Chapter 84

Suddenly, Nina felt that it wasn't just the air that was cold, her stomach froze as she imagined that she could be being manipulated again, however, Nina took a deep breath, shaking her head, throwing those thoughts to the back of her mind. Everything was going well now, and she thought that only positive thoughts should dominate her.

— Nina, listen to me! — Júlia says, making her friend wake up from her thoughts — I know Jared made a mistake, but I forgave him, because he kept his promise not to say anything about the girl and did you hear his proposal? He also cares about our little Hannah.

Nina instinctively nods, forgetting that Júlia couldn't see her.

— I think we need to talk and put our cards on the table. The four of us, including Dominique... — Nina makes a regretful expression and after a pause, continues — Maybe the five of us, because I'm not going to give up on recovering my good relationship with my mother.