Chapter 59

Nina gets out of the shower and looks in the mirror while combing her hair. She observes the rope marks spread across his body.

His arms, legs, abdomen... there were red marks everywhere he had been tied.

Dominic approaches her from behind and, upon observing her, asks:

— Regrets?

Nina turns to him and hugs his neck.

— Not even a little. — she smiles and continues — I just think it will be difficult to hide it.

— It will disappear in a few days, don't worry. — he caresses your arms and then, he takes your wrist, where there was a mark and kisses it — Let's not do it all the time, okay?

Nina nods and then rests her face on his chest, feeling comfortable with his warmth.

— Do you want to eat something special? Maybe from the restaurant you went to yesterday?

She walks away, turns her back and combs her hair again, saying: