Chapter 93 – United We Stand, Divided They Fall

~ At the Same Time: Guru's Residence ~

"Stop being so fucking stubborn!" Ajax yelled at Vegeta, his voice bouncing off the rocky cliffs around them. He gestured angrily toward the horizon, where he knew Vegeta could sense the approaching energies of the Ginyu Force. Vegeta, however, remained unapologetic, standing with his arms crossed over his chest in annoyance and indifference.

Vegeta's silence only intensified Ajax's frustration. Didn't he understand the gravity of their predicament?

They were still under Guru's energy-nullifying barrier, yet, somehow, the Ginyu Force had managed to locate them despite it. It was no longer a matter of if they would arrive, but when. Sure, they were still some distance away, but it wouldn't take them that long to arrive.

And that had thrown a big-ass wrench in Ajax's plans.

Ajax had been collaborating with Guru on a strategy to have the Ginyu Force "accidentally" encounter Slug. Since Slug was more than capable of annihilating the entire Ginyu Force, this would effectively resolve their problem without any additional risk. He had dedicated hours to perfecting that plan with Guru, but now it was all for nothing.

At the very least, Ajax had hoped to take the initiative against the Ginyu Force, choosing the circumstances and location of the battle to his advantage. Now, that opportunity was gone as well.

With Namek's endgame approaching, the last thing Ajax wanted was to be caught in a battle against both the Ginyu Force and Frieza simultaneously. He clenched his fists in frustration. If only Vegeta could've gotten that into his stubborn head!

Vegeta turned his head toward Ajax, unimpressed by the insult.

"They're the most powerful squad in the Frieza Force—what else do you want me to say?" Vegeta remained unmoved, arms crossed, with Nappa looming beside him like a stereotypical bodyguard. Meanwhile, the Z Fighters and Bulma stood in a loose semicircle facing the two Saiyans.

Ajax rolled his eyes at Vegeta's dismissive attitude. He was done with Vegeta's vague bullshit.

"Names, skills, tactics—anything you know," Ajax snapped, his patience wearing thin. "Stop playing games, Vegeta. You and I both know it's no longer possible to avoid confronting them, so ditch whatever backstabbing schemes you had and focus on the present. Like it or not, we're stuck in the same boat. If we sink, you drown too."

Vegeta glared at Ajax with narrowed eyes and a deep scowl, clearly irritated by having his authority challenged, especially in front of those he deemed inferior. After a long, tense silence, he turned away silently, giving his begrudging acceptance despite his wounded pride.

He shot Nappa a pointed look. With a slight jerk of his chin, Vegeta directed Nappa's attention toward the Z Fighters while maintaining his gaze on his subordinate. It was a clear cue that Nappa should handle the explanation.

Nappa stepped forward without fanfare, well acquainted with Vegeta's quirks and idiosyncrasies.

"Let's keep this brief," Nappa projected his voice in a professional tone. "The Ginyu Force is an elite team of five—formerly six. They consist of Captain Ginyu, Vice Captain Jeice, Burter, Recoome, and Guldo. Each member is a mutant with combat abilities that significantly exceed the norm in at least one area. Individually, each member of the Ginyu Force is exceptionally powerful, except Guldo."

Nappa then described each member's physical appearance, an easy task. After his brief rundown, he glanced at the Z Fighters to gauge their reactions. He raised a single finger as if counting the number 'one' and continued.

"Guldo is physically very weak. He has poor speed and strength, but he compensates with his abnormally powerful telekinetic abilities. He's rumored to have a powerful time-based ability, although no one can confirm it since all those who witnessed it are dead."

As he spoke, Nappa's eyes swept over the group again, evaluating the Z Fighters and Bulma. His experience as a former instructor had sharpened his skills in gauging attention and comprehension. He made sure everyone was following along, though he was truthfully only focused on ensuring Gohan was keeping up.

Satisfied that his audience was absorbing the information, Nappa raised a second finger to continue with his mental checklist.

"Next is Burter—notorious for his blistering speed. He is fast. He's always quicker than you'd anticipate and can outpace nearly everyone in a straightforward fight. Rumor has it that even Frieza once admitted Burter's superiority in speed. He's known as the Blue Hurricane, the Blue Flash, and sometimes just 'the Flash'. His speed makes him a nightmare, so don't expect to catch him without a solid strategy. And for the love of God, if you face him, don't attempt to outspeed him."

