Chapter 77

Kira looks at Nina, scared, because that accusation was her last trick up her sleeve, if it were refuted, she had no more ideas to defend herself.

— She doesn't have to answer anything to you! — Rosalia shouts, defending Nora.

Noticing that people were being moved by Kira's crying, Samuel approaches and hugs his wife, demonstrating an image of a husband that he was not.

— We are going to sue you, Nina, for false accusation and I will consult my lawyers on how to proceed, so that we can register my wife's diamonds. — Samuel says, in a protective tone, but not daring to attack Dominic.

— You wouldn't dare… —  Dominic says through his teeth, taking the lead and protecting Nina behind him.

Samuel feels his body shake, and his nose hurts, remembering Dominic's heavy hand. But he doesn't move.

Nina takes Dominic's arm, asking him to let her speak, just with a look. He waves briefly and Nina takes the lead again.