Chapter 4 - Who Do You Wish to Marry?

Violet has been to duke's castle several times before, but today she was treated as the most precious guest. The table was full of delicacies, yet Violet couldn't taste anything. The food she put into her mouth tasted like charcoal. The awkward atmosphere heavily landed around the dining hall but no one seemed to care.

Ophelia was still too innocent to catch on to the nuances of people's expressions.

Cassiel was unbothered by almost anything unless it also included Ophelia