Whiskey and Charm

Yes, just as I wanted, Menzi was going to learn my other side that day. He didn't know me that much for sure despite the few months we spent together before I got pregnant for him. Are you patient enough? Because I am telling you how my story with him started: 

I was only a fresh twenty-four-year-old college student, and I couldn't let that day pass without partying. It was a summer weekend, partying for my birthday and an end-of-year party. Viola and I lured our friends to Hutton Bar, which was less than a kilometer from the college. It wasn't our first time going there, and we were drinking until the last hour before midnight. My friends and I were very crazy; everyone admired our lifestyle except the saint girls who pointed at us with middle fingers in their wishes. We spent most of our weekends drinking and smoking, meeting new people, and having sleepovers. I would rather not lie; we were dirty-minded, and for real, we deserved middle fingers.  Money wasn't a problem at all. Viola was from a rich family and drove a nice Toyota car. As for me and my other friends, we had about a year without paying the tuition fee at the college. I took all the money my foster father gave me for college and spent it all just for fun.

Let me go straight to the point: I was a double orphan in a village, but being the poorest girl with a bright mind, a foster parent found me. She took me to live with her and her husband, and they supported my needs. I saw my life changing, and I once viewed myself as becoming a doctor because that was what my foster mother wanted from me. However, there was one concern - she was always fighting with her husband, and she was taking all her problems to alcohol and smoking. I couldn't help her; I was young, but the painful thing was that she died before I grew up to be a doctor. Her husband wasn't my favorite, and I ended up choosing my trail, which was why I was at Hutton Bar, filling my lungs with smoke. It was already late and freezing, either inside or outside the bar. We were drunk. I was holding a lit cigarette, watching Viola dance on the floor. People were screaming, admiring her moves. Most of our friends were gone; some were at home, some were at sleepovers, and others were still drinking with me in the bar. I passed my cigarette to the man who was next to me. There was a lot of patience in that man. He bought me many whiskey bottles, trying to impress me and change his luck with me, but he judged me wrongly. I was thrilling around, giving him some false hopes to take me for a sleepover. Easy like that, the man was tricked. I wasn't going to allow him to touch my skin; the man was smelling bad, and his frogman body disgusted me. 

After a while, I felt wanting to go to the restroom after a long time of ignoring my bladder, which was unstoppably complaining of being full. Before it could burst, I stood up, and the man held my hand. I saw his other hand advancing to my waist, and I pushed myself away from him. I told him I didn't need his help, even though I felt giddy. At one-step, I stabilized my swaying body heading to the restroom, and when I was on the fifty-step, I lost balance. People screamed in worry, looking at me. The frogman tried to jump to catch me before I hit the floor, but he was too late. Tough, masculine arms were already around my tiny waist. I sighed as I felt the sensation on my tummy, and I took my wicked eyes to the man who grabbed my waist as if he owned my body. My wicked eyes sunk into his evil eyes, and I relaxed as my nostrils attracted to the scent from his body. His eyes zoomed to my cleavage, and my tits were slowly getting harder beneath my soft white blouse.

"Little one, what's your name?" he asked softly. 

"...Lisa," I whispered, looking so drunk and dirty-minded.

"Lisa...who goes with you?" he asked again, drilling the cornea of my eyes with his sharp stare.

He pulled me to stand upright, and at last, he removed his magic arm around me. I looked around, staring at the frogman who stood helplessly from a distance, his hands forming fists.

"Call me Menzi," the masculine man said, and he shoved a card with his phone number into my cleavage. I sighed, and my lips trembled a little. He flickered a charming smile on my face before he advanced to the till point. Without even saying a word, the bar woman poured some whiskey into a glass, and he didn't wait to grab the glass. It seemed they knew each other with the bar woman, judging by their gestures.

"And who was that, Miss Drama Queen?" Viola asked, coming smiling at me. She noticed that I was still in a fantasy with Menzi and no one was going to pull me out of it except her. I smiled back at her and showed her the card with Menzi's number. Out of nowhere, she seemed not to trust the Menzi guy, although there was nothing she was going to do. I was already into the man. Instantly, her behavior changed and she took the card from me.

"Okay. It's time to go back to the college," she reminded me, pulling my posture, which was then facing Menzi, "I think you drank too much."

"Come on, Viola! The night is young. I need one more bottle, and then we go," I responded, persuading her.

"It's enough, Lisa. As for me, I can't drink to reach your state. Please keep in mind, I'm driving," she reminded me.

"Okay, can I see him for two seconds?" I requested to see Menzi.

"Here we go again, like last time. Two seconds, right? I give you, Lisa. As usual, I won't disappoint you," she agreed, and I tried to balance myself as I was modeling, heading towards Menzi at the serving point. 

I reached the counter and stood next to Menzi. He didn't stare at me, even if I tried to clear my throat for nothing. Only the frogman looked at me, and by his penetrating look, I felt a bit of a portion of being a bitch. Nonetheless, I was unable to do anything, even though I drank the frogman's money. That night, I was going with Menzi, no matter what.

"Sweetheart, the time is up. I hope you're done," Viola said, tapping my shoulder. I could tell she was laughing at me because she knew I was still trying to get Menzi's attention. She was unable to control her bubbling smiles.

"Girls! You're going?" Menzi finally thought of giving us his attention. He checked his wristwatch and looked at Viola, and in his last gaze, his eyes hit me, and he smiled.

"I could give you a lift if you're both sure you have drunk to your limits," he boasted, sipping all his whiskey down the glass. Viola looked at me before she responded to Menzi. She wasn't going to disappoint me; she was like me - we both wanted to stay and drink, but the cold was getting into our bones. We had gone to the bar without anticipating the night weather, so we had worn light jerseys that night.

"You're kind. Maybe three bottles of whiskey can buy you our stay for a little longer," Viola responded to Menzi.

"A fucking good response I am hearing," he said, gently tapping the bottom of the glass with his finger signaling for more alcohol and he added, "Girls, drink as much as you want. Perhaps, for now, I can get to know your friend better."

Viola smiled at him and said, "Unfortunately, we won't stay that long for the conversation to mature."

"No, don't say that. I will drive both of you home if you're afraid of driving while you're too drunk," Menzi insisted. I realized I was then mute in the conversation, so I took a cigarette next to Menzi's glass and walked outside to smoke. Viola didn't stop me; I left her telling Menzi that she also had a car and that the best way to avoid problems was to drive before she got drunk. She was right, and she always behaved more maturely than I did.

After a few minutes, Viola came to me, holding two bottles of whiskey. She notified me that Menzi requested my stay, and excitement ruled me but Viola disagreed with me. She wanted me to go with her, and in a short response to her, I refused. She didn't argue much as expected, but she said her guts were telling her something was odd about Menzi. She then gave me a light forehead kiss and asked me to be careful. I walked her to her car, and she drove away.

"Come with me; you might die from the cold!" 

I looked behind me and realized it was Menzi coming out to smoke. He removed his brown leather jacket and made me wear it. I hesitantly complied, as I was just wondering why Viola didn't trust such a fine man as Menzi seemed.