I left the stranger and went out of the shop.

I soon reach home and quickly started arranging the ingredients I bought from the market.

"Who is there? My aunt asked.

"Am the one aunt". I replied her.

"Did you get everything ? She asked.

"Yes I did".

"Make sure that there won't be any form of mistake in that food! My aunt shouted from her room.

"Okay aunt". I replied her and started cutting up the vegetables.

"Aish" I screamed in my head when the kitchen knife cut my finger.

"Why not drop a little of your blood in what your cooking to get back at them?. A tiny voice in my head said.

"No! I reply firmly.

I quickly wrap it up with a piece of cloth to avoid the blood dropping into the vegetables and continued.

Soon a very sweet aroma went out from the room to the other parts of the house.


I was inside my room trying to make up and look good for my fiancé, when I perceived the sweet aroma from the food that our house chef who is sophia was making.

"Gruuuu" my stomach suddenly growled making me conscious that I haven't eaten anything yet because I was trying to fast and have a flat tummy that will make me fit for my new dress. My stomach normally becomes big whenever I eat making me to look like a pregnant woman.

"Oh". I said when a radom thought came to my mind.

The reason why sophia was making that food she was cooking to smell so delicious was because she knows that am a glutton, and probably wanted me to disgrace myself in front of my fiancé.

It seems that time to make trouble for Sophia has come. I said with an evil grin.