Nappa raised a third finger.

"Recoome is like Ajax here," Nappa said, jerking a thumb at Ajax. "He's a literal juggernaut capable of eating an absurd amount of damage and dishing it back out just as effectively. His minor healing factor enhances his near-unmatched endurance, allowing him to fight for days on end without missing a beat. He specializes in melee combat, so if he gets up close, you're in trouble."

Nappa's expression grew serious as he moved on to Jeice, raising his fourth finger. "Jeice, on the other hand, is renowned for his devastating energy attacks. He has exceptional, almost abnormal, control over his energy, allowing him to adjust his power with precision and tailor his attacks to the situation."

He suddenly trailed off, a thoughtful expression crossing his face.

"Oh, I suppose that might not be considered a mutant ability? Or maybe it is, but we can do something similar now," he mused aloud, noting the overlap with Ki-sense. Nappa shook his head and refocused. "In any case, Jeice is extremely powerful. It's rumored that he's only slightly weaker than Ginyu himself, so don't take him lightly."

He paused to ensure everyone was still paying attention. Noting no signs of distraction, he concluded his briefing by raising his final finger: his thumb.

"Ginyu is the captain and the strongest member of the Ginyu Force. He's a jack of all trades—and a master of quite a few. But it's Ginyu's combat record that is… unsettling. There's no accurate information on what his unique mutant ability might be, but we know he had faced enemies far stronger than himself on three separate occasions. Each time, Ginyu managed to lure them into one-on-one battles away from public view, then returned unscathed with the enemies dead. No one had any idea how he pulled it off, and that's scary as fuck."

Ajax blinked. He knew the mysterious answer, but revealing it wasn't an option for obvious reasons. It was also intriguing that this Ginyu seemed to use his ability as an offensive tool rather than a body-snatching gimmick like in the original story. Hmmm…

At this moment, Bulma opened her mouth to ask a question. However, Vegeta, having sharply noted her reaction, cut her off coldly before she could speak.

"Be quiet, woman. You're useless and can't contribute, so don't interrupt and waste everyone's time."

Bulma's mouth dropped open in shock at Vegeta's harsh dismissal, and for a moment, she seemed speechless. Then, her surprise quickly turned to anger, her face flushing with indignation. Her lips curled into a snarl as her rage momentarily overshadowed her fear of Vegeta.

"How dare you!" she snapped, her voice tight with fury. "Just because you're some self-important prince doesn't mean you're hot shit! I'm trying to help, but if you can't see that, maybe it's you who's dragging everyone down!"

Vegeta's expression hardened, and his body language became aggressive as he flared his energy, intending to step forward. The Z Fighters tensed, but Vegeta managed only half a step before freezing in place. Ajax's energy had crackled and slammed into him as a warning.

The two strongest warriors of the group locked eyes, staring each other down in a silent standoff.

Though Bulma couldn't sense Ki, it was obvious to her that Ajax had intervened somehow. She gave Ajax a grateful nod before taking a half-step forward to match Vegeta's stance.

"Listen, Prince of all four Saiyans. I might not match you all in combat, but I'm not some helpless damsel in distress sitting around waiting to be saved! You better get that through your head!"

The two glowered at each other. When it was clear that Bulma was not backing off, Vegeta raised an eyebrow, a hint of grudging respect in his eyes.

"We're wasting time," Vegeta said curtly, though he conceded the point if only a little. He chose to disregard Bulma's presence and turned his attention back to Nappa, signaling him to proceed with a brief gesture.

Bulma started to speak again, but Ajax's telepathic voice cut her off. They had a brief mental exchange, and Bulma backed off, though she continued to glare at Vegeta.

Nappa, mildly entertained by the drama, shrugged and picked up where he left off.

"The true strength of the Ginyu Force lies in their teamwork. They're feared across the galaxy not because of their individual prowess but because of how they operate as a unit. They've remained undefeated due to how seamlessly they cover for each other's weaknesses. There have been many instances where the Ginyu Force defeated opponents stronger than themselves—enemies who would have easily overwhelmed them individually. Their synergy transforms them into a perfect killing machine."

"Sounds like we need to split them up," Ajax proposed, hands resting confidently on his hips, looking as if he had just come up with a brilliant strategy.

