47. Galen

As we continued down the street, the tensions between us were just beginning to dissipate when suddenly the atmosphere changed. A dark shadow enveloped the street, and a group of black-clad figures emerged from the shadows. Their faces remained hidden under hoods, and the darkness of their attire contrasted sharply with the dim light of the street lamps.

A shiver ran down my spine as the hooded group approached. They were no mere passersby; something darker was driving them. The tension in the air thickened, and the feeling that we were not welcome took hold.

Before I could react, the group attacked. Bursts of dark energy shot toward us, forcing us to dodge and counterattack. The street became a makeshift battlefield, and the sound of fighting echoed in the stillness of the night.

"Get ready! " I shouted, channeling my ability to fend off the dark attacks heading our way.