Chapter 11: Unexpected Reunion

The term break had arrived, and while most students were enjoying their time off from university, Min-jun's world was reduced to two main priorities: his work with Mr. Kim and his unrelenting dedication to the game, 'Timeless Alchemy.'

Each day blended into the next, and Min-jun found solace in the routine of his daily life. His time was divided between attending to Mr. Kim's business and mastering the virtual world of 'Timeless Alchemy' as Shadowflare. It was a balance that he had grown accustomed to, and it offered him an escape from the complexities of his past.

One seemingly ordinary day at work, Min-jun was engrossed in paperwork when an unexpected client walked into the office. His eyes widened in disbelief as he recognized the familiar face, though years had passed since their last encounter. It was none other than his uncle.

The atmosphere in the room became tense as they locked eyes. His uncle looked older and more worn, but there was something off about him, something that didn't quite add up. Min-jun had learned the hard way to be wary of his relatives, especially this particular uncle, who had always been driven by his own interests.

His uncle cleared his throat, attempting to break the silence. "Min-jun, it's been a while. How have you been? Are you eating well?"

Min-jun, however, was not interested in pleasantries. He leaned forward, his voice cool and unyielding. "Let's not beat around the bush, Uncle. Why are you here? What do you want?"

The directness of Min-jun's words caught his uncle off guard. He hesitated for a moment before finally revealing the reason for his visit. "Min-jun, I'm in a difficult financial situation, and I've heard that you may have some savings from your parents' assets. I was wondering if you could lend me some money to help me out of this bind."

Min-jun's eyes narrowed. He had no illusions about his uncle's intentions. The man had already drained his parents' assets, and now he was looking to siphon even more from Min-jun. The thought of his uncle taking advantage of him once again stirred anger deep within him.

Leaning back in his chair, Min-jun let out a sigh. "Uncle, I won't beat around the bush either. My parents' assets are gone, and I've been working hard to rebuild my life. I don't have any money to spare. You'll have to find another solution to your financial troubles."

The tension in the room continued to mount as the two locked horns. Min-jun's uncle had underestimated him, thinking that he could easily manipulate the situation. But he had not counted on Min-jun's determination to protect what little remained of his parents' legacy and the hard-earned assets they had left behind.

Min-jun's rejection hung heavily in the air. His uncle's face twisted with a mixture of disappointment and frustration, his plans foiled by his nephew's steadfast refusal. But the conversation was far from over.

Just as the tension reached its peak, the office door swung open, and Mr. Kim strode in with a stern expression. He had been silently observing the confrontation from his office, and his presence was a clear indication that he wasn't going to let Min-jun be manipulated by family matters.

"What's going on here?" Mr. Kim demanded, his voice cutting through the tension.

Min-jun quickly explained the situation to his employer, making it clear that his uncle had come to ask for money after already depleting his parents' assets. Mr. Kim listened attentively, his eyes never leaving Min-jun's uncle, who now seemed increasingly uncomfortable under the scrutiny of an outsider.

Mr. Kim turned to Min-jun's uncle, his voice laced with authority. "I don't know what your relationship with Min-jun is, but I won't tolerate any harassment of my employees, especially not under my roof. If you're in financial trouble, I suggest you seek professional help or assistance from the appropriate channels."

Min-jun's uncle, realizing that his request had been denied and that he wouldn't find any sympathy here, begrudgingly retreated. With a curt nod, he mumbled his goodbyes and left the office.

As the door closed behind him, Mr. Kim turned his attention back to Min-jun, his expression softening. "Min-jun, I know family matters can be complicated, but you did the right thing. You shouldn't let anyone take advantage of you, especially when you've worked so hard to establish yourself."

Min-jun nodded, gratitude welling up within him for Mr. Kim's intervention. It was a stark reminder that he had found genuine support and friendship in the most unexpected places.

