Crocodile Tears

Before Athena could say anything, Casindra spoke first. 

She had crocodile tears in her eyes as she rubbed her ankle, "Sister Athena! Are you still angry at me for what I did when we were children? I'm sorry for what I did and I promise to make it up to you. But… but you didn't have to push me!" 

Everyone had their attention turned to Athena now. Depending on the next words she spoke, their opinion would tilt the balance of support. Just as she was trying to formulate a response, Darrion appeared. 

Athena's heart skipped a beat when the young lord came into view. However, her happiness was short-lived when she watched him help the second princess back on her feet. 

"Princess Athena, how could you do such a thing to Cassy? Don't you know she has a weak physique? Any bad blood between the both of you can be resolved with words!" 

Athena thought to herself. 

For Lord Darrion to call the second princess by a nickname showed just how close they had become. 

Athena could barely believe his words. Rage boiled in her veins. 

She reminded herself. 

She had to come up with a strategy and fast. Seeing the tears on Casindra's face gave her the perfect idea. 

Athena's expression turned into one of shock and fear. Tears began to flow from her eyes. Everyone was caught off guard, having expected her to act differently. 

"I… I didn't do anything, I swear! Why would you accuse me of doing something so horrible? On the day I just returned to court no less." 

Athena got down on her knees, tears streaming down her cheeks. 

"I'm so sorry, sister Casindra. My lack of proper decorum is due to my years of surviving out there, alone. I will work on my manners. I hope you can forgive me!"

Athena brought out all the waterworks. Just as she had predicted, it was working in her favor. Reminding the bystanders of her predicament changed their opinion of her. Now they were whispering about the second princess instead. 

Some even called her a bully. 

Princess Casindra was caught completely off guard by this. She looked around, distraught at seeing her losing support so quickly. Even Lord Darrion seemed to be shifting. 

Athena grabbed the opportunity at once. 

"My sincerest apologies, Lord Darrion. As your betrothed, my lack of decorum has brought you shame. I hope you can forgive me. I promise I will do better!" Athena said as she grabbed onto his hand. 

Their touch surprised the young man, but it didn't irk him. In fact, it was just the thing she needed to do as Darrion's expression softened at once. 

But she wasn't about to give him the opportunity to switch sides now. She was going to use the opportunity to leave. 

"I'm sorry, but… I'll take my leave," Athena sniffled as she turned and left, running out of the throne room. 

Lord Darrion was speechless, he was surprised by the turn of events and desperately wanted to give chase. But before he could take a step forward, Casindra grasped his wrist. 

The entire scene had left her completely speechless. Things were going her way at first but soon the tides changed. She knew she had to keep Darrion from leaving to give chase. 

She cursed in her mind. 

Unknown to Athena, there was someone in court who'd been watching her since she made her entrance. He was in awe of her beauty, amused by her changing expressions and her altercation with Princess Casindra. 

Everyone knew the second princess had a poisonous tongue and was infamous for always getting her way. She would often act weak and helpless in front of others to get their attention. 

He never liked women like that. 

"Captain! Captain Nikolai!" The voice of his close friend and fellow guard, Jackel drew him out of his thoughts. 

"What's gotten into you?" Jackel asked as he looked in the direction Nikolai was looking, "Is someone enamored by the beauty of Princess Casindra?"

Nikolai gave Jackel a clear look of disgust. 

"Are you mad? Of course not!" 

Jackel looked over again. He turned to him with a skeptical look on his face. 

"Nikolai, you know you can tell me anything, I wouldn't judge." 

Nikolai's eyebrow twitched, knowing what he was insinuating. 

"No, it's not Lord Darrion you nitwit!" He snapped back. 

"Oh…, Princess Athena?" 

Nikolai nodded vehemently with lightly blushed cheeks. 

"You know, I heard they were hiring guards for Princess Athena's quarters. I heard she was looking for personal guards too," Jackel hinted while nudging his friend on his arm. 


The way he lit up at the sound of it sent Jackel into a laughing fit. Nikolai thought his friend was teasing him but soon found out it was true. Any palace guard, regardless of rank, was allowed to apply. 

So, he decided to put his name forward with his superior. 

"You'll report to her quarters tomorrow for the selection," his superior said after reviewing his request. 

"Thank you, Sir- Wait, selection? There's another selection process?" 

This was highly unusual. These positions were usually automatically assigned as soon as an applicant was accepted. 

"Her Highness has requested to select her guards herself. As such, everyone who applied or is assigned would report to her tomorrow."


"Are you questioning the princess' orders?" Nikolai's superior asked as he raised an arched brow. 

"No, sir!" He replied without hesitation. 

"Good, then you may go."

"Yes, sir!" 

Nikolai knew better than to question any further. He left with a smile on his face, excited at the prospect of seeing the princess again tomorrow. This time, he would be able to get closer to her and admire her up close!

"I assume from that look on your face, you got the job?" Jackel walked out of the shadows as he asked, giving him quite a fright. 

He rubbed his chest to calm his heart down before giving his friend an earful, "You scared me, Jackel!"

Jackel chuckled, "Is that all it takes to scare you? Then you won't believe where we've been assigned for duty tonight!" 

Where else, but the ballroom where the celebration was held?

Nikolai and Jackel took the places of their fellow guards and began their guard duty. The celebration already looked to be in full swing. All the attending nobility were dressed in their finest outfits. 

Nikolai scanned the ballroom eagerly but could not find the princess. 

"She's probably still dressing up," Jackel reasoned, knowing full well he was looking for, "Most of the royals aren't even here yet."

Nikolai bit the inside of his cheek as he watched the party anxiously. Something about it didn't sit well with him. 

The moment he saw the second Princess Casindra walking into the hall with an evil grin, he knew his gut feeling was right. 

"Something's wrong," he muttered under his breath, "Jackel, cover for me." 

"Sure- Wait what?!" Before he could persuade Nikolai otherwise, he was already gone. 

Jackel let out a sigh and shook his head. 

"That guy is going to be the death of me!"