It was already five years and they were all grown up, both Sang mi and Sang ri were very rich and gave their parents a good life though Sang ri lied that she worked for a huge company and never told them about her job.

Sang ri.....Do you ever wish to see the Commander someday?

Han soo.....Not really.

Sang ri.....Why is that?

Han soo.....Because she pays us good money and we get it right after the job is done.

Sang ri.....Your right somehow.What if its someone we know?

Han soo.....Well, who knows?

Sang ri.....My phone is ringing, it might be Min yu.

She checked and it was the Commander.

Sang ri.....Its the Commander, i should answer.

Han soo.....Maybe she has a new mission for you.

She answered and talked to her, their call ended.

Han soo.....New mission?

Sang ri.....Yeah, she wants me to get some documents from a rich guy.

Han soo.....Who is it?

Sang ri....I dont know either, she sent me the place where to find him and his photo and his car pics.

Han soo.....Do you want me to come too?

Sang ri.....No thanks, i will manage.

Han soo.....So, when are you going?

Sang ri.....Am going to him at night, his going to Itaewon, so, i will encounter him there and get the documents.

Han soo.....Good, all the best Sang ri.

Sang ri.....Thanks for always being here for me and bringing me to the group, am really grateful to you.

Han soo.....Am glad.

Sang ri.....I should go and get ready now, just know that your one of my favorite people on earth, later.

Sang ri left but Han soo was happy for what Sang ri told him since its been five years since he had a crush on him.Sang ri knew nothing about it and she liked him as his bestfriend.She wore her working clothes which were all in black and got her motorcycle, she headed to the place and waited for the guy's car.She hid with her motorcycle, the guy's car arrived and she shot the tyres, the car stopped.She went to them and pulled the documents from the guy and rode her motorcycle away.They didnt see her face since she always wear a mask and a hood while working.

Sang ri.....Here are the documents.

Han soo.....Okay, i will forward them to her.Seems like the mission was easy.

Sang ri.....Ofcourse, i didnt even see the guy's face clearly since we were under a brigde, it was a piece of cake because he was scared.

Han soo.....Well done.

Sang ri.....Sure, i should go and see Min yu.

Han soo.....Okay, later.

She went and cooked for Min yu dinner at her place, she went there and they ate together.

Min yu.....Your cooking is now better than your mum.

Sang ri.....Ofcourse no, my mum will always be the best.

Min yu.....Your phone is ringing.

Sang ri....Oh, it might be the commander since she sent me on a mission yesterday.

Min yu.....I see, go on and answer the phone.

She answered and talked to her, the call ended.

Min yu.....That was a long call.

Sang ri.....I know, she wants me to go undercover to the guy i took documents from.

Min yu.....Elaborate please.

Sang ri.....She wants tme to go and apply to be his bodyguard.

Min yu.....What if he doesnt need one?

Sang ri.....Now he does because she sent me to steal useless papers to make him feel insecure and want a bodyguard, so, am the one to go undercover and get whatever the Commander asks me to get from him.

Min yu.....So, how long will it take?

Sang ri.....I dont know, maybe a month or more months, who knows?

Min yu.....All the best honey.

Sang ri....Your the one to help me that job.

Min yu....How?

Sang ri.....Your going to wear our uniform and attack him, then i will come and rescue him since he didnt see my face.

Min yu.....Oh, i get it now.Thats a nice move girl.

Sang ri.....Thanks alot my one and only bestie, i love you sooo much.

The next morning, they followed him and Min yu attacked him, Sang ri ran and fought her and she ran away.The guy went to thank her, Sang ri turned to see who the guy was since she also didnt see his face, she was shocked.

Sang ri.....OMG! Lee Jung Shi?

Jung shi....Wait....Sang ri?

It was Lee Jung Shi a guy who used to like her sister and his sister was her bestfriend.Sang ri's mouth widely opened and her eyes widen, she was very suprised.