Chapter 78 – Ambivalence of the Divine

~ Meanwhile, Somewhere in Space ~

'Goku, you idiot! I looked away for just a second, and you did the one thing I warned you not to do! How many times do I have to tell you not to go to Namek right now? Turn your ship around!' King Kai's voice boomed in Goku's mind, frustration overflowing.

Goku paused mid-sit-up, sweat dripping down his forehead as he caught his breath. Despite the immense gravity pressing down on him, a glint of resolve shone in his eyes as he mentally debated his response to his mentor.

'But King Kai, I can't just abandon everyone on Namek! If this 'Freezer' guy is there, I can't let him become immortal!' he protested.

'Goku, I've told you over and over again, you won't stand a chance! Frieza is far stronger than anyone you've encountered before, and way too powerful for you to take on! His power level… I doubt you even know how to count that high! And it's 'Frieza' for God's sake!'

King Kai seemed to be on the verge of exploding but managed to contain it as he continued scolding his idiotic protégé.

'I know you know I'm the Kai responsible for overseeing an entire quadrant! If I had the means to deal with him, don't you think I would have already?! But I can't, and it's not for lack of trying! No one in the past thousand years has come remotely close to the power exhibited by Frieza and his family!'

'King Kai, I get it. Frieza's strong, really strong. But that's exactly why I have to go. If he's left alone, he'll destroy everything and everyone, including my friends and family,' Goku said, clenching his fists as he sat up. 'I can't let that happen. If there's a chance to stop Frieza, I have to take it!'

King Kai took an extremely deep breath. It was unclear whether it was meant to control his urge to choke the life out of Goku or to prepare for another tirade.

Probably both.

'Goku, you're not listening. This is NOT just another fight! Even if you did manage to defeat him, it wouldn't make a difference! If Frieza became immortal and a true blight to the stability of the universe, then certain individuals far, far, far above even me in the cosmic food chain would step in to remove him! Don't you get it, Goku? Even people like Frieza have boundaries they cannot cross! So, what if he gains immortality? To those individuals, immortality means nothing!'

Goku frowned as he changed out of his sweat-drenched Gi and turned the gravity back down to just 10x, mulling over King Kai's words as he did so. The thought that there were beings out there more powerful than Frieza, capable of handling even an immortal tyrant with ease, was simultaneously reassuring and frustrating.

'But you told me yourself that Frieza destroys planets sometimes! How is that okay? So, these beings just let bad guys like Frieza run wild until things get out of hand? That doesn't seem right, King Kai. If they're really so strong, why don't they step in and get rid of him?'

Because that certain someone is a lazy asshole, that's why. King Kai didn't share those thoughts with his protégé, though. He and his planet had already been taught a painful enough lesson.

'Goku,' King Kai began, sighing at the unpleasant truth he was about to reveal, 'the universe is vast and complex, and those who hold the greatest power operate on principles and cosmic laws that we don't understand. They don't interfere directly unless the balance of the entire universe is at stake. Frieza, while dangerous and powerful, hasn't yet threatened that balance to the point where they feel compelled to act.'

Goku answered with silence, choosing not to respond to his mentor's explanation. However, King Kai was no idiot. He was more than capable of sensing Goku's dissatisfaction, so he tried to elaborate.

'Goku, understand that the Gods' non-interference isn't out of indifference but rather as a part of maintaining the greater order of the universe. If they intervened every time someone like Frieza rose to power, it could disrupt the natural progression of the universe and create even greater chaos.'

King Kai sighed, his voice taking on a hint of weariness as he began to ramble slightly.

'It doesn't help that King Cold is an extremely rational man who knows his boundaries well. He understood that the higher powers of the universe do not care whether civilizations are independent or ruled by an iron fist. To them, war and death are just normal aspects of life. This means that as long as King Cold doesn't overstep his bounds and engage in wanton, indiscriminate slaughter, he will be left alone to do as he wishes.'

Goku suddenly jerked his head up in surprise, 'But we're talking about Frieza? Who's this King Cold all of a sudden?'

King Kai felt an urge to throttle Goku. Sometimes he forgets that his protégé is a true country bumpkin through and through, both on a galactic scale and back on his home planet. Nevertheless, King Kai took a deep breath and started his brief lecture.

