa refocused on Ajax, suddenly realizing he had been ignoring his opponent for the past few seconds.

"Your physical prowess is absolutely phenomenal, Pipsqueak! It FAR surpasses what your power level would imply for it to be. I'm genuinely impressed! How do you train?" Nappa conceded his grudging admiration. The gap between Ajax's power level and the sheer physical might he exhibited in combat was astonishing, but for the life of him, Nappa couldn't figure out how this was achieved.

"Push-ups, sit-ups, and too much Habaneros. All courtesy of a very sadistic instructor." Ajax replied blandly.

Surprisingly enough, that was a completely accurate statement. Tien, with his mastery over a diverse array of abilities, had instilled in him the techniques that formed the foundation of his combat skills. Kami, his direct mentor, had single-handedly shaped Ajax's proficiency in Ki Manipulation. But, physical prowess? Other than the helping hand Kami gave with density manipulation and his innate ability as the foundation, the credit for all that fell to Mr. Popo, that crazy son-of-a-bitch.

Nappa threw his head back, laughing deep and heartily at the evasive non-answer.

"Fair enough! But did you know, pipsqueak? You fight like a Saiyan!" Nappa declared with a crazed grin stretching across his face once more.

"Thank you...?" Unfortunately, Ajax had no idea what that meant. After all, he had done a grand total of two things in this battle so far.

"Introductions!" Nappa roared with enthusiasm. "I am Nappa, the Commander General of the Saiyan Forces. Tell me your name, warrior!"

"It's Ajax." Ajax then tilted his head, attempting to assign an appropriate title to himself. "Student of— no... representative of Kami?"

"Haha! God, eh? A lofty title! Well met, Ajax!" Nappa clenched his hands into fists as he assumed his combat stance, one hand at his waist and the other extended in front of him. "Alright, let's do this! Make my blood sing!"

In the blink of an eye, Nappa's fist crashed towards Ajax with the same blistering speed as his previous strike. This time, however, Ajax was ready. His own fists slammed into Nappa's, the impact creating a small but compact blast of air that dispersed dust and debris in all directions. In the center of the collision, both combatants stood firm, unperturbed by the dust around them. Nappa, undeterred by the resistance, threw another punch. Ajax countered it with the same disciplined grace, then another, then another.

Dirt erupted in chaotic bursts as the blurring fists of the two unmoving fighters collided against each other. The very Earth beneath them, unable to withstand the force of their monumental strength, cracked and ruptured into a tempest of debris as if struck by an invisible force.

Across the battlefield, Erason, who had maintained an ongoing commentary throughout the broadcast, found himself speechless. His eyes were blown wide open in sheer awe as he witnessed the titanic clash before him. As they moved, both fighters had turned into an indistinct blur as they clashed at a velocity far beyond what the normal human eye—and even their cameras—can capture. Was this even a fight among mortals? It can't be! This must be a clash between gods!

For Erason, it might as well be. Through the air and across the ground, Nappa and Ajax left behind a path of chaos in their wake like the very forces of nature. Rocks shattered into fragments, craters formed with every impact, and the air pressure from their high-speed clashes can be heard throughout the battlefield.

Nappa just couldn't stop his grin from expanding as Ajax's knees connected with his face, the exhilaration of genuine combat coursing through him. This was no longer a one-sided beatdown; this was an actual exchange of blows, a bona fide test of strength and skill! Nappa felt the satisfying impact of his punch, only to be greeted with another, even stronger blow in response. How long had it been since he found himself evenly matched? Too many times Nappa had either found himself outclassing his opponents or be outclassed in turn.

After an extended duration of their aerial clash, it was ultimately Nappa who proved to possess superior combat skills. In a moment of strategic insight, Nappa forced Ajax to retreat several meters. Closing the distance, Nappa landed a double-handed hammer strike—a blow that sent Ajax plummeting into the wasteland below.

Nappa wasted no time continuing his assault. In a seamless follow-up, he descended with both feet and crashed into the exact spot where Ajax had landed.

