
When i reached the same training room, i looked at Ms1

Who didn't bait an eye on me and shouted me to climb...

This time i don't know how i just climbed successfully....

Ms1 was surprised how fast i learned. He said "not bad, Roge family blood is still running on you"

I didn't understand a thing he said like what does he mean by Roge family blood runs through me.. He said that i can have 10mins break...

I just roam around to find a bed so i can take a nap... When I found a one that i can peacefully take a nap I saw a ols lady, her skin is whitish,she wore a long white wedding type dress,she got a slender body and wrinkles around her face and she looks a bit like the gang leader but still she looks pretty...

I asked her "who are you?"

She smiled and replied

"Im just a old grampy grandma, what is this beautiful young lady doing in a place like this?"

I said "well i was kidnapped by these people"

She open her eyes widely looking at me and asked

"Are you the Roge eldest daughter?"

I replied shaking my head as no "Im the last daughter of the Roge"

She asked "why are you here honey"

I explained my situation to her

She listened very carefully with unbelievable expression...

When she was gonna speak Ms1 guy interrupted

He speaks "madam what are you doing here, did she trouble you"

She said "No she is a nice pretty girl I like her, go easy on her Ms1 dont be rude"

Ms1 nod his head and drag me out of there...

Like that i didn't had my nap.....

To be continued~