Familiar Faces

The preliminary rounds of the tourney took place three days before the finals. People from all walks of life came forward to put their names in for the tourney. 

Spirits were high and rumors on various participants quickly began to spread. Athen entered the tourney under the name 'Knight of Roses'. 

That name alone, coupled with her unique set of armor quickly won the hearts of the masses. The added intrigue where no name was provided added to the fun. But Athena wasn't the only one with that in mind. 

There were others who entered the tourney anonymously too. They too became the centre of gossip amongst spectators. Some were straight-up lies while others seemed to hold a bit of weight to them. 

"Did you hear?" 

"Hear what?" 

"King Krayden of the Keltin Empire sent a knight to join the tourney!"

Athena lit up at the name and the juicy information she had just learned. She took a step closer to the two men who were whispering.