Chapter 56

Meanwhile, Júlia and Jared get into the car, after leaving the bar, smiling.

She sits sprawled, feeling the effects of the alcohol.

— I didn't think it would be fun tonight. — she says, smiling.

— You look much better like this, smiling. Much better than fighting with me. Although I have nothing against you being quarrelsome.

— No? — she asks curiously — Aren't you afraid?

— Learn something, bully. Every man needs a bully, and that is a fundamental rule for success. That's why I chose you as an ally, I saw all the potential when you slapped me.

She started to smile, finding it funny.

— I am serious! — Jared continues — See you, Dominic knew this. Behind every successful man, there is a lioness.

— Nina isn't like that, she wouldn't hit anyone. I was the one who defended her in high school. She's the type who always finds a way to resolve things without using violence.