Sang ri saw Jung shi talking to her sister through her window.

Sang ri....Why is he here? He must've missed her, i feel sorry for he leaving? But he just came, did they fight?

Sang mi started crying because she loved Jung shi and he was leaving to America.She went to a near playground and sat down.

Sang mi....Why does he have to leave? When will i see him again? How am i going to live without seeing his cute face? Am going to miss him so much, why didnt i tell him these words, am so cruel and he will never forgive me.He said...he wont me ask again, how will he know if i will still be into him.His also cruel, i hate him but i want to tell him how much i love him.

Sang ri.....Aigoooo! Regretting is not good when you chased the guy you like away.

Sang mi....Sang ri? How...are you here?

Sang ri.....I saw you two talking through my window and then Jung shi suddenly left, and then you cried and walked away.I was worried so i came to see if you dont harm yourself.

Sang you care about me when am always cold to you?

Sang ri....Because we are siblings, you also care about me when am in hard times, so, i should also do the same.

Sang mi....Thanks.

Sang ri.....Can you stop crying already? What happened? Why do you hurt him when you clearly love him? Its rude.

Sang mi.....How did you know?

Sang ri.....I heard you, i stood there for some minutes and heard everything you said.

Sang mi....I really dont know, i always push him away yet he always comes back like i didnt hurt him.

Sang ri....Its because he loves you, just go the guy already, his really cute.

Sang mi....Its too late now.

Sang ri....What? What do you mean?

Sang mi.....He said that his going to America with his whole family, he came to hear my answer for the last time, so, its really over for good.

Sang ri.....What did you say? They are going to leave Korea?

Sang mi....He said so, and its tomorrow.

Sang ri....What? Tomorrow? Yeona didnt even bother telling me anything, i should go back home now.

Sang mi....Wait, whats wrong?

Sang ri got angry and left.

Sang mi....Why is she suddenly mad? Wait...didnt her friend tell her about it?

Sang ri went to her room.

Sang ri....How can she not tell me about this huge issue? Is she even still my friend? Should i go to her house and see her? No,she should tell me herself, i wont go to her.

Sang ri and Yeona didnt sleep at night thinking about reconciling, Sang mi and Jung shi also didnt sleep thinking about eachother.It was morning already and Yeona, Jung shi and their parents were ready to go to the airport.

Mum....Honey, whats the matter?

Yeona....I didnt say good bye to Sang ri, she will never forgive me.

Mum.....Thats rude, we can pass at her house and see her.

Yeona....Really mum? Lets go then.

Jung shi....You guys go on, i will go straight to the airport.

Yeona....Dont you want to see Sang mi?

Jung shi....Its all over, see you there.

Sang ri was also restless.

Sang ri....I cant stand still when my only bestfriend is leaving, i was wrong to say harsh words to her.No, this wont do, i should go to her.

She decided to go to her house, she ran there but they had left.Yeona and her parents arrived at her house yet she had went to theirs.

Yeona....Sang mi, where is Sang ri?

Sang mi....Didnt you see her? I thought that she went to your house.

Yeona....What? I should call her instead.

Sang mi....Dont bother, her phone is over there charging.


Mum....Yeona, lets go already, we are going to miss our flight.

Sang mi....Wait, where is Jung shi?

Yeona....He didnt want to come and he said that its over between you.

Sang mi....I see, fine.

Yeona....Can you please give her this?

Mum....Didnt your grandma give you that necklace?

Yeona....I know mum, i treasure it and i treasure Sang ri too, i want her to have it.Tell her that am sorry.

They left, Sang ri came back home and ran to her room crying.Sang mi went inside.

Sang mi....Its okay, we both lost them on bad terms.Here, she told me to give it to you and that she is sorry.

Sang ri.....I want to be alone.

Sang mi....I understand.

She gave her the necklace and she through it away.

Sang ri....I dont want her stupid necklace, i didnt even ask her to give to me.She is a bad friend, how could she leave without saying a word to me? Am really hurt and i will never forgive her.

Sang mi also went to her room and started crying.

Sang mi....At last, he left.How am i going to heal now? Am so stupid to let him go, he will never forgive me for living such a huge scar on his poor heart.