WebNovelOur Dream~100.00%


"Who is abyss of hades!?" I asked her

"Abyss of hades is the main head of all the group of gangster... They came from no where to the top secret master of the all around the world of understanding.... They were great at smuggling,kidnapping, druggist,science,assassin, doctors,weapons,killing,gold smith and the major fact is their identity is no where to be found..."

"So what the actual problem now"Father asked her

"The main thing is that they set nuclear atomic bomb all over the world three months ago" Audrey replied

"What 3months ago then why haven't they launched it yet!?"

Mother asked her

"Maybe to find an absolute opportunity like the president election" I said..

Audrey said "I thought it at first but when I gone through deeper and deeper I found they were on some other project of their own...."

"What kind of project" I asked her..

"That's the thing I don't know but it linked with the Rogers family"

"Like the kidnap!?" I asked

"But they released her"Audrey said

"That's were the suspense end, I didn't got the answer why did they do and how the roge family convinced that people"

"Their only one way of convincing that type of people is transaction"Mother said

"Money or " Audrey said suddenly something pop in all our head and all together we said


We looked at each other unbelieving the possibilities..

"Let me go through the cctv of the Roge" Ami said

"And I have a word with Rekha Roge" Audrey said

"Me,Arnold, Adrien we go to the gangsters and get info about this gangsters" mother said...

"I send you the cctv footage to your number!!"Ami said

Audrey gone the parliament.

Me and mom dad went into our disguise...

When we reach the centre of the underground we three split up...

I enter into a casino and went to play a little and I was soo good

"Dude you are really good at this" I knew this guy he is the son of the scarlet gang leader.. Best prey..

I used different accent with him "I know right wanna have a match!?"

"You bet! come to the special room,my gang are all inside" he invited me

After few hours he considered me as his buddy and started to tell even the most important detail about his gang even tho I know.... I played like I was amuse by his info...

Then we both went to pee

I asked him "do you know the abyss of hades!?"

He suddenly frozen up and and whisper to me"If you value your life never mention them" he said

"Bro you are making me curious come on spill the tea" i persisted him

He dragged me in silent alley and said "those people are the boss of the under world,

even my dad is afraid of them"

"Where do they live" I asked

"I don't actually know but I guess one guy knows about it"he said

"Who is it!?" I asked

"Why are you asking it !?" He asked

This guy is really dumb

"You know when we were coming here I heard some people talking about that people saying Roge family daughter got kidnapped by them" I said

"Oh yah I also got that news...

Well he is james vollin" he said

"How about meeting him and getting some rumors" I chuckled

He chuckled and led his way to the james vollin. I send my parents the text and they replied that they were also on their way there...

To be continue ~