Vegeta, however, was less than impressed. He caustically sneered, "And how do you propose we do that, genius?"

Ajax's confidence didn't waver. "Simple," he said, brushing off Vegeta's skepticism. "Our power levels are deceptive because we can all suppress our energy. If we lower our power significantly and split up, the Ginyu Force will likely believe they can defeat us individually. This might lead them to split up themselves to maximize their efficiency."

Vegeta's frown deepened, but before he could respond, Piccolo stepped in with his arms crossed and his expression serious.

"You can't guarantee they'll follow that strategy. The Ginyu Force might choose to stay together and take us down one by one instead."

"Yeah, if they decide to stick together, we're fucked," Ajax admitted candidly. "But honestly, nothing we do can guarantee anything they would do. However, it's likely they'll split up if we use this approach, and that's a much better outcome than the 100% certainty of facing them all at once if we stay united."

As he spoke, Ajax took his hand off his hips and gestured animatedly, emphasizing his points. "Consider this—if we split up and lower our power levels, we'll create an illusion of weakness. The Ginyu Force, seeing us as weak, will likely believe they can take us out one by one. If they divide to handle us individually, we'll at least have the chance to exploit their individual weaknesses, given their specialized roles."

The group exchanged uncertain looks. Ajax's reasoning was clear, but the successful execution of such a plan depended largely on chance.

"You don't have to remind us about their weaknesses," Krillin chuckled nervously, trying to lift the grim atmosphere. "We're not new to fighting."

"Seriously, dumbass? Wow, how did I not realize? Refresh my memory—what was I doing to your face back on Earth before Ajax got the jump on me?"

"Sh—shut up!" Krillin snapped, his face turning red with embarrassment.

With time still left before the Ginyu Force arrived, the group continued their discussion. They carefully considered their options and, after much deliberation, eventually reached a consensus on their strategy: Vegeta and Nappa would pair up, Gohan and Krillin would team up, Piccolo would go solo, and Ajax would also operate alone.

The group knew that splitting up wasn't ideal. Whoever faced Jeice was likely screwed, and anyone who encountered Ginyu was definitely screwed unless they could stall him until the rest of the team arrived. The plan wasn't perfect, but it was the best they could come up with on short notice.

Now, the logic behind splitting into four groups, according to Vegeta and Nappa's analysis, was to minimize the risk of anyone facing Ginyu alone. They reasoned that facing Ginyu was no different than a death sentence for that person or group.

According to Vegeta's analysis, Ginyu was known for letting his team handle the bulk of the fighting while he observed from a distance. This habit of Ginyu allowed him to give his team the opportunity to grow stronger, while he himself only intervened when absolutely necessary.

The specific arrangements weren't a mistake either. Piccolo, Ajax, and Vegeta, being the strongest members of the group, needed to be separated. Nappa was only willing to team up with Gohan, but Piccolo quickly dismissed that idea. As a result, Nappa had to partner with Vegeta. However, the Saiyan duo had excellent synergy from years of fighting together, so there were no major complaints about this setup.

Given the circumstances, Ajax took the initiative in persuading Vegeta to leave the remaining Dragon Ball at Guru's residence. The aim was to prevent the Ginyu Force from easily accessing it, thus safeguarding their crucial asset. Not to mention that holding or protecting it while fighting for their lives would be extremely inconvenient. Though Vegeta was initially very resistant, he eventually agreed.

Ajax was quite proud of successfully convincing Vegeta to agree to this "strategic" move; it was a small but significant victory for the Z Fighters.

With their plan in place and the Dragon Ball secured at Guru's village, the warriors dispersed, each group flying off in a different direction. The sky quickly filled with streaks of energy as they accelerated away.

Bulma, Dende, and Mushin were engulfed in an uneasy silence as the last of the fighters vanished from sight. Their survival was quite literally tied to the outcome of this battle, after all.

Suddenly, a voice pierced that silence, startling the trio. "Hey, come in; we need to talk to Guru."

The voice had come from behind them, causing them to spin around in surprise. To their astonishment, Ajax stood in the doorway, leaning casually against the frame with one hand confidently placed on his hip.

"What—?!" Bulma began, her mouth agape in disbelief. The trio confusedly stared at Ajax, then at the distance where he had just flown off, then back to Ajax again. It was clear Ajax's sudden reappearance had disrupted their sense of reality.

