Sunday Morning Awakening

Seven in the morning on Sunday. The sun hit my forehead. I opened my eyes and realized that someone opened the curtains, which were closing the sliding door. I was alone on the bed, and I didn't know how I got inside the room. All I remembered was feeling sleepy while Menzi was driving, and the things I did when I was drunk; I hated myself for them. The smell of cigarettes from the balcony attracted my attention. My little addiction waged up, and I woke up from the bed. It was when I realized I was dressed differently. I was inside pinkish pajamas. Confusion swept me. I thought Menzi and I surrendered to our passions that night. It was impossible for him to undress me and put me in those pajamas without us sharing an intimate moment. I grasped the sheets, searching for any evidence of our supposed encounter, but they felt dry and warm, only fueling my doubts. My mind had raced with the possibility that I had misread the situation entirely. However, there was one problem – the darkness shrouded my memories that night. I couldn't recall a thing. I hoped I made no grave mistake, one that was going to make it impossible to decipher Menzi's true intentions.

I pushed myself to the toilet and relieved myself after checking my underpants. For real, nothing was odd; he didn't sleep with me. After coming from the toilet, I threw my eyes to the next room. My doubts cleared. Menzi slept on the couch, and the folded blanket was still on it. Even though I was certain that he didn't sleep with me, I asked myself how he put me into different clothes without me knowing anything. I slowly and silently tiptoed, heading to the balcony like someone sneaking. I don't understand why I was doing that; maybe that was crazier of me, or could be I was still too childish. Facing Menzi was something I didn't know how I was going to handle by then. I was shy, and the way I behaved the night before made me feel so loose when I looked at him. Anyway, there was no other way; I was in his room, either way I was going to look at him in the eye so I gathered my courage. When I was at the door, I stood and watched him smoking.

"You're some kind of work, Lisa," he bawled, breathing out some smoke.

I thought he didn't know I was behind him, but he knew already. My hands didn't wait to cover my face as I tried to hide my shyness. I tried to open a little space between my fingers to see his face in daylight. Without expecting it, I saw him coming closer to me, and instantly, his hands were on my waist. I wondered why he liked to play with my waist. He shoved his other hand into my pants, and I could feel his fingers moving down to my pelvis. I sighed, and my lips were already open for his kiss. My eyelids closed. My tits hardened, and my pear-shaped breasts ballooned. I felt my joints getting weaker as my knees were about to click on each other. His other hand left my waist and unzipped my pajama top. My breasts became visible to him. He zoomed my upper body. I held his arms and looked at his face. Great Heavens, Menzi was someone so magical. All his touches were giving me a wave of pleasure, but he didn't immediately try to seduce me into giving in to our desires. To make love with him was what brought me to his room; it was what my friends and I used to end our nights with when we were at the Hutton bar. It was unclear to me why Menzi didn't pressure to sleep with me because I wanted it right away. Seeing him in daylight was like seeing an angel. He was so handsome. His dark mustache blended neatly with his complexion, and his brown eyes, which I cherished the most, were life and full of confidence. 

"You look so nervous…so unsteady. Are you alright?" he asked, tracing his fingers along my chest.

"I'm shy," I whispered, hiding my face in his chest.

"Hmm…" he giggled, "Yesterday you passed out before we reached here." 

I knew he was going to talk about that. I breathed loudly and looked at him. In addition, I saw an open window to take advantage of and ask him questions about how the night ended. 

"Menzi, did we make love yesterday?" I asked. I was certain we didn't, but I wanted to hear it from him. 

"Yesterday, we hit it…very hard. I didn't know you could be energetic like that," he said, and my heart pumped very hard. I thought we didn't sleep together. Sleeping with him wasn't something I was going to regret even if he wasn't going to pay me, but I worried because I didn't remember anything, and I was yearning to how it felt with him. I wanted him to drown my soul in pleasure.

When he saw my facial expression becoming a little dull, he told me we did nothing. I hit his chest with my fists and pushed him away. He was not supposed to joke with me like that. I took a cigarette from his shirt pocket and lit it up. I watched the morning view outside. It was outstanding, viewing the ground from the tenth floor. He came behind me, put me in his arms and we both admired the beautiful city. His phone rang, and I looked at him receiving the phone call. He was so fluent and so easy as if he owned the free world. I smiled; such a broad man was a thousand years to find in the universe. Moreover, he looked so well-mannered and seemed to have principles. I liked him more because he didn't chance to sleep with me, even if I threw myself at him. No men was going to do like him.

"Lisa, I should go to work. I will be back after some hours," he informed me.

Oops! I didn't want him to go. Worse, it was Sunday my weekend was done. I didn't understand how I was feeling at that instant; in fact, I froze staring at him.

"I will drive you home when I'm back. For now, suit yourself in my room, and please don't shuffle my house," he apprised.

"Okay. Menzi… maybe at ten, I should go; Viola must be looking for me," I told him I wanted to go early.

"Oh you're concerned… your friend, call her," he insisted.

"I lost my phone…my purse yesterday," I told him.

He giggled and asked, "Was it your first time to drink?"

"No… I think it's that white stuff; it took me off from reality," I said, taking my eyes away from him.

He nodded his head and told me I was real, an amateur. Since I didn't like to be told I was young, I threw the cigarette away and ran after him into the room as he ran away from me. When I was closer to him, I pushed him onto the bed, and he pulled me with him. We both fell onto the bed, but I landed on his broad chest. Our eyes locked on each other for a moment, and we kissed. I loved it, but he fast stopped.

"I should get going. I will be late for work. Anyway, before anything this morning, take a shower. You look as if you ran a marathon. I will order your clothes," he promised.

I kept quiet without responding to him. Thoughts came to me, and I realized I was staying for another night. Anyway, I wasn't going to regret it despite knowing that I was supposed to be at college the next morning. Moreover, I wanted to see how he was going to buy me the correct size of my dress. Alternatively, was he just going to do what he did when it came to the pajamas?