
On my way to my room.....

I still progressing my thoughts like what the hell actually happened here few mins ago..

I suddenly saw a familiar figure and I know its non other lily who is waiting for me in front of my room....

"Hey lily, what are you doing here" I asked her

"Good evening Sis I was waiting for you.... Congratulations on becoming the sub-leader" she gave me a bouquet of various flower with a smile...

I giggled "thank you lily"

Then I invited her to my room and gave her the cookies where I got from the cafe....

We both talked then she left and I went to sleep hoping tomorrow wont be tough day..

Boy I was right.... When I open my very first eye, my room things were shifting... I asked the guy who is collecting my clothes

"Whats going on here and where are you shifting my things?"

"Miss RR1 you are shifting to the leaders building" he replied...

What the hell!!!!.....

When I set my foot on a very good looking room, it was like fairy tale room.... I had my own closet and even a mini kitchen and fridge with full of variety of food...

I was like WOW!! The guys kept my things and went....

"Ahem seems like you like this room!" When I turn my back I saw VGM

"Its better than the tiny room" sitting on the couch...

He sat next to me

"Oh here" he gave me the same locket as grandma gaved me once....

"How do you get this?!?" I take that locket from him

He said "Well I saw it on staircase when I was coming here..... Maybe the worker guy might have slipped from his hands"

"Maybe" I said looking at my locket

"Why was it important!?" He asked....

I replied "not to important if you ask"

"O...k... Well its your first day being a trainer" he said

I said "Yah from being a dog to the dog's trainer"

"Don't be sarcasm.... Believe it or not you gonna love being a leader" he smiled at me

"All Im loving is this comfy bed and the couch" I said

"Whatever you say my lady.... But you need to get ready to train your guy" he sneered at him....

I raised up, seeing me VGM rose to his foot.... I pushed him ougside my room

"Hey why are you pushing me outside" he struggle

Before slamming my door I said "I need some time to dress myself up to look like a leader"

"YOU SHOULD TOLD ME RATHER THEN THROWING ME OUT HERE!!" He yelled from the outside....

I freshen up and dressed up...

I made my way through the alley.... On my ways the people aren't the kindest... Everybody gave me a weird look like they never saw a girl before....

As for myself whoever gave me a glare I returned to them..

Who do they think they are to glare me hump!!!

I saw the guy who I should train him into a best assassin...

When he saw me, he gave me a smile.... Somehow it made me to smile at him....

"How are you leader!?" He asked me

"You still didn't gave me the proper answer for my question" I glare at him

He came near to me and whispered.....

"if you don't want me to get caught by these people... Can you atleast play your role as the leader"

"Ughhh fine but I need explanation" I said with a firm look on my face....

"Ok fine I'll tell you everything you want to know" he smiled at me

So I started my so-called training.....

To be continued ~