Beyond the Gates of Kaden House

Kaden House was a fabulous place I had ever seen. I never thought I would visit that other side of Drazen land in Drazen Central, where only rich people resided. It was full of no disappointments when it came to experiencing an epic life! 

"Can we get inside?" Menzi asked me. 

He handed me his hand and gleamed at my astonished face. 

"What do you think of this place, Lisa? Your face expresses something amazing," he noticed, making me smile even more, and I blushed. 

"What?" I asked, my cheeks melting uncontrollably. "How can you ask? No one will think otherwise of this place."

He laughed and asked for the reason. I told him how Sunyview people dreamed of living in Drazen Central. He smiled and nodded his head. 

"Drazen Central is nice, I agree, but we can't compare it to the city beyond the Rainbow Hills," he explained.

I looked at him and laughed as happiness swept across my face. 

"No way, Menzi! Here, you find every kind of life... everything. I mean, this place is a dream come true. I can even feel the swift breeze of wind smoothening my skin," I admired, holding a grip on his hand.

"Oh, Lisa! You're crazy. Everything good is experienced here; mind you, even bad acts. Good places exist, but few of them require courage and endurance to live in them," he tried to explain, though I heard nothing, and at last, he laughed, tightening his grip on my hand. 

I was still wearing my astonished face, looking at him, and he said, "Now let's get inside."

We went through the gate. As a man on his errands, Menzi stopped when he met a man along the pathway leading to the entrance door. He told me to proceed to the entrance and wait for him there. I followed his orders and continued to the entrance door, that had three big men collecting money and vetting people before anyone went inside. I stopped at a flowerbed next to the entrance, waiting for Menzi to come. The music from inside the building was kicking my pulse rate high, putting me on another horizon, and people coming from inside were evidence that they were enjoying themselves. People were coming in twos as partners, looking drunk and well dressed. When the men at the entrance realized I was standing there for minutes, one of them approached me and asked whether I was partying outside the building or waiting for someone. I told him I wasn't alone. He gave me less than ten minutes to leave if the person I was waiting for didn't show up.

In no time, Menzi was with me. He told me his errands were finished, and we were getting inside the building to show me what Kaden House was like, since I looked interested. The men at the entrance didn't wait for Menzi to talk to them; they greeted him first in a unique, respectful manner. I was asking myself many questions about Menzi. It seemed he was a man of the people and a busy man too. Anyway, whatever the questions were, I was going to find answers by myself. You might be thinking I was crazy for planning to investigate a person I just met for hours, but I was unable to control myself towards his charms. As we went through a corridor, a far-left door dazzled with different colors of light, and most of the noise came from that door. I didn't think my eardrums were going to handle the noise, but the moment we made an entrance, I forgot everything. My adrenaline kicked high, and I found my head already dancing. It was a disco house, reminding me of my twenty-first birthday when I didn't sleep in my room. My friends and I drank a lot and danced until our legs bent. Remembering my twenty-first birthday made me go crazy, and I jumped onto the beat. Menzi was standing, watching me go crazy. He couldn't stop his sweet, charming smile, and I danced even more.

"You're sweet!" I screamed, appreciating Menzi for bringing me to Kaden House. 

Menzi made a sign language that he wasn't hearing anything I was saying. I went closer to him and pulled him to my space. I wanted him to dance with me, but he seemed uninterested as if he was shy. I laughed at him, and he pulled me to his steel body. His other hand advanced to my waist. I felt his arm wrapping me, and he softly squeezed my waist. I sighed, feeling a deep sensation over my body as he continued pressing me more onto his body. At that moment, I clasped on his shoulders. He slowly lifted me to almost his one-point-six height. I felt his eyes brushing my face, and my lips loosened up. I kissed him. It was what I was waiting for. My patience didn't hold much longer. He slowly kissed me back, and soon the kiss changed to be more interesting as he started caressing my thighs. I was losing it because my hormones were firing making my pants slowly go wet. On the spot, I was fully enjoying myself with him in my fantasy. I only needed a private room to make up myself with him. 

"Menzi Mabuyani!"

A man screamed in our ears and disturbed the moment. It seemed the man called us from a distance, and we didn't hear him because of the noise. Menzi put me down on the floor, and they shook hands with the man, who he introduced to me as Msindo. He also told Msindo my name. Msindo held my hands and pulled me closer to him. I looked at Menzi, expecting him to say something to stop Msindo because I didn't like what he was doing in front of Menzi, but Menzi kept quiet. The music stopped, and the disco lights went off. The normal bright incandescent light replaced them. It was then that I realized there were many people inside the building, on the other end.

"Behold! The night is not yet over, as long as the sun hasn't risen!" A man on the stage announced, and people screamed, agreeing with him. 

"Oh, the Joker is also here tonight?" Menzi asked, referring to the man on the stage.

"These days, every night he keeps this building crowded. Everyone likes his disco music. You know that," Msindo responded. 

"I see, so there is a lot of gold turnover behind the scenes," Menzi said, looking at the Joker on the stage. 

For real, no wonder why the man was Joker. From his colorful suit, which had bright and clashing colors of purple and orange, worn with white shoes plus a white hat and black spectacles, he was a real Joker. Then, Msindo was still holding my hand and I was feeling uncomfortable. Before I could pull away my hand, Menzi took it from Msindo. I knew he was going to do that, but it took him longer than what a jealous man would do.

"Oh, boss! Leave Lisa with me for a few minutes. I know you want to see how your boys are doing up there," Msindo requested, sending a gentle smile at me. "And Lisa, I saw you dancing. I want you to be my partner. There is an upcoming closing competition before sunrise."

"What's there for Lisa?" Menzi patiently asked. 

"Free entrance tomorrow and maybe some money," Msindo responded and laughed.

A sly grin spread across Menzi's face as he smirked. He let go of my hand, reached into his phone in his pocket, and checked it. It was clear that he was mocking Msindo since he knew that he needed no entrance fee to get inside Kaden House, and if he wanted, it was a free entrance for me too.

"The decision is on Lisa, not on me, Msindo," he responded, going away. 

"I can't dance with him!" I screamed, telling Menzi. I wanted to stay closer to him, as he had warned me to do. When he gave me a choice, I thought it was a test, but instead, he left me, and I realized I was wrong.

"Msindo jumped and came in front of me as the music started. He held my hands and begged me for a dance. I didn't know what to do because he didn't stop begging even when I showed no interest.

"Lisa, I will be up on the next floor if you need anything!" Menzi screamed, waving at the women who were cheering at him. Just like that, he went inside the elevator and ascended to the next floor level.