'King Cold is Frieza's father and the true Emperor of the Cold Empire,' King Kai explained patiently. 'Frieza refers to himself as the emperor, but he is, in reality, the crown prince and the commander of the Frieza Force, the military arm of the Cold Empire.

The reason I brought up King Cold is because he is the true power behind the empire, not Frieza or Cooler. Frieza is terrifying, yes, but King Cold is the one truly pulling the strings. He keeps his sons on a tight leash when it comes to matters of destruction because he understands the delicate balance required to maintain his power without attracting undue attention from higher powers. So, while Frieza revels in chaos and destruction, often acting impulsively on his whims and emotions, there are lines he dares not cross, knowing very well that his father's wrath would be far more severe than anything his enemies could inflict.'

Goku settled into the captain's chair in the ship's cockpit, sipping a protein shake he had whipped up while King Kai explained. The steady hum of the ship's engines provided a soothing background as he contemplated King Kai's words.

He quickly frowned.

He didn't think of himself as a hero or anything, but he had never liked those who hurt others just because they had the power. It went against everything he believed in, every lesson he had learned from his mentors and friends.

'And no one ever stood up to them?' Goku asked. He found it hard to believe that he was the only one who felt this way, that not a single person had ever opposed the Cold Empire when the universe was so big.

King Kai sighed, sensing Goku's frustration and confusion. 'It's not that no one had ever challenged them, Goku. In fact, many had. There have been valiant efforts and brave souls who opposed their tyranny. However, the Cold Empire's might was just too overwhelming—comically so. All challengers who dared to resist were swiftly crushed along with their civilizations before they could even become a threat. At this point, King Cold's reputation alone is enough to strike fear across galaxies.'

'But what about the strong fighters? There's got to be other strong people out there. Surely some of them could have put up a good fight?'

King Kai nodded, even though he knew Goku couldn't see it.

'Indeed, there have been strong warriors and powerful races. However, once again, every time a powerful warrior or a promising resistance group emerged, Frieza or King Cold ensured they were swiftly eliminated. They all died, without exception. Currently, in the universe, only the Galactic Patrol could contend against them. And I'm using the word 'contend' rather generously. The Galactic Patrol, think of them as the universe's police force, can only clean up the messes left behind by the Cold Empire.'

King Kai's tone turned solemn.

'Goku, you're the only righteous individual I've encountered in perhaps a thousand years who holds the potential to challenge them. However, that time lies in the future, not now. I won't stand in your way if you choose to fight and overthrow the Cold Empire later. In fact, be my guest! But I won't permit you to face them until I'm certain you stand at least a chance at victory. And right now, you're less than nothing in their eyes!'

A heavy silence settled between teacher and student as they chewed over their conversation. The ship's systems hummed softly, filling the space with background noise as they delved into their respective thoughts. Suddenly, Goku rose from his seat, placing his now empty cup aside before walking towards the gravity control panel.

'Maybe you're right, King Kai. Maybe I won't be strong enough for this Frieza guy, and maybe my actions won't mean anything at all. But I can't just sit back and do nothing. I can't see the universe and life the way these higher powers do. To me, they're my friends and family, not just numbers.'

'Goku, I get where you're coming from, but you have the Dragon Balls back on Earth, remember? Why not use them to retrieve your friends? Why do you have to take this on yourself?' King Kai's tone softened with empathy as he spoke.

Goku paused, his hand hovering over the gravity control panel. The screen displayed 50x, a level of gravity he had never attempted before. Staring at the number, Goku took a deep breath, feeling the gravity of the moment, both literally and figuratively.

'Did you know, King Kai? Ever since I died, I've been feeling different. You wouldn't know, because you met me afterward, but it felt like something in me was loose. Now that I have a comparison, it felt like—' Goku paused, searching for the right words, '—it's like I was operating in a dream before. Everything was a little foggy, a little unreal, like slogging through water. Now, everything just feels so…different.'

He stared at his hands, clenching and unclenching them. 'I'm changing, King Kai, and I'm terrified because I don't know what I'm changing into. I feel like I'm standing at the edge of a huge abyss, and I don't know if I'm ready to take that leap.'

'Was that why you wanted to speak with your grandfather?' King Kai's typically cheerful demeanor had vanished, replaced by a rare seriousness.

