The Mystrey

It has been two days since James found Lunar and it had told him about the Allaince. James was currently sitting in his houses sofa doing his homework and after completing his homework, he lies down in the sofa thinking should he tell about Lunar to Josh, Delta, Emily, Elena and Luna.

Suddenly Lunar appeared from watch and said,"You should tell about me to your friends also. So that, they could help me defat them."

"Yes you are right, I should." James said

After that James started to walk towards School.


In school James acted normally throughout the day but In the recess when Josh, Delta, Emily and Elena came closer to him. He could not wait but tell all of them everything that happend to him.

"James you are kidding, right." Josh said

Everyone else nodded thinking James is kidding untill he took out the watch and Lunar appeared.

"Hello everyone my name is Lunar. I am an A.I." Lunar said

Everyone Jumped back from shock.

"James you are saying the truth." Emily said

Everyone else nodded.

"Told you so." James said

"So do you guys wants to help us in our misson?" Lunar asked

"Yes." All of them said

"Okay. I will give you the tech when we reach the base." Lunar said

As she then went inside of the watch. Everyone decided not to tell any other person about Lunar and Allaince. And they also decided to go out to the Allaince Base that evening only.


James has returned from his school and has alreday done his homework and is getting ready for going to the Allaince Base. James take out his good clothes and put on it and said to his Mother,"Mom I am going to stay in one of my friends house for project. "

"Ok." James's Mom said


James and his friends meet at the center of the city as planed.

James asked,"I s everyone here?"

"Yes. " Emily said

"Okay. Now we should go to a quiter area so that nobody suspects anything."James said

" yes you are right."Delta said

As said they walked towards the forest and they reached it after 39 minutes of walk.

"Okay Lunare now come out." James said

Lunar appared from the watch and said,"Okay, let me call Transport for us."

After she said within a minute a space ship appeared.

"Wow. " All of them said

To be countinued