Ajax raised an eyebrow at their reaction, a smirk of amusement spreading across his face. "Multi-form," he explained with a casual shrug. "I'm a clone—at least, I think I am. Whichever one of me is the last to die will be the real one. Multi-form is trippy, I know."

With that brief explanation, Ajax turned and headed back toward Guru's house. "Come on," he called, waving for them to follow. "We don't have time to waste."

The four of them entered the residence with Ajax leading the way. Inside, Ajax approached Guru, who was seated comfortably in his large chair and nodded in acknowledgment to the Elder.

Guru responded with a soft chuckle, raising his hand in a subtle, graceful gesture. In a surreal manner, Nail materialized beside Guru's oversized chair, as if he were a drawing slowly painted into existence stroke by stroke.

Nail held a large orange ball in his hands, its surface glowing softly with a golden light. The seven stars glittering within the ball unmistakably marked it as a Dragon Ball.

Bulma gasped and covered her mouth in shock while Mushin stared in astonishment.

"Big Brother, you were here the whole time?! Since when?"

"A day or so. Shortly after those two Saiyans arrived," Dende replied nonchalantly, dropping a bombshell with a casual shrug as if it were a minor detail about the weather.

Mushin's jaw dropped. "How did you know?!" he exclaimed, gaping at Dende. He pointed at Dende accusingly, feeling betrayed. "And why didn't you tell me!"

Dende rolled his eyes.

"Elder Moori uses this spell too. If you hadn't been slacking off on your training, you'd know how to detect it. And also, Mushin, you blab."

Mushin's face flushed slightly, unaccustomed to being called out so directly. He looked sheepish but remained silent, acknowledging the truth in Dende's words.

"Alright!" Ajax said loudly, noticing the conversation had veered off course. "Here's the plan: Nail wanted to stay behind to protect Elder Guru. Bulma, you take the Dragon Radar and retrieve Vegeta's stash. We currently have three Dragon Balls here with us—one with Elder Guru, one left behind by Vegeta, and one that Nail retrieved from Elder Tsuno. The radar indicates that Vegeta's stash contains four more, so that's all seven accounted for."

Guru chimed in with his own two cents: "Now that Slug is on the planet, I can confirm he doesn't have a way to detect the Dragon Balls, as I had once feared. So, fear not, young Bulma; he won't be able to track you through them."

Bulma blinked in confusion.

"Wait, wait, wait!" She said, her palms outstretched as if to physically stop the discussion. "If Vegeta and Nappa were occupied here, and Nail came back right after, then we knew where all seven Dragon Balls were for at least a day before this elite Ginyu squad showed up! Why didn't we have Nail collect the other Dragon Balls with the radar and make the wish?"

Ajax and Guru exchanged a meaningful look, the unspoken understanding between them conveying the complexity of their situation.

Ajax spoke with a steady, authoritative tone. "It's too soon. For one, Goku isn't here yet, and making a wish is also a very noticeable event. We wouldn't be able to keep it a secret from Frieza or Slug—who's still alive, by the way—and it's too early for us to fight them. Furthermore, with the wishes depleted, we'd become a common target of their ire, and there's a real risk they might temporarily team up to destroy us."

"Ah…" Bulma's face softened into an "oh, duh" expression as she took in the explanation.

"And we also needed to protect Nail," Guru added softly.

This statement caused some confusion, but Ajax quickly redirected his attention back to Bulma.

"So, after you get the Dragon Balls, find a place far from us and Frieza. Your minimal power level will keep you hidden, so hide and wait for us to deal with the Ginyu Force. If Vegeta backstabs us, goes after his stash, or can no longer otherwise interfere, that's when we regroup to make the wish."

Ajax tilted his head slightly as he looked at Bulma. "If everything goes to hell, we'll reach out to you telepathically. Use the wish as a last resort to mass teleport everyone to Earth, excluding Slug, Frieza, and their forces. Make sure to include the Dragon Balls in that wish as well, or they will stay behind. Also, wishes must be made in the Namekian language. Do you understand everything, Bulma?"

Bulma nodded, her expression serious.

"Then chop, chop people. Stay sharp; we're heading into the endgame." With that, Ajax turned and dissolved into a shower of sparkling lights.

