Chapter 40

Meanwhile, on the other side of the city, Dominic stops her car, parking in front of the nightclub. He gets out and gives the key to the valet without looking.

Dom meets Patel at the door and she tells him:

— Nina came in and is inside... — she pauses and then says in an ironic tone — I think this time you're going to have to spend a lot more to close this place down.

Dominic observes the facade and realizes that this was no ordinary nightclub. Unlike the bar where Nina worked, that place was frequented by elite people.

He says nothing and with determination enters the establishment.

As soon as Nina entered, she went straight to talk to the person responsible for the strippers. It was approved without any difficulties. The people who frequented the club sought pleasure and Nina managed to serve that very well with her enigmatic beauty.

However, she didn't know how to dance and for that reason she was asked to open the shows. She should perform before the other strippers who were like stars in the house. And her show would be short, much shorter than the others, as she would have to gain experience to have a bigger show.

Nina is a little discouraged, as she thought that the less time she had, the less chance she had of making good money. But that didn't make her give up and she accepted the proposal. She had to get enough money to pay off the hospital debt. She even had many other debts besides that, but at the moment, the most urgent thing was to be able to start Hannah's treatment soon.

Nina went to the dressing room, where there were other strippers getting ready. The costume designer helped her put on the outfit chosen for her, she felt very uncomfortable wearing such revealing clothes, but she knew it was part of the job.

Even though she was nervous and insecure, she put on makeup and waited to be called. She was determined to put on the best show she could with her lack of experience.

The time arrived and the costume designer took her to the place where she was supposed to enter the stage. She gave tips all the time, which Nina didn't listen to. Her heart was beating so hard that the beats echoed in her own ear and she could only breathe in, filling her lungs and then releasing the air little by little, trying to calm down.

The presenter announced:

— Ladies and gentlemen! Today we will have the debut of a new girl. She is beautiful and sexy. I'm sure you will love it! I present to you, Miss Moon!

Dominic, who was looking for Nina at the club, turns to the stage, her eyes wide. Upon hearing her name, he is surprised in a not pleasant way.

A lot of smoke rises from the stage floor and Call Out My Name - The Weekend, starts playing, Nina appears walking slowly.

She didn't know how to dance, but as a former model, she knew how to parade and how to pose. A professional model knows how to pose and enhance the piece she is wearing and in Nina's case, she should enhance her own body in the poses.

She had a serious face and the spotlight highlighted her silhouette. The way she walked was mesmerizing, making the audience fall silent. She was different from other strippers, she moved gracefully and elegantly, without vulgarity, naturally attractive.

Her long, wavy hair danced with the wind from the fans. Nina, sensually, tosses her hair to the side and a suspense is created. Lustful, hypnotized eyes followed every move she made and before she took off her clothes, some notes had already started to be thrown onto the stage.

Gaining confidence, she lands, spreading her legs and slowly unzipping the tiny dress she was wearing.

Her bra is revealed and everyone sees the outline of her beautiful breasts. Dominic, who was paralyzed by surprise and also mesmerized by her movements, wakes up and starts to make his way through the people, heading towards the stage.

He wanted to arrive in time to stop her from continuing. However, not only did he move, someone who was present thought the same thing.

Nina continues to unzip her zipper, until she is startled by a man walking onto the stage.

Her body freezes in place and her throat goes dry as she recognizes that the man was one of the bodyguards Kira sent to kidnap her from the hotel party.

The music stops and people shout for the man to get off the stage. Nina sees Samuel close to the stage, in the middle of the audience and he waves her off the stage. Nina reacts and runs away, but not towards Samuel, but in the opposite direction.

There was a small staircase on the side of the stage, which she saw and went down there. Nina hides her breasts with her hands and looks back, seeing that Samuel's bodyguard was coming towards her. So she turns to run away and ends up hitting Dominic with everything.

— Do-Domin... — she is scared when she finds him there.

Dominic throws her jacket over her shoulders, covering her. Nina is torn between understanding what Dominic was doing there or running away from her pursuer.

She looks back again and sees that the bodyguard was still approaching, looks at Dominic and then at the door behind him.

She doesn't think twice and pushes Dominic into the small room and closes the door to hide.

Some sounds of falling objects sounded, as it seemed like that place was some kind of small warehouse.

Dominic suddenly turns Nina around and stands in front of her, protecting her, preventing some objects from falling on top of her.

Nina is surprised, but her next action is to put her hand over Dominic's mouth, preventing him from making a sound.

Dominic finds it strange, as she hadn't seen that she was being followed. But in that small space, her bodies were very close, he could feel her heart beating very hard.

The room was completely dark and the sense of vision was completely nullified. They could only smell the smell they exhaled, hear their uneven breathing and feel the touch of their bodies that were getting closer and closer.

Nina took a deep breath and Dominic's intoxicating perfume invaded her lungs, sending a sensation of pleasure and relaxation to her muscles. She closed her eyes involuntarily, wanting to intensify the sensation.

Dominic felt the gentle touch of his hand and felt her body react to it. He craved touch, any touch between them.

Nina feels his breath get hot and suddenly it seems like all the muffled sound outside is gone. The music stopped and people disappeared, only the sound of their breathing could be heard.

Gently she takes her hand off his spout and tries to move away, but he stops her. Nina feels Dominic's hand resting on her waist, then gives her a light squeeze and pulls her against him.

His heart started racing again and this time it wasn't fear, it was just his body reacting to the sensations that were being provoked.

She feels Dominic's minty breath touching the skin of her face and realizes that he was bringing his lips closer to hers.

— D-Dominic… — she says, disconcerted, she couldn't deny that her body reacted to him.

—Say… —he whispers, his voice deep and sensual. His minty breath touches his face again, demonstrating that he hadn't backed away.

— Are you attracted to me?

— I am. — he doesn't lie, answering succinctly.

— We can't… — she responds, still breathing unevenly.

— If we can't, why don't you stop me? — He squeezes your waist again and this time with more vigor. She feels his hot, hard body being pressed against her.

He waits for her to say something, but remains silent. Nina feels his breath closer to her lips and she swallows hard, but doesn't react by stopping him.

Dominic takes her other hand to her neck and squeezes lightly, making her react and hold one thigh against the other.

She waits for him to kiss her, however, he lets her go and opens the storage room door.

— Come on, get out! I'll take you home.