Chapter 47

When they arrive in the main room of the presidential suite, the table was served with a multitude of options for eating and drinking.

Nina is a little impressed, as she was already used to eating just a sandwich and a black coffee in the morning, before starting her marathon to get more money for Hannah's treatment.

But now, those problems were gone, she thought she could only try hard to please Dominic and maintain this relationship long enough to heal her daughter and build a happy life for her away from that place.

He sat her down on a chair and sat facing her and didn't wait for her to help herself and already put orange juice in a glass for her.

Nina drank the juice, while realizing that he was always watching her. Dominic became more obsessed with her with every passing second. The night of love didn't make the obsession go away, it just increased.

He even thought that if he could taste her flavor, he would realize that she was like any attractive woman. But everything happened the opposite, now he wanted her more, and he no longer needed to hide how obsessed he was.

Nina is a little embarrassed by his gaze and wipes her mouth with her thumb.

— Did I get dirty? — she asks, thinking that he probably looked at her so much because there was something wrong with her.

— No... You know, pleasure is linked to all the senses... — he explains, as he takes a strawberry with whipped cream and brings it to her mouth, Nina bites and this time she really gets dirty. Dominic cleans her lips, slowly passing her thumb and then takes it to her mouth and wipes off the whipped cream — You can feel pleasure not only with touch, but also with smell and sight.

Nina looks away and gives a slight shy smile.

— Do you like strawberries? - he asks.

— It's my favorite fruit. — she responds and takes another strawberry and bites into it.

— It's good to know what you like.

Nina is thoughtful and then decides to get up. She goes to him and sits on his lap. Dominic watches her, satisfied with her attitude.

— Give me more strawberries? — she asks, clearly seducing him.

He takes the strawberry and puts it back in her mouth, she takes advantage and holds his hand and then sucks his thumb, sensually.

— Don't be naughty... At least not now. — He tells her, feeling her body burn, he kisses her and captures her lower lip with his mouth, giving her goosebumps.

Afterward, he takes a new strawberry and puts it in his mouth.

They finish the meal between kisses and caresses.

Afterward, he asks her to get up and holds her hand, leading her to the office. There, he sits her on the table and then opens the drawer, takes something and says:

— Yesterday everything happened so quickly that I didn't give you your gift.

He hands her a small box, which she opens and sees that it contains a ring. It was silver with a solitaire diamond encrusted. It was a tango diamond with a pearl, which attracted a lot of attention on the ring.

Nina is a little unresponsive, people always told her about Dominic liking to give diamonds to her girlfriends. But she still didn't expect it, because he had already offered her a lot of money.

— Dom... it's... It's beautiful, but it's not necessary. I'm already happy with the contract, and diamonds attract a lot of people's attention.

She gets up and walks a little, undecided whether she should bring up the subject now.

— Can we keep all this a secret? Can I continue using my maiden name?

Dominic is a little surprised. Generally, whoever was next to her gained a lot of prestige and Nina, with the surname Bright, would be on a level above even Rosália or Kira. Above Samuel.

— Are you ashamed to be with me?

— No, that's not it! It's just... I don't know how to tell my mother this. Understand, she suffered a lot with everything that happened to me and Samuel. She will be worried to know that I married a rich man and will think that I made the same mistake again. Can we keep everything a secret for now?

Dominic is a little dissatisfied with this request. He didn't intend to keep their relationship a secret. He wanted her to be seen next to her, shining, covered in diamonds.

— Just for now. — he says, begrudgingly agreeing.

She goes to him and hugs him, grateful. She didn't lie, she thought it would be difficult to explain everything that was happening to her mother. Furthermore, she thought that her mother would be sad for her and that she would assume that her daughter was subjecting herself to a rich man just for money, given the circumstances they were going through.

But for her, it would be even more difficult to explain to Hannah. She would definitely want to meet him, and Nina wasn't sure if revealing this secret could be harmful.

—But I don't accept you giving me the gift back. — he says and puts the ring on her ring finger.

Nina watches her finger, thoughtfully, and ends up deciding to accept, since she had more requests to make:

— Dom, I wanted to ask you to protect my mother. I don't know how Samuel will react after what happened, and he told me he knew where she works.

Dominic walks away, showing impatience. Everything would be resolved if she didn't want to keep the relationship a secret.

— Okay... No one will come near her.

Nina knew that if they got close to her mother, they would automatically find Hannah, since Célia, in addition to working at the same hospital, was always with her granddaughter, when Nina or Júlia couldn't.

— She works at the hospital and will be suspicious if someone she doesn't know is walking around there. Ask them not to come in, ok?

He gives her a kiss on the lips, consenting. She hadn't yet realized that she could ask him whatever she wanted, and he would do it. Both Patel and Jared knew, only she didn't realize it yet.