In a parallel universe, where the worlds of "My Hero Academia" and "Naruto" collided, a catastrophic event unfolded. All For One, the notorious villain from "My Hero Academia," had absorbed the Quirks of a thousand wielders, amassing power that could potentially destroy entire worlds. His lust for supremacy and chaos knew no bounds.

As he unleashed this cataclysmic power, the two universes merged into one, creating a chaotic blend of Quirks, chakra, and ninja abilities. It was a world on the brink of destruction, with All For One seemingly unstoppable.

But just when all hope seemed lost, a glimmer of salvation appeared. Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, a powerful being from the "Naruto" universe, descended upon this chaotic realm. Her presence was enigmatic, and her motives unclear. With her arrival, the two worlds began to stabilize, creating a new world where the laws of chakra and Quirks coexisted.

In this new world, Naruto Uzumaki was not the Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails but instead inherited a unique lineage. His father, Minato Namikaze, was a descendant of Izuku Midoriya, the legendary holder of One For All. This new version of One For All was unlike anything seen before. It contained the power of a staggering ten thousand wielders, granting Minato strength that could rival even the most formidable foes.

With the strength to obliterate Otsutsuki like Saitama with a single punch, Minato became the beacon of hope for this world. He not only inherited the power of flight and the mastery of chakra, but his own chakra was a hundred times that of the Tailed Beasts, making him a force to be reckoned with.

Naruto, under the tutelage of his father Minato, harnessed this unparalleled power of One For All and became a symbol of peace and unity in this newly formed world. Together, they led the charge to protect this world from any threats, whether they came from the "My Hero Academia" universe or the "Naruto" universe.

This fusion of two beloved universes created a new world with endless possibilities, where heroes and shinobi stood side by side, united in their determination to protect their newfound home.

Note=guys as i said English is not my language i am using Gramerli software to correct my grammar in my story so you are seeing the novel  which was corrected by Ai grammerli Software .Also guys if you want to suggest somethings or any idea so send me on ( pls explain your ideas in short summary so i can create short What if .Also guys DONT FORGET TO GIVE POWER STONES and guys pls do send you idea because i am also getting short of ideas because previous chapter are my imagination of around 5 months of thinking  that dosn't mean that i dont have idea.i do have ideas but not fully completed.and lastly once again pls DONT FORGET "POWER STONES".