To his surprise, Ajax was not there.

Nappa lacked the time to deduce Ajax's location as moments later, Ajax delivered a swift and unexpected knee strike. The blow landed squarely on Nappa's temple, causing him to skid and tumble across the battlefield, much like the other weaklings had not long ago.

Even while in involuntary flight, Nappa already knew without looking that Ajax was on the offensive, poised to rain down the next strike. He would expect nothing less. The exhilarating realization that he was truly being pushed to his limits brought a grin to Nappa's face. How fun! It's been such a long time since a native had pushed him to this extent and forced him to use this move. Time to kick it up a notch.

The air surrounding Nappa shimmered with energy as he silently invoked a move reserved for only the most formidable of adversaries.

'Stormforged Mantle!'

An aura of crackling electricity instantly erupted over Nappa's imposing frame, the intensity of the lightning intensifying with each surge of energy he infused into the technique.

The Stormforged Mantle, while not his signature move, undeniably ranked among Nappa's most prized techniques. The shroud of energy that enveloped him elevated him to his physical peak, enhancing not only his offensive capabilities but also his defenses. The electricity wasn't merely for display either—it zapped the ever-living shit out of anyone who dared to launch an attack or mount a defense against him.

Even Vegeta himself had to think twice before sparring with him when the Stormforged Mantle was involved. Although, to be fair, he's uncertain whether it was genuine hesitation on his Prince's part, or because Vegeta just doesn't want to deal with the post-spar static hair.

Regardless of what Vegeta thought, the reality remained that no native had succeeded in inflicting substantial harm on him after he busted out the Stormforged Mantle. They were either no longer capable of inflicting harm due to the immense augmentation of his defenses, or the relentless lightning from the Stormforged Mantle inflicted too much damage for them to fully commit to an attack. Now that he was using this move, Nappa was confident that the battle would conclude very soon.

Nappa righted himself mid-air, slowing down his velocity as he dug his feet and fingers into the ground, each limb carving a groove in the earth as he gradually came to a controlled stop. His eyes zeroed in on Ajax, rapidly approaching with impressive speed. The crimson-clad warrior showed no hesitation in the face of Nappa's electrified aura and was already extremely close. Unfortunately for him, the Nappa now was vastly different from the Nappa before. 

In the blink of an eye, Nappa unleashed a blistering haymaker that had killed enemies mightier than Ajax in the past. It was a strike so fast that most wouldn't even be able to register its movement. Nappa felt satisfaction as he pinpointed the exact point of impact with his now 1,000 IQ mind: the side of Ajax's head. With the Stormforged Mantle enhancing him, Nappa knew this full-force strike would utterly annihilate the skull in an instant. He knew that intimately.

Nappa watched in anticipation, glee within him mounting, as his electrified fist closed in on Ajax's head with unstoppable speed. He watched, almost in slow motion, as his haymaker sailed towards Ajax's head, then behind it, missing its intended target. …Wait what?

He missed?! There was no way he could have miscalculated the trajectory of his strike! He had honed his combat instincts through countless battles and such an error was just not possible! What happened?! For a moment, it felt like– like, the air itself had turned sticky or something!

Before Nappa could deduce whether that fleeting moment was a figment of his imagination, Ajax had already breached Nappa's guard, his fist pulsating with radiant white energy, and far too close for him to evade or block. Reality snapped back into focus as Nappa caught Ajax's mouth moving, presumably for the name of this attack. Ah, shit. If this attack was named, then Nappa knew it would hurt like hell.

"Pinpoint IMPACT!"

Ajax's fist slammed dead center into Nappa's face with devastating force, releasing an explosive burst of ki upon impact that amplified the already formidable strength of the strike. Such was the blow's power that an actual dome of displaced air dispersed outward, forming a visible shockwave that propagated through nearly half the battlefield.

And for the second time in this battle, Nappa was blasted backward with astonishing force, leaving behind in his wake a trail of displaced air and a streak of electrified energy.