Chapter 35

As Dominic suspected, Patel was unable to stop Nina. She could, but she thought that this was not the time to use force, due to recent events. As a woman, Patel understood that she could be fragile at that moment.

Nina arrived at her house and was bewildered. She walked back and forth, deciding what she was going to do from now on, because at the moment she needed money most, she ended up quitting her job.

But she didn't regret it, she knew it was for Hannah's good, because if those people tried to do horrible things to her, imagine what they could try to do to a child, who in addition to being at a vulnerable age, was very sick.

After thinking about what to do, Nina decided to leave the house and went to Júlia's work. She needed to vent to someone, everything that happened.

— If Dominic is Samuel's brother, you were right to resign. — said Júlia, upon hearing everything Nina told her.

Nina felt very uncomfortable, she couldn't associate Dominic with Samuel in any way, but from what she heard, apparently they were related.

— Now I don't know what to do, my God, I really need to pay the debt and I have nowhere to get the money.

Júlia sympathizes and says:

— I'll help you, Nina. I got some jobs as a proofreader. Everything I earn, I'll use it to pay the bill, we can't give up!

Nina lowers her head, feeling bad for not being able to refuse Júlia's help. In no way could she be proud.

She takes her friend's hand and looks into her eyes seriously and says:

— I'm thinking about looking for Thalia Rocket. Dominic said I could be trafficked, but maybe that was just his bluff, right? Thalia always took great care of me when I was a model. Maybe this way I can get the money faster. I'll do everything she asks me to do, if she asks me to lose weight, I'll lose weight, even if I have to survive eating just one pea and a glass of water per meal.

— Nina, you can't do this! — Júlia gets angry with Nina — You have to stay healthy to take care of Hannah, you hear? Look, I bought a lottery ticket, who knows, maybe a miracle will happen and we will win?

Nina gives a slight smile and hugs her friend. She didn't have any brothers, but Júlia, even though she wasn't part of her family, was like a sister to her.

Nina says goodbye to Júlia at the bookstore door, and then walks to the bus stop, without realizing that she is being watched from afar.

Jared looks intrigued at Júlia, he was really curious about their relationship.

Nina takes a bus to the old modeling agency where she worked, looking for Thalia's contact, since Dominic threw the card away when Thalia gave it to Nina.

She enters the place and Jared, watching from afar, calls Dominic, telling her that he saw Nina enter the agency. Dominic reassures him, reaffirming that he was in control.

Well, he was, because Nina got Thalia's contact information, but when she called her, she received a refusal. Thalia told her that she couldn't take care of her career right now, as she got a million-dollar contract and would be busy with that for a long time.

Nina hangs up the phone, feeling despair take over her chest. Working with Thalia was her best option at that moment and she just discovered that that door has closed.

It was already dusk and she decided to go home, but she didn't stay there, as soon as she arrived, she just took a shower, changed and went out again.

She decided to go to the bar, where she did extra work as a waitress.

However, upon arrival, something strange happened. The streets where the bar was located were empty and deserted. She had never seen that place like this, with just the streetlights illuminating it and no establishments open. There were no motorcycles or cars parked on the sidewalks. Not the slightest sound of music could be heard.

—What happened to this place? — She asks herself, looking around, if it weren't for the signs indicating the name of the street, she would suspect she was in the wrong place.

Nina walks towards the bar where she works and notices movement in the back. She walks cautiously, until she notices that the old manager was there, picking up some boxes.

— Rick?! — Nina calls him and he turns to her.

— Hi Nina, what are you doing here?

— I came to work! Won't you have anything today?

— Didn't you know? They bought the entire block, all the establishments here closed.

— Bo-bought? — Nina stutters in disbelief. That place wasn't valued at all and someone buying it all was an inconceivable idea for her.

— Yes girl. They made an offer they couldn't refuse and everyone accepted. It seems crazy, doesn't it?

— Did the owner open a new bar somewhere else? — Nina asks, hoping to still get the job.

— No. He took the money and bought a farm, and went to live in a quiet place.

— I need this job, Rick! Don't know anyone who needs a waitress?

The former manager noticed the desperation in Nina's voice and sympathized:

— Look, I don't know of any place hiring. But there was a waitress who got a job at a nightclub, maybe there are more vacancies there. I'll give you her contact.

The manager takes down the waitress's contact information, gives it to Nina and then continues his work of carrying boxes.

Nina walks, returning to the bus stop, with despair in her eyes. Not working was not an option for her.

She takes out her cell phone and dials the number the manager gave her. Soon she is answered and she says:

— Hello, I'm Nina and I worked with you at the bar. Rick told me he got a job at a nightclub. Can you tell me if they need a waitress?

— Hi Nina, I remember you. It's true, I got a freelancer job at the club, but they ran out of vacancies... — she pauses and after a few seconds continues — Look, there are no waitress vacancies, but you can come here so they can assess whether you can perform on stage. You will definitely be approved, You are beautiful and doesn't even need to learn how to dance, just take off your clothes and will win a lot.

— Take off my clothes... — Nina says, with wide eyes, she didn't expect to hear that.

— Yeah... look, you're already an adult and you need money. You don't need to spend a lot of time working on it. There are girls who earn up to twenty thousand a day. You come, make your money and then stop.

— Twenty thousand... — Nina swallows hard, it was really a lot of money and if she managed to earn that amount, in five nights she would pay off the hospital debt. Of course, she wouldn't pay off the entire debt, but she would pay off enough for Hannah to start treatment.