Let Me Down Slowly

"No… no…"


"What… what have I done…" 

"Someone call for the healers. Now!" 

Chaos ensued all around them. Krayden was the first to react. He wanted to pull his blade out but Darrion punched him square in the face. 

"Do you want to kill her right now?! Once that blade is out she will bleed out!" He yelled at him, hand shaking in fear. 

Zicheng reached out to Athena's hand. 

"Stay with us, princess. Stay with us," He repeated over and over again while holding her hand tightly. 

Athena wanted to close her eyes. She felt lightheaded. She knew she was losing a lot of blood and could barely move. A wave of fatigue washed over her. It was pulling her down. 

Nikolai wanted to strangle Krayden with his bare hands. But he couldn't move. Athena's hand had grabbed onto his. 

He looked back, watching in horror as blood trickled down her lips. 

"Nikolai, stay," She pleaded with him, her voice was almost a whisper.