As the day wore on, Min-jun couldn't shake the sense of relief that washed over him. The encounter with his uncle had been a test of his resolve, a reminder of the past he had fought so hard to overcome. Yet, with the unwavering support of his boss, Mr. Kim, and the continued loyalty of his childhood friend, Soo-yeon, he was reminded that he was not alone in this journey to rebuild his life.

As new day began, Min-jun's life fell into a predictable rhythm. By day, he worked diligently at Mr. Kim's side, navigating the intricacies of the real estate business. It was a demanding job, but it provided him with a sense of stability and a connection to his late parents. But when night descended, a different world awaited him—one where he could be anyone he wanted, a world where he was known as Shadowflare, the top-ranked player in *Timeless Alchemy*.

On one particular night, while immersing himself in the virtual realm, Shadowflare found himself in the midst of an intense in-game battle. His opponent, a player known only as "NoobSlayer69," had been taunting other players with unsportsmanlike conduct. Shadowflare had had enough and decided to put an end to it.

With a series of deft moves and precisely timed spells, Shadowflare quickly outmaneuvered NoobSlayer69, leaving his avatar in a stunned, powerless state. A triumphant grin crept across Min-jun's face as he typed a message to his defeated foe.

Shadowflare : Perhaps you should change your username to "NoobSlain69."

The defeated player, humbled by the defeat, didn't respond. Shadowflare returned to his exploration of the virtual world, the victory bolstering his spirits.

Soon, a message notification blinked on his screen. It was Ji-hoon Kim, the former second-ranked player in *Timeless Alchemy* and a fellow warrior of the virtual realm. They had shared countless battles and developed a mutual respect for each other's skills.

Ji-hoon Kim : Shadowflare, you truly are merciless!

Shadowflare chuckled as he typed back.

Shadowflare : Only in-game, Ji-hoon. In real life, I'm a gentle soul.

Ji-hoon Kim : Haha! I've heard that before. Anyway, I've always wondered, could we ever meet in person?

Shadowflare hesitated for a moment, then replied.

Shadowflare: I'm afraid not, Ji-hoon. The mask stays on for now. Besides, who needs to see faces when we can duel like this?*

Ji-hoon Kim : Fair enough, my friend. But if you ever change your mind, you know where to find me.

With their conversation concluded, Min-jun returned to his daily routine, his decision still weighing on his mind. The world of eSports fame and recognition beckoned, yet the mask of Shadowflare remained firmly in place.

As the days of the term break passed, Min-jun remained entangled in the web of his responsibilities, his love for the game, and the tantalizing prospect of unveiling his true identity. Balancing these elements would prove to be an intricate challenge one that would require him to make difficult decisions about his future.

One day, Min-jun accompanied Soo-yeon and her friends to an eSports match. They were all caught up in the excitement of the game, with each play and strategy evoking enthusiastic cheers from the audience.

Later that evening, when Min-jun was back home, he couldn't resist logging into *Timeless Alchemy*. There, he noticed Ji-hoon was online and decided to strike up a conversation.

Shadowflare : Hey, Ji-hoon! Saw your game today.

Ji-hoon was intrigued.

Ji-hoon Kim : Oh, you watched it? How did you like it?

Shadowflare : Well, let's just say you looked quite... real out there.

Ji-hoon laughed at the cryptic comment.

Ji-hoon Kim : Real? What do you mean? Where did you watch it?

Shadowflare : Oh, you know, from a place with lots of seats, and people, and a big screen.

Ji-hoon's curiosity grew.

Ji-hoon Kim : Sounds like a stadium. Were you in the crowd?

Shadowflare : I could neither confirm nor deny that.

Ji-hoon realized he was getting nowhere with Shadowflare's playful evasiveness.

Ji-hoon Kim : Alright, alright, you win this round. But I still want to know who's behind the Shadowflare mask!*

Shadowflare : Well, Ji-hoon, some secrets are meant to remain in the shadows.*

Their banter continued, filled with humor and hints of curiosity, as they both appreciated the camaraderie they'd formed through Timeless Alchemy.