~ A Few Minutes Later: Far Away from Guru's Residence ~

Slug watched the Namekian Elder he had captured with amusement, his massive hand wrapped around the smaller figure's throat with an iron grip. The Elder's eyes were wide with terror, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he struggled to escape.

Guru must have attempted to delay him by using a spell to hide the other Namekians' energy from view. However, Slug saw through the illusion with ease. The magic trick might have been clever in another context but against someone like him? It was laughable.

"Spill the information or fuse—your choice, Tsuno." Slug said dismissively. He was confident of Tsuno's response, having dealt with his people long enough to intimately understand their thought patterns.

The Elder Tsuno's response came out as a choked, defiant cry. "You can't fuse without consent from both parties, so go to Hell, you monster!"

See? Namekians are just so predictably stubborn.

Slug let out a slow, mocking laugh. His laugh eventually died down, and his lips curled into a cruel smile.

"Consent? You foolish child, who decided I needed that?"

Slug's smile twisted into one of abject evil and pure malice. His grip tightened, and a flash of dark, malevolent energy surged from his hand. The struggling Tsuno let out a bloodcurdling scream, his body convulsing before disintegrating into glowing motes of light. These particles, flickering with a fleeting essence of life, were swiftly drawn into Slug, disappearing into his form.

Inside Slug, Elder Tsuno's soul writhed in excruciating agony and disbelief. Initially stunned, it soon began a desperate struggle to escape, but to no avail. Slug's overwhelming existence pressed down on the soul, his will a staggering force that crushed Elder Tsuno's remaining defiance. Tsuno's soul, now broken and shattered, stood still, its eyes hollow and devoid of any trace of sentience. It silently shuffled to join the ranks of other similarly empty and subjugated Namekians within the vast, oppressive void of Slug's soul.

Slug inhaled deeply, savoring the fresh surge of vitality, memories, and immense power coursing through his veins. His body thrummed with newfound strength, each heartbeat enriched by the stolen life force of his latest victim. His eyes briefly flashed a vibrant lavender.

The blessing from that "Man" had far exceeded his wildest expectations. It granted him the power to override the natural consent limitation of the Namekian fusion ability. It had made all of this possible.

Slug flexed his hands, reveling in the sensation of renewed vitality. Though his body remained weary and weathered by the ravages of time, it felt momentarily as if he were reclaiming the vigor of his youth.

However, Slug was not deluded into thinking this resurgence was anything more than a fleeting reprieve. His current form, though invigorated, was still constrained by the limitations of his aging body. He knew that the true potential and power received through fusion were being stifled by his deteriorating physical state and the weakness of his victims.

With all these fusions, if he had been at his prime, it wasn't an exaggeration to say that he could have become one of the most formidable beings in the Universe by now. A mere Frieza? Trash.

However, to truly fully harness the power he had acquired and reclaim his peak strength, Slug needed the Dragon Balls. They were his only hope of restoring his youth and, more importantly, keeping him there.

Speaking of, had the Namekian race truly fallen so far from its peak? Was there not a single warrior with a power level surpassing a meager 10,000 for him to fuse with? Well, Slug supposed he should be grateful that the Namekian race still existed at all, considering the disaster that had descended upon him and his people over a thousand years ago.

What a shame.

Suddenly, Slug's senses sharpened, and he snapped his head sharply to the right with a sudden smoldering intensity, reminiscent of the Rock. His gaze locked onto something in the distance that was beyond his physical sight.

"A magic beacon…" Slug murmured slowly.

He knew it was Guru. It had to be. No one else possessed such a distinct magical essence as Guru. But the more he thought about it, the less sense it made. Why would Guru, the most renowned strategist and wizard in Namekian history, freely broadcast his location in such an obvious manner? It seemed like an invitation—something completely out of character for Guru.

Guru was known for his mastermind-like, decades-long plans, not for exposing himself so blatantly.

Slug's scowl deepened. Was Guru setting an ambush? It was possible, but with what army? Aside from Frieza, Slug was the most powerful existence on the planet.

However, even if it was a trap, Slug couldn't just ignore the beacon. If Guru, the superior magic user by far, had chosen to bunker down and hide himself, Slug would have no other means of tracking him. The beacon, whether a genuine call or a cleverly disguised snare, was his only lead—an opportunity he couldn't afford to let slip away.

There was a sudden, explosive shockwave, and then Slug was gone.