Goku nodded slowly.

'Yeah. When I was little, Grandpa Gohan was everything to me. He taught me how to be strong, but also how to be kind. After he died, I always felt a part of me was missing. Speaking with him in heaven... I hoped he could give me some sense of direction like he always did.'

King Kai's voice softened. 'And did he?'

'Yeah…' Goku's expression turned melancholy. 'I– I still don't understand his advice, but I do know the young boy Grandpa raised wouldn't hesitate to protect those that he cared about. He never shied away from facing enemies far too strong for him either. So, neither will I.'

'Goku, you–' King Kai started to respond, then halted himself with a sigh, long and weary. 'Why now? Why now, when tensions in the universe are escalating? First, Slug made a mess, then it appears the Heeters of all people are the masterminds. Due to that, the Galactic Patrol and the Cold Empire are about to come to blows! Now I have to worry about you too?'

Goku lacked the context to grasp much of what King Kai had just said, but he wasn't particularly inclined to delve into those details. He had little interest in the universe's troubles while those he cared about were in danger.

'You don't have to worry about me, King Kai. If Frieza is that strong, then I'll simply have to push myself even harder! I've got just over five days until I reach Namek, so I don't have any time to waste!' Goku declared, straining as he attempted to peel himself off the ground in 50x gravity.

King Kai began to grumble and mutter quietly to himself, too soft for Goku to hear through their mental connection. King Kai knew Goku well enough to know that once his protégé made his decision, it was nearly impossible to change his mind.

'I really wish I could be comforted by your words, Goku; truly, I do. I wish you the best of luck, and I'll do what I can to support you from here, but I'm honestly terrified that you'll just be another protégé whose death my conscience will have to bear.' 

With that, King Kai severed the mental link, leaving Goku to train in the silence of space.

"Take care, Goku," King Kai whispered to himself on his planet from an immeasurable distance away. "And may the universe be with you."

~ Sometime Later: Bulma's Cave ~

Ajax scratched his head, watching Dende and Mushin interact with Bulma and the others. Not long ago, he had escorted the two young Namekians back to where he had first landed, intending to regroup with Bulma and locate the rest of their group.

To his surprise, Gohan, Krillin, and Piccolo were also present, presumably having returned not long ago. After introductions, it appeared that everyone was hitting it off—though Piccolo's demeanor made it debatable if he was truly "hitting it off."

"Wow, I've never met you before! A brand new Namekian!" Mushin exclaimed with enthusiasm, his eyes wide with curiosity as he examined Piccolo's cape. "You're cool! Not as cool or as strong as Big Brother Nail or Big Brother Ajax, of course, but they're heroes, so I guess that's just how it goes."

Piccolo's brow furrowed, a distinct tick mark pulsing on his forehead at Mushin's comment. "Neither of those two assholes are heroes," he muttered irritably under his breath. His encounter with Nail at Guru's place had certainly made an impression, but not one that impressed Piccolo in any way beyond acknowledging Nail's power.

As for Ajax... Piccolo scoffed inwardly. He'd rather be sealed in a pink rice cooker than compete with Ajax of all people over something as childish as "cool"-ness.

Piccolo was, of course, unaware of Mushin's tendency to latch onto those he admired or respected, often in ways that could embarrass others. Mushin's innocent admiration for Ajax and Nail, coupled with his youthful enthusiasm, occasionally led him to make statements that could rub others the wrong way.

Although, had Piccolo been aware of this tendency, it was possible that it might have only added to his irritation.

At that moment, Piccolo managed to catch Ajax casting a smug and triumphant smirk in his direction out of the corner of his eye. Without missing a beat, Piccolo's arm shot out with blinding speed, stretching, as his fingers wrapped around Ajax's throat. Then, he extended his arm, effortlessly pushing a screaming Ajax into the nearby cliffside with what he considered a "moderate" amount of force. 

The cliff crumbled instantly upon impact.

Piccolo released his grip and calmly redirected his focus to the group as if the incident had never occurred at all.

"Well, kid. Your 'Big Brother Nail' wasn't much of a hero, but he was an asshole."

However, Gohan, Krillin, and Mushin had paid little attention to Piccolo, instead looking at the scattered debris with concern. Had they actually heard Piccolo's words, Mushin might have been provoked enough to challenge Piccolo to a fight to the death.

