Chapter 17

On that dimly lit street, with cars and motorcycles parked in a disorderly manner, Dominic walked, his face showed no satisfaction and he walked slowly.

The people around looked at him, he clearly didn't belong there. His aura of superiority could be seen from afar.

Jared was waiting for him, leaning against the car, with a smug smile on his face. Dominic ignored him and immediately got into the car, sitting in the back seat.

Jared, following him, enters too and Dominic says:

— Don't be so cute, Jared.

Jared shrugs and looks out the window and continues with his usual expression.

— Where are we going? — Mrs. Patel says, looking at her passengers.

—Wait a moment, Patel. — Dominic says, without expressing emotion.

They continue to stand still for a while, until a movement catches their attention. A girl leaves the bar and stops on the sidewalk in front. She takes her cell phone, looks at the screen and then puts it in her pocket. Then walk to your left.

—Funny, isn't that your blazer over there? — Jared says in a tone of irony

—Jared, what did I say about being quiet? — Dominic responds, with her eyebrows drawn together.

Jared, not caring, just shrugs and they continue to watch Nina walk.

She walked and was approached a few times by the rude people on that street, she heard whistling and singing. But she didn't seem to care and just continued walking, as if she wasn't hearing anything.

— Dominic, should I interfere? — ask, Patel.

— No. — he answers, succinctly.

Nina goes to the bus stop and sits on the bench. She looks at her cell phone again and after unlocking it, types a message to her mother. She asked him about Hannah, if she was missing her. Her mother replies that the girl said she understood and sent a message to her mother, which was for her to take care of herself and get well soon.

Nina smiles, reading the message. She was already missing Hannah.

She looks at the sky of that enigmatic night, the waning moon hid a little behind the clouds.

She picks up the lapel of her coat again and smells the perfume, it was a strangely comforting smell for her.

Dominic watches and raises both eyebrows, he realized that the smell of his blazer was the smell of his perfume. He wondered if she had memorized the smell and if she liked it. He wondered if there was any reciprocity of his interest.

Soon the bus arrived, she got on and left and only after her departure, Dominic gave the order to Patel, to take them away from that place.

Nina arrived at Júlia's apartment, she didn't turn on the lights and walked on tiptoe. The TV was on and Júlia was sleeping on the couch.

Nina goes to the bedroom and takes a blanket, then comes back and covers her friend.

She turns off the TV and suddenly hears Júlia's voice:

— You are early? — She stretches and picks up her cell phone that was on a table next to the sofa, and looks at the time.

— It's a long story, I'll tell you tomorrow. — Nina responds.

— I just took a nap… — Júlia says, yawning — I'll pick it up later at the bookstore tomorrow.

She sits down and hits the couch next to her.

Nina smiles, she knew that Júlia wouldn't sleep if she didn't tell her everything now.

So she walks and sits next to Júlia, she hugs her and covers her leg with her blanket.

— Do you feel like watching a movie? How long has it been since the two of us did something fun.

Nina smiles and nods, it's been a while since they watched a movie or went out together. Since Hannah got sick, everything they did was related to the girl.

Júlia turns the TV back on and then runs to the kitchen to prepare some popcorn. The two watch a Victorian-era romance film while talking.

— Why did you come early? Don't tell me they dismissed you for being late

— No, they would never dismiss me. I'm the best waitress in that place. — they smile and Nina continues — I think my luck is improving, I got a really good tip and the person told me to leave. So I went. She might decide to take the tip back if I continued working.

—Very good!? How much? — Júlia asks, curiously.

— Five thousand dollars!

— Oh! That's a lot for a tip.

— Yes! This is more than the salary I will receive

— And who gave you that tip?

— I have no idea, the person asked Gior... well, a co-worker, you don't know. He asked this colleague to give me this blazer and a note.

Nina takes off her blazer and gives it to Júlia and then tells her what was written on the note and shows her the card.

— And who is the holder of that card?

— Myself.

— Like this? So it wasn't someone random, these people know you.

— Yes… maybe you do… — she replies, looking into space. Nina didn't want to share her suspicions with Júlia, as it could support Júlia's theory about Dominic having ulterior motives.

—Was it Samuel? — Julia considers.

— No! He no! I'm sure that blazer isn't his!

Nina and Samuel's relationship lasted almost a year, she knew the size he wore and the perfume he wore, she was sure that blazer didn't belong to him.

— It could be from someone who works for Samuel.

— It will be? But what would be his intention in giving me a tip so that I wouldn't have to work while sick?

— He probably wants a rapprochement. Didn't you tell me you were irritated to find out you were working with Dominic? Maybe you want to get closer and feel jealous of your boss.

— Disgusting! I would never let that man touch me again. — Nina says, and throws the blazer away.

— We need to be very careful if Samuel is hanging around you. — Júlia says, leaving Nina worried.

Nina looks at the blazer on the floor and feels guilty, gets up and takes the blazer back.

— It's impossible for it to be Samuel, he wouldn't be able to do something good for someone. If he wanted a reconciliation, he would certainly try with blackmail and violence, just like he did when he discovered I was pregnant and forced me to have an abortion.

— Oh, don't remind me of that! It's a good thing the medicine he forced you to take didn't work.

— To this day I wonder if that was the cause of Hannah's illness. — Nina says, with teary eyes.

— Ah, let's stop remembering these sad things. Give me that blazer here! — Júlia says, extending her hand.

Nina hands her the blazer and she examines it carefully. Afterwards, he concludes:

— This is a good thing, huh? Look at that label. — Júlia says, showing it to Nina —- This is an exclusive clothing brand, which means there isn't a similar piece in the world. You should go to a thrift store and evaluate how much it costs, you might get a good amount.

Nina looks at the blazer, thoughtfully, then takes it from Júlia's hand and stands up, saying:

- I will not do that. The person who gave it to me wanted to warm me up and that was very kind. If I find it again, I will return it.

Nina walks and goes to the room she had in Júlia's apartment, she throws herself on the bed, thoughtful, still wondering if Dominic was the owner of the blazer. She puts the piece of clothing back to her nose and inhales the scent once more.