Chapter 66* – Frieza is Where?! Doing What?!

~ Some Time After Leaving Earth: Planet Frieza 79 ~

As the green liquid within the healing tank drained away, it unveiled the figure of a naked man, his form gradually becoming visible through the glass. With a hiss, the med-pod doors slid open, allowing Vegeta to stride out onto the sleek metal floor. He shook his head briskly, droplets of residual fluid flying from his spiky hair.

Unfazed by his state of undress, Vegeta reached for a nearby towel to rid himself of the lingering moisture clinging to his skin. With efficiency, he briskly dried himself, the fabric rough against his skin but serving its purpose admirably.

Both he and Nappa had successfully navigated vast reaches of space to arrive at Planet Frieza 79 relatively unscathed, a mere week or so after their disastrous trip to Earth.

Their arrival was met with a lack of resistance or suspicion. Thankfully, it appeared that Frieza remained blissfully unaware of their unauthorized detour to Earth, their actions likely unnoticed amidst the vast bureaucracy of the empire. They were treated no differently than before and were given access to the planet's resources and facilities without question.

It was as if their brief journey to Earth had never happened.

With a soft hiss, the sleek doors to the room slid open, admitting a shaft of harsh light into the somewhat dimly lit chamber.

Without warning, a set of armor hurtled through the air, only to be effortlessly snatched from its trajectory by Vegeta's outstretched hand without so much as a glance in its direction.

Vegeta's gaze flickered towards the doorway, where Nappa leaned against the doorframe with casual ease.

"You finally done, Vegeta?" Nappa taunted his prince playfully. "I managed to squeeze in a ton of training while waiting for your slow ass."

Vegeta rolled his eyes in response, having long been accustomed to Nappa's jests. Nappa was well aware of the healing duration, as the machines were quite accurate at estimating it. Or how else could Nappa have timed his entrance so perfectly?

Choosing not to dignify Nappa's teasing with a verbal response, Vegeta focused instead on donning the new armor that now lay in his hands.

"Any complications, Nappa?"

Nappa shook his head, a grin spreading as he responded casually.

"Nope. Business as usual. Other than bothersome questions about why we got our asses handed to us on a low-ranking planet, it seemed like no one knew what happened."

Vegeta's lips curled into a smirk at Nappa's report. It was precisely the outcome he had anticipated, thanks to his foresight and strategic planning. He had taken precautions, like disabling external communications on their scouters, to ensure that their unauthorized excursion to Earth remained clandestine.

With their scouters deprived of the ability to transmit their whereabouts or intentions, they had effectively vanished from Frieza's radar, becoming ghosts.

The Saiyan prince understood all too well the implications of their actions. If Frieza had even the slightest inkling that the key to immortality was within reach, then that lizard would've undoubtedly greeted them personally to extract that knowledge from them, using whatever creative methods of torture or coercion necessary.

But Vegeta refused to be caught lacking. After all, he had spent years learning to navigate the treacherous currents of the Cold Empire with his cunning. However, the game was far from over, and as long as Frieza remained a threat, he would continue to walk the razor's edge between survival and annihilation.

Vegeta put the finishing touches on his armor, the final pieces clicking into place with a satisfying snap. He cast a sidelong glance at Nappa.

"Let's move. It'll be business as usual for now. Once we become stronger, we take a trip to Namek, then, I will have my rematch with Kakarot."

Without waiting for a response, Vegeta set off at a brisk pace, his movements fluid and confident as he navigated the labyrinthine corridors of the sprawling complex with great familiarity.

As he walked, Vegeta's mind raced with thoughts of his next moves, fueled by the burning desire to claim his rightful place as the greatest Saiyan warrior the universe had ever known. He needed an extermination mission, or a combat mission, or any mission that allowed him to push himself to his limits and above Kakarot.

Vegeta's scowl deepened, his brows furrowing with undisguised self-disdain as he replayed the humiliating outcome on Earth in his mind. How could he, the proud Saiyan Prince, allow himself to be brought so low by such insignificant beings? Vegeta could tolerate a defeat from a worthy adversary within reason, but he refused to accept it from those weaker than himself!

And so, the memory of his retreat with his tail between his legs burned like acid in his veins.

Ah, that's right. He doesn't have it anymore.

The mere thought of his tail's absence ignited a primal fury within him, a familiar surge of raw and irrational rage. Vegeta's jaw clenched, his teeth grinding together with a sound akin to stone against stone at the reminder of his humiliation.