Suddenly, Ajax's arms popped partially out from the rubble, giving a thumbs up.

"I'm okay!" Ajax's voice sounded slightly muffled by the debris covering him.

Wide-eyed, Gohan exchanged glances with Krillin and Mushin, unsure whether to feel impressed or concerned by Piccolo's display of strength and Ajax's resilience.

"–And I'm stronger than both of these 'heroes,'" Piccolo asserted confidently in the ensuing silence, his arms folded across his chest as he gazed stoically at the cliffside.

Mushin's head snapped back so fast that his antennae wobbled. "No way, you're lying! Big Brother Nail is unbeatable, and Big Brother Ajax can do all these amazing moves! He can create this sawblade attack from underground, enter The Zone, and he's got this incredible air attack!"

Gohan and Krillin leaned in, thoroughly intrigued by the concept of charging Ki attacks underground. Meanwhile, Piccolo furrowed his brow in confusion at the mention of the last two unfamiliar abilities, but he decided to set it aside for the moment.

"That's great, except my power level is approaching 40 thousand, and rising steadily, thanks to your Elder Guru unlocking my potential."

The group was stunned into silence by the revelation. Gasps of disbelief filled the air as they struggled to comprehend the mind-boggling high number. Even Vegeta, the strongest opponent they had faced by far thus far, seemed insignificant compared to this unprecedented figure.

Meanwhile, over by the rubble, Ajax took a moment to compose himself, brushing away the dust with a satisfied smile. Knowing that Guru's significant power boost was now within reach provided him with a sense of reassurance. Achieving both his critical objectives—Dende and unlocking his potential—was now a near certainty. Not bad! He only almost died, like, three times.

Ajax returned to the group cautiously, casting wary glances at Piccolo as he walked past.

In the stunned silence following Piccolo's power-level revelation, Bulma's conversation with Dende grew unexpectedly animated. It seemed they were discussing differences between human and Namekian reproduction. And well, Ajax just had to see how that conversation was going.

"So, to summarize, gender determines different physical attributes and 'tools', but it doesn't mean you are of a separate species," Bulma stated matter-of-factly, concluding her impromptu little lecture.

"Bulma, did you just give the whole birds and bees to a literal child?!" Krillin exclaimed in disbelief.

"Yeah, so what? Cut me some slack, Krillin! We're on an alien planet—why shouldn't I ask the important questions? You know where I am with Yamcha right now, and besides, this is for science!" Bulma retorted, glaring at Krillin, who raised his hands defensively. She crossed her arms defiantly, daring anyone to challenge her.

Dende tilted his head, his antennae twitching in confusion. "What are birds and bees?" he asked innocently. The rather random question instantly broke the tension and prompted a collective sigh from the group.

Ajax, thoroughly amused by the unexpected turn of events, approached Bulma and Dende with a shit-eating grin.

"They're little animals we have back home. So, Dende, having fun learning some interesting things about humans?"

"Yes! Bulma is very informative." Dende nodded enthusiastically.

Krillin gasped in offense as if he were a middle-aged Karen calling the cops on kids skateboarding on the neighborhood sidewalk.

"But he's just a kid!" he protested.

"So's Piccolo," Ajax immediately quipped, shooting a teasing grin at the Demon King.

Piccolo wordlessly flipped Ajax off.

Sensing the tension rising again, Dende raised both hands in a placating gesture toward Krillin.

"Don't worry, Krillin. This is a purely scientific discussion, and I consider myself quite mature for my age," Dende explained calmly, then turned to Bulma. "By the way, that sounds awesome. Your method of reproduction seems much more fun and interactive than ours."

Bulma couldn't resist giving Krillin a self-satisfied smirk in response to Dende's comment, feeling somewhat validated. She then focused back on the young Namekian, nodding in agreement. "Right? Unfortunately, needing a partner does have its drawbacks."

"So, I can infer," Dende replied with a knowing nod, his understanding of humans deepening.

As that conversation came to a natural end, a clap echoed through the clearing. All eyes turned to Piccolo.

"Alright, enough with the small talk. Guru wants everyone to meet tomorrow, and we don't have time for chit-chat. We still need a plan against Frieza."

With that reminder, everyone got to work.