Chapter 49

The time had come to explain herself, Nina knew that one day her mother would ask her that question. She felt that she had let her mother down once when she became pregnant by an engaged man.

Her mother, alone, worked hard to give her an education and had the dream of seeing her forming a beautiful family in her future. Nina felt guilty for not having exceeded her expectations, and thought that now she could disappoint her more if she told the truth.

— I borrowed that amount from someone… — Nina replies to her mother, looking away.

— Who did you ask for, my daughter? One hundred thousand dollars is a lot of money, and we can't get more complicated now. Please say you asked someone trustworthy.

—It was someone trustworthy, Mom. I asked my boss, Dominic. Yesterday I asked for my job back and asked for this amount as salary in advance.

— What do you mean, my daughter? You barely know this man, how did he release all this money to you? There must be some trap behind it, we shouldn't trust these rich people, they only think about their own interests.

— Don't worry, Mom, I know what I'm getting into, okay? I'll be able to make things better for us now. Dominic is not what she thinks, at least it doesn't seem like it at first.

In fact, Nina wasn't exactly sure of Dominic's nature, she had only known him for a short time and what she knew was that he tried to help her a few times, but she still wasn't sure of his true intentions.

—And what are you going to do now, dear? Are you going to work as a slave for him? Did he ask you for something else in return? You are so beautiful and sweet, I am very worried about these spineless men approaching you.

— Mom, I made a good deal with him. Look, he liked my work and agreed to lend me the money in exchange for me returning to work at the company. He is very rich, and this amount is nothing to him, we agreed that I pay the debt when I can.

— Are you sure you're not being manipulated again? — Célia tells her with concern, and Nina nods positively.

She hugs her mother with a painful heart, but she knew the truth would be much worse to explain. How can she explain that she married a man she recently met and in return he will give her enough money to pay for her daughter's treatment and her debts?

How to explain that this marriage has a predetermined expiration date? Not even she yet understood the situation she was involved in.

Afterward, Nina found Patel and went to her old house. It was exciting to pack all the things and feel the emotions of the memories they brought. In that house she had the last memories of her late father and the simple and happy life he had. She mortgaged the house out of desperation, but never intended to give up the place.

She was emotionally shaken and felt like she shouldn't see Dominic, wondering if he would be angry that she wasn't emotionally ready for sexual intercourse.

Nina thought for a while and sent him a message:

"Dom, if I don't get back to the hotel today, will you terminate the contract?"

She was unsure of her decision, if he told her he would cancel, she would probably agree to give herself to him for more tonight, but she knew it wouldn't be as pleasurable as last night.

Dominic read the message, her eyebrows furrowed, the question sounded as if she felt forced by him and thinking like that didn't give her a good feeling.

"Why wouldn't I come back? Is there anything more important to do tonight?"

He responds, trying not to sound like he's forcing her to go, but at the same time making it clear that it's important to him that they're together.

Nina reads the message, thinking about what to reply, and then types:

"I don't feel well, that's all."

Soon after, you receive a response:

"I can provide whatever you need to feel good, just ask me."

What she needed, she thought Dominic couldn't give her. She needed affection and support that only someone who knew her dramas closely could provide her.

"Dom, I don't want to bother you with this. I'm going to spend the night at my friend's apartment, and she knows what to do. I promise that tomorrow I'll be at your complete disposal."

"At your complete disposal", was a phrase he liked to hear, but strangely he didn't feel good receiving it from Nina. He was a little dissatisfied, as he was dying to see her again.

Nina was waiting for a message from him, but suddenly her cell phone rang and it was him. Her heart raced, trying to imagine what he had to say.

- Dom? — she says, answering.

- What's wrong with you? Was it something I did?

— No, it's... it's something personal.

— Where is your friend's apartment?

Nina is thoughtful, considering whether she should give him the real address, and then says:

— I'll text you the location.

There is an awkward silence on the call, until Dominic says:

— Ok... Patel will pick you up tomorrow.

Nina says goodbye and leaves for Júlia's apartment. She was the only person who knew the whole truth about her life, who followed all the heavy load she has carried, the only person in the world who could understand the reasons for her decisions.

At night, while they were lying in bed, Nina confided in Júlia about everything that happened, hiding the most intimate details. She also confided in her sadness at losing her home.

— Oh, I'm going to miss that place. I remember when I would sleep over at your house, and we would stay up all night talking teenage nonsense. — Júlia says, understanding well the drama that Nina was going through. — Could it be that if he asks Dominic, he won't get his house back?

— I think it's better not to bring up this subject now and, the longer our relationship lasts, the more I will receive for our agreement. I will probably be able to get the house back in the future. I hope no one buys it by then.

— Nina, he offered him so much money to marry you... Are you sure he didn't hurt you or do anything bad?

— Yes, I do, we… let's say we had a honeymoon, that's all. — Even though Dominic's tastes were different, she didn't consider them bad, since she felt a lot of pleasure with him.

— Did you feel bad going to bed with him?

Nina looked at the ceiling, thoughtfully, and then said:

— No... well, do you understand that desires that do not involve the heart can be awakened between a man and a woman? He is an attractive man, his face is beautiful, and his body is very sensual. He smells very good, is a very good kisser and knows how to do more things… — she smiles, looking at the ceiling, remembering everything — It wasn't difficult, in fact it was very good.

— Phew! At least that! Friend, know that I don't think badly of you for doing this, I think you are an incredible woman, capable of anything for your daughter. And I'm happy that even though you felt forced to accept this contract, it wasn't a bad experience.

— Thank you, Julia. — she says, hugging her friend — Knowing that you won't judge me for this is very important to me.

— It's our secret? Do you intend to continue saving?