In the world of Naruto, a new tale unfolds, one where the echoes of the past reverberate into the present. After the death of Hashirama Senju, the soul of Asura Otsutsuki was bound to wait for the next cycle of reincarnation. With the deaths of Madara Uchiha and Indra Otsutsuki, the time had come for their return as well. However, before the cycle of destiny repeated itself, Asura had the chance to witness the events of this world as an unbound soul.
As Asura observed the world, he learned of the disturbing manipulations taking place behind the scenes. Zetsu, the enigmatic figure orchestrating the return of Kaguya, sought to disrupt the balance of power and unleash chaos upon humanity. This revelation filled Asura with righteous anger, for the return of Kaguya was a catastrophe he could not allow.
Determined to right this wrong, Asura reached out to Indra, who shared his outrage. Both Indra and Madara had been unwittingly manipulated for far too long, and the resurrection of Kaguya was unacceptable. Together, they made a solemn pact to unite and prevent the rise of Akatsuki and the impending threat of Kaguya.
However, to stand any chance against these formidable adversaries, Asura and Indra realized that they needed a powerful, united force. The ideal candidate was Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja with a balanced personality who had yet to tread the path of power-seeking obsession. Naruto possessed the potential for immense strength, and it was up to Asura and Indra to guide him.
Naruto's journey was unlike any other. While he had the innate powers of the Sage of the Six Paths, it was up to him to unlock and harness these abilities. With guidance from Asura and Indra within the confines of his mindscape, Naruto embarked on a rigorous training regime. The power of the Rinnegan, coupled with the immense chakra and knowledge bestowed upon him, made Naruto an unstoppable force in the making.
In this altered reality, Naruto formed unique bonds with three remarkable women - Hinata, Ino, and Sakura. Sakura, however, had a dark past. She had been subjected to bullying, with Sasuke Uchiha being one of her tormentors. As a child, Sasuke's desire for attention from his family, particularly his father Fugaku and older brother Itachi, led him to indulge in his Uchiha heritage and belittle other children. Failing to garner his father's approval, he unleashed his anger on Sakura, who bore the brunt of his cruelty.
Yet, Sasuke harbored a hidden secret - he had been defeated by Naruto, a fact he couldn't bring himself to admit. Fugaku had always drilled into him that an Uchiha could not be bested by mere ordinary individuals, so Sasuke concealed his loss, intensifying his resentment towards Naruto. The Uchiha massacre only deepened his descent into darkness, causing him to isolate himself further from those around him.
Sakura, on the other hand, was not enamored by Sasuke as in the original story. Instead, she had a crush on Naruto. However, her mother refused to accept her feelings and pushed her towards chasing after Sasuke, despite his evil nature. After a heated argument with her mother, Ino intervened and convinced her father, Inoichi Yamanaka, to adopt Sakura. Sakura's home life had become increasingly violent, and her mother's aggression had left her with physical scars.
Ino and Hinata shared their own harrowing experience as children when they narrowly escaped abduction by Kumo envoys. Naruto had rescued them from a potentially grim fate. Sakura's story entwined with theirs as they attempted to protect her from Sasuke's wrath. Only when Naruto arrived, driving Sasuke away and defeating him, did Sakura find herself truly saved. This traumatic event also influenced Ino's perception, making her disinterested in pursuing a relationship with Sasuke.
While the world outside underwent its trials and tribulations, Naruto, now training under the watchful eyes of Asura and Indra, grew increasingly powerful. He had already mastered abilities that surpassed the average ninja by the time he entered the academy, thanks to the guidance and training received within his mindscape.
However, the challenges awaiting Naruto were immense, for Akatsuki was stirring, and the return of Kaguya loomed ever closer. In this alternative reality, the stage was set for a new kind of hero - one who possessed the combined strength and wisdom of Asura and Indra and the unwavering determination of Naruto.
It was a world where destinies were rewritten, bonds forged in a different crucible, and where the line between good and evil blurred, leaving Naruto and his allies to navigate a treacherous path towards a brighter future. And perhaps, even the sage of the six paths, Hagoromo, would reappear to witness the fruit of their combined efforts, bringing an end to the bitter feud of his sons and heralding a new era for the shinobi world.
(Guys this book maybe similar to you in this book Ashura and Indra choose Naruto to have their power becoz they findout about zetsu and his plan and indra was angry due to manupilation .so they choose naruto and he become perfect balance of them and ship you can do Ino x Hinata x sakura(trash(guys i dont have any option bear with it)))
Note=guys as i said English is not my language i am using Gramerli software to correct my grammar in my story so you are seeing the novel which was corrected by Ai grammerli Software .Also guys if you want to suggest somethings or any idea so send me on ( pls explain your ideas in short summary so i can create short What if .Also guys DONT FORGET TO GIVE POWER STONES and guys pls do send you idea because i am also getting short of ideas because previous chapter are my imagination of around 5 months of thinking that dosn't mean that i dont have idea.i do have ideas but not fully completed.and lastly once again pls DONT FORGET "POWER STONES".