The twentieth floor, known as the Celestial Revelation, unfolded into a breathtaking celestial expanse. Here, cosmic energies and arcane forces converged to reveal the true nature of the tower's purpose. Ye Chen and Laria stood at the precipice of enlightenment, ready to unveil the mysteries that had eluded them throughout their ascent.
As they ventured into the heart of the Celestial Revelation, they encountered the Celestial Archivist—a being who held the records of the tower's inception and the cosmic forces that bound it. The revelations were both awe-inspiring and humbling, as the very fabric of the universe seemed to unfold before them.
The tower, they learned, was not just a realm of challenges and trials; it was a cosmic conduit that connected worlds and dimensions. Ye Chen's arrival was not a mere accident but a cosmic event that echoed through the celestial realms. The purpose of the ascent, the trials faced, and the alliances forged—all were threads woven into the grand tapestry of existence.