With a herculean effort, Vegeta forced himself to regain control, quelling the flames of his fury to a simmering boil and concealing the telltale signs of his inner rage behind a mask of icy composure.

Though he had lost his trump card—the ability to transform into the fearsome Oozaru—he may have gained something even greater in return.

Vegeta concentrated, and the world unfolded before him like a grimoire before a sorcerer. Beneath his skin, he felt the thrum of his massive energy, coiling beneath like liquid fire. Behind him, Nappa's signature resonated with lesser intensity.

Vegeta expanded his senses, unfurling his energy outward, allowing them to touch upon the world around him. He could sense the presence of Frieza Force soldiers bustling in a hallway out of sight. He could detect the energy of what must be Cui from the cafeteria.

A rush of adrenaline surged through Vegeta, sharpening his awareness to a state of almost euphoric clarity. He still couldn't get over how omniscient this new sense made him feel. He felt like a god, perched upon a throne, gazing down upon the world, everywhere, all at once, regardless of distance or obstacles.

"So, uhh..." Nappa began tentatively, his words faltering slightly. "Didn't you say it was business as usual? Cause we just missed the turn to the cafeteria."

Vegeta's concentration shattered as Nappa's voice reached him, dragging him back to the present with an abrupt jolt. Vegeta's brow creased in irritation, and he turned to face his companion, a hint of impatience flashing in his eyes.

"Cui is there," he replied tersely.

"Oh," Nappa winced, memories of his time on his porcelain throne surfacing. "Did you sense him with that new sixth sense of yours? Uh–Ki sense, the Earthlings called it, right?"

Don't ask questions you already know the answer to," Vegeta snapped as he veered sharply to the left, correcting their course. "How is your progress on it? I expect you to finish learning it within the week."

"Well, it's going… kind of…"

Vegeta shot Nappa a withering glare at the admission of failure.

Nappa's hand instinctively rose to scratch his head at Vegeta's look, even though there was nothing there for him to scratch. He couldn't help but feel a pang of embarrassment at his slow progress.

But despite his best efforts, all he encountered was a murky, indistinct haze that left him feeling disoriented and frustrated. At this point, it seemed more like a distraction than a useful skill, though he knew that wasn't the case from Vegeta's experience.

Before Nappa could give any explanation, their journey was abruptly halted as they arrived at their destination: the Missions Office.

Without hesitation, Vegeta strode to the front desk, his every movement radiating authority and command. Upon arriving, he barked an order to the nervous blue-skinned receptionist.

"Give me the highest-leveled planetary extermination mission currently available."

The receptionist, intimidated by the forcefulness of Vegeta's command, hesitated for a moment before nodding rapidly. She quickly accessed the mission database, her fingers flying across the keyboard as she searched for the most challenging assignment currently available.

But despite her best efforts, it quickly became apparent that something was amiss. A nervous silence settled over the receptionist as she paused, her expression growing increasingly anxious with each passing moment.

"Uhh, Vegeta, sir?" she stammered, her voice trembling with apprehension. "It appears you currently have an active mission that prohibits me from assigning any additional missions to you."

Vegeta frowned at the unexpected obstacle. This was abnormal.

As one of Frieza's most elite strike force Captains, he wielded considerable influence within the ranks of the Frieza Force, his word law to those beneath him in the chain of command. Few individuals within the Frieza Force could challenge his authority, and even fewer possessed the power to override it—only Zarbon, Ginyu, and Jeice, really.

Of course, any member of the Cold family could as well, but King Cold and Cooler rarely involved themselves in the matters of the Frieza Force, their attention usually diverted elsewhere. Frieza, on the other hand, always made his orders known through Zarbon.

Vegeta narrowed his eyes. Had that Namekian warlord managed to 'liberate' a planet from the empire, forcing Zarbon to issue a call to arms on all elite operatives to quell the insurrection? Or was it something... worse?

The stone in the pit of Vegeta's stomach grew heavier as a surge of energy alerted him to an incoming signature.

"What about me?" Nappa's voice interjected beside Vegeta.

The receptionist, noticeably more at ease in Nappa's presence, swiftly accessed his file. Her brow furrowed in concentration as she scanned the information on the screen.

"It's the same for you, Nappa, sir."

"That's probably because of little ol' me." A new voice loudly introduced itself, causing all heads to snap toward the source of the disturbance. Cui swaggered into the room with all the arrogance of an emperor, his gaze fixed squarely on Vegeta as if daring the Saiyan prince to challenge him.

