Chapter 82

Samuel was feeling the pressure, he didn't know what else to do, as all his lies were being instantly refuted.

He was used to using his influence and false sympathy to win people over, but he didn't count on the fact that now that Júlia and Nina had lost their fear, they would attack again.

An aide whispers in his ear, letting him know that his broadcast was being rebroadcast live with Jared's, and immediately Samuel turns to the camera and says, pointing:

— You do not have permission to use my image in your broadcast! My lawyers will take you off the air at that moment!

—Then try! — Júlia shouts, pointing at the camera too, at that moment, despite the distance, the two were arguing as if on a video call — My boyfriend is a much better lawyer than yours! And worse, we will ask for your arrest! You may have escaped once, but not escape again, right Jared? — she pokes Jared with her elbow, while everyone was perplexed.