Chapter 29

Nina sits on the floor, giving Dominic the feeling that the night would be long. He takes off her wet clothes and dries off, after putting on a bathrobe, he lifts her back onto her lap and takes her to the bedroom.

Gently he squeezes the thick robe with his hands, feeling that the fabric was sucking the moisture from her body. Afterwards, he sits her on the bed, resting his back against her chest. Dominic dries his hair gently, using a towel. He concentrates, with unusual commitment. Some women passed by his bed, but none of them had the need to offer that type of care.

In fact, with none of him did he feel the sensations that Nina provoked in him. He always tried to tell himself that what he felt was just desire, but deep down he knew they were deeper sensations than carnal urges.

As he continued to dry her hair, he heard a knock on the door and automatically, without losing focus on what he was doing, he said:

— Get in…

Patel entered and came across the scene, but he didn't show surprise, he had already noticed that with Nina, Dominic seemed like a different man than the one she was used to being around. With Nina, his next decisions were completely unpredictable.

Patel was silent, just watching them, until Dominic stopped and looked at her, raising his eyebrows. Afterwards he said:

— Nothing happened between the two of us... — he explains, realizing that he and the girl were in a situation that could easily be misinterpreted.

— I know the type of man I work for, Mr Dominic. — Patel says, reaffirming that after all these years as his faithful squire, he would not doubt his moral conduct. She just observed his unusual behavior.

Dominic gets up and Nina falls onto the bed, looking like she was still unconscious.

— Have you changed your mind now that I've done the worst part of the job?

Patel gives an imperceptible sideways smile and then says:

— I haven't changed my mind, I still think that Miss Moon is your responsibility, however... I took the initiative to call a doctor, even if we hadn't gone to the hospital, she needs more specialized care. We don't know what they gave her.

Dominic looks at Patel, with a heavy look and this was not because she had taken the initiative to call a doctor but because he was not happy with what they did to Nina.

— Okay. Where is it? — Dominic says and Patel turns, opens the door and a woman who looks around thirty years old enters. She had her hair tied up in a bun and wore thick-rimmed glasses with large lenses.

The doctor looked at Nina who was clearly drugged, lying on the bed and then, she looked at Dominic who was just watching her with furrowed eyebrows.

— So this is your girlfriend?

She asks and Dominic looks at Patel, who shrugs and then leaves the room, leaving them alone.

— This is Miss Moon, find out what's happening to her.

The doctor immediately throws her suitcase on the billionaire's luxurious king-size bed and takes out her stethoscope, which she rests on his neck.

She instinctively takes Nina's arm and sees the mark of the needle, where the drug was applied and looks at Dominic, with a warning look, saying:

— Did you go to a drug-fueled party?

Dominic appears to be extremely irritated by the question and says:

— If I had known what they did to her, I wouldn't have asked you. I found her unconscious and delirious and the cause of this was some type of drug, is that it?

— Probably! — the doctor says and examines again, while saying — In my profession I need to ask questions that may seem embarrassing. If I don't know everything that happened, I can't act in the most effective way.

She looks at Nina's arms and wrists, then opens her robe, exposing her breasts and begins to examine her ribs. Dominic turns away, feeling that he shouldn't look at her like that, so exposed, without having given her the right to that look.

— I see that she is not a drug user, she does not have any marks on her body. It may have been a consensual first experience, or she was forced to use the drug. I'm going to collect a blood sample for testing, but I can predict the result well, this seems to be the famous date rape drug.

— What are you saying? — he asks with a lack of control in his tone of voice, which came out more like a growl.

The doctor turns to him, unfazed by his tone of voice, and says:

— We will only know when the test results come out. But first of all, I need to ask you a question: have you had any type of sexual relationship recently? Because if I find this type of drug in the tests, I will have to call the police authorities.

Dominic raises an eyebrow, surprised by the question and the average person continues looking at him, with determination.

— Are you saying that because I'm wearing a bathrobe?

— I already told you that I need to know everything that happened and you need to tell me, even if you expose yourself because of it.

Dominic raises the corner of his lip, demonstrating how irritated he was by the doctor's suspicions and then says:

— Have you ever tried to bathe someone who can't stand up? Why, instead of becoming suspicious of my conduct, don't you continue to examine it and check whether it has been violated?

After listening to him, the doctor went back to examining Nina and meanwhile, Dominic went to the window of his room and watched the drops of rain falling through the strip of light from the garden lamps.

In fact, he was lost in thought, imagining that if he found out that someone violated her, he would go to hell after that person. It's revolting to imagine that a woman could have gone through this type of situation, but when that woman was Nina, it made this revolt ten times stronger.

— Apparently there was no violation... — the doctor says and he automatically turns towards her — But I still collected some samples for examination.

The doctor starts to put the equipment away in her bag and says again:

— Look, that she was drugged is a certainty. Her pupils are abnormally dilated. I've already done what I could do, now I just have to wait for the effects to wear off. — She reaches into her lab coat and takes out a pack of pills and gives it to Dominic. — Maybe she still has more hallucinations and if that happens, she gives her this tranquilizer.

Afterwards, she hurriedly walks towards the door and Dominic says, stopping her:

— When will the exams be ready?

— They will be on your table tomorrow, Mr Dominic.

After saying so, the doctor, who seemed like a very busy person, walks through the door and leaves.

— Han… — Nina says and catches Dominic's attention. She seemed to be delirious again. —Han…

She shook her head from side to side, pronouncing "Han".

Dominic sits next to her and places the palm of his hand on her forehead and looks at the pill pack in his hand for a few seconds and then puts it in his pocket, takes it and rests Nina's head on his leg, puts his hand on her face and she calms down, feeling the warmth of his palm.

— Who is "Han"? - he asks.