"What? No warm welcome for your old pal, Vegeta?" he jeered, sarcasm oozing from every word. "Or are you avoiding me to save face after getting your ass handed to you on a silver platter on some primitive planet?"

"Get to the point," Vegeta said, his voice low and dangerous. He had no patience for Cui's bullshit.

"A little respect for your superior wouldn't hurt, Vegeta. I've grown stronger since our last encounter. I'm now over 19,000!" Cui said, sneering his words. With a dramatic flourish, he activated his scouter, the device emitting a faint beep as it registered the energy readings. "Hmm, and… you're still the same old 18,000. How... disappointing Vegeta."

Cui had expected a reaction from Vegeta, perhaps a flash of shock, a flicker of rage, or even a hint of hesitance. But to his disappointment, the Saiyan prince's expression remained stoic and unmoving like sculpted marble.

Instead, Vegeta regarded Cui with icy detachment as though assessing Cui's very existence and finding it wanting.

A shiver raced down Cui's spine, an involuntary reaction to the sensation of being scrutinized as though he were prey. Except he wasn't observed by a predator–it was just Vegeta. Irritated by both Vegeta's intensity and his reaction to said intensity, Cui redirected his attention to Nappa, aiming his scouter in the bulky Saiyan's direction.

"Nappa, you sly dog! You've gotta tell me what brand of milk you're swigging because you're almost at 13,000! Would you like a cookie for a job well done? It might pair well with whatever steroid you're mixing into that milk of yours."

Nappa eyed Cui with cool dispassion. "Go screw yourself and your goddamn cookies."

Silence reigned for a moment before Cui's mocking facade began to slowly fracture, his expression giving way to raw anger as his pride was stung twice in quick succession.

As his rival, tolerating Vegeta's scorn was one thing, but from Nappa?

"Who the fuck do you think you are?! Now that either of you has your tails, you've downgraded to trash! And let me make something clear—I'm your commanding officer on the next mission, so I suggest you watch your damn mouth!"

"Holy shit, Zarbon must've been high on some real mind-bending stuff if he thinks Vegeta and I would take orders from a dishonorable asshole like you," Nappa shot back, his gaze locking challengingly onto Cui's.

Cui's response was a deliberately drawn-out, smug laugh that filled the room, the sound grating on everyone's nerves.

"Well, the joke's on you. I'm the commanding officer for our upcoming mission to Namek."

Both Vegeta and Nappa froze simultaneously.

The implication of Cui's revelation hung above them like a guillotine.

Vegeta felt his blood run cold at the mention of Namek, his mind flooding with countless questions and conjectures. Slowly, he turned his head to face Cui, his eyes piercing the alien with intense scrutiny.

"Namek? What are the mission parameters?" he demanded, his voice sharp and clipped. There was a dangerous undertone to his voice, a barely contained rage that simmered beneath the surface like a volcano on the brink of eruption.

"Scouting," Cui responded, the word escaping his lips with a faint tremor as he took an involuntary back, unnerved by the intensity of Vegeta's gaze.

"Scouting for what?!" Vegeta growled low and menacing, his patience hanging by a thread.

"How the fuck should I know?! That's why we're fucking scouting it!" Cui snapped, defensive and embarrassed. He was clearly rattled by Vegeta's unrelenting scrutiny, but he refused to show weakness to his rival.

But Vegeta had already dismissed Cui from his mind. The details of the mission, as relayed by Cui, held little significance. Cui was ignorant of the mastermind's true designs, merely a pawn at play in a much grander game—a messenger bearing both a taunt and an invitation wrapped in one.

"Goddamn it!" Vegeta cursed under his breath. "How did that fucking lizard find out?!"

Soon enough, the pieces of the puzzle fell into place with increasing speed, each realization more alarming than the last. Somehow, Frieza had caught wind of their journey to Earth, and with it, the tantalizing prospect of immortality on Namek. There was no doubt in Vegeta's mind that Frieza was already en route to Namek, the tyrant's cold, calculating mind fixated on seizing eternal life for himself.

A wave of panic washed over Vegeta. He could not, under any circumstances, allow Frieza to achieve his goal. Immortality in Frieza's hand would spell doom for any attempt at rebellion, forever dashing any hope of dethroning the tyrant once and for all.

Vegeta's mind churned out strategies and contingencies at maximum speed, each more desperate than the last. He had to reach Namek, to outmaneuver Frieza and claim the Dragon Balls for himself before it was too late. Failure was not an option; the stakes were just too high.

"Nappa, drop everything! We're leaving for Namek right now!" Vegeta commanded urgently.

Nappa didn't need to be told twice. His muscles coiled with anticipation, and without another word, both Saiyans exploded into motion. They vanished from the room in a blur of speed, leaving chaos in their wake. Desks were blown aside, tables overturned, and a flurry of papers filled the air, fluttering down like snowflakes.

For a moment, Cui stood frozen, his mind struggling to process the sudden turn of events. Shock quickly morphed into fury, his features twisting with rage as he realized that he had been left behind.

He had realized by now that there were more at play than he had initially understood, but none of that mattered. He could not allow Vegeta and Nappa to gain the upper hand as they pleased!

With a snarl of rage, Cui sprang into action, his form blurring as he took off in pursuit.


DBA Corner: Zenkai

So, Zenkai— another one of those topics no one seems to agree on. Universally speaking, Zenkai is known as a biological process where a Saiyan becomes more powerful after recovering from a near-death experience. That remains unchanged. DB Alternative won't redefine what Zenkai is but will impose some rules on it. This is because, in DBA, Zenkai isn't a convenient plot device to be abused but a real biological characteristic unique to Saiyans.

Once again, this is my headcanon and deductions, applicable only to DBA. As with all DBA Corners, if you dig into the source material deep enough, you might find some examples where Canon disagrees. But let's be honest, Canon can be pretty inconsistent sometimes.

Number 1:

Zenkai manifests only when a Saiyan's body perceives a genuine threat of death AND is brought to the brink of it. If the Saiyan truly believes they are going to die, their brain commands the body to release the required chemicals, such as adrenaline or whatever else, to reflect that. This mechanism is what determines whether a Zenkai would occur.

If a Saiyan is beaten half to death during training but knows there's no actual threat of dying, Zenkai would NOT apply. Conversely, if a Saiyan trains in a way where there is a real possibility of death and has no recourse when they are about to, then Zenkai would apply.

Similarly, if a Saiyan attempts suicide (or comes close) but has recovery methods or backup plans in place, Zenkai would not occur. However, if the same Saiyan did so without any backup methods (or their backup plan genuinely failed), but miraculously survived, then they would receive a Zenkai. This is why Vegeta received a Zenkai before fighting Frieza; he genuinely didn't know if Dende would actually heal him or not. The real fear of death allowed him to gain a Zenkai.

As another example, if a Saiyan encounters an overwhelming enemy and is instantly defeated before they can respond, there is no Zenkai. The body couldn't release the Zenkai biochemical signal fast enough. However, if there is some level of combat/delay and the threat of death is real, then Zenkai would apply.

TLDR: Most training = no Zenkai (unless you're a psycho), committing suicide with backup plans = no Zenkai, and instant defeat = no Zenkai. Recovery from a near-death event where the Saiyan genuinely thought they would die = Zenkai.

Number 2:

Zenkai grants boost based on the body's current tolerance level. Put simply, the greater the power a Saiyan could handle at the time of receiving a Zenkai, the greater the boost. In essence, Zenkai boosts increase proportionally to a Saiyan's improvement.

Generally speaking, a Saiyan who trained for 10 years without experiencing a Zenkai would receive a massive Zenkai boost compared to a Saiyan who received a Zenkai a year ago, assuming both improved at the same rate. Conversely, the Zenkai boost of a Saiyan who did not train for 10 years might be less than that of a Saiyan who trained intensely for a single year.

One crucial takeaway is that Zenkai cannot be abused repeatedly. Even if your body genuinely perceives death, you won't receive a Zenkai if past boosts have already elevated you to your current maximum limit. To obtain another Zenkai boost, you must train further.

Number 3:

Zenkai boosts Ki directly and has a definitive upper limit. The specific mechanism of this limitation will be unveiled later in the story to avoid spoilers. As a general explanation, in DBA, Zenkai boosts enhance a Saiyan's Ki rather than physical attributes like muscle strength or bone density. Furthermore, there's a finite maximum to Zenkai. Zenkai cannot be endlessly obtained once the Saiyan exceeds a certain level of power, in which case the Zenkai will reach its peak and cease to provide further benefits. The why and the how of this phenomenon will make sense as the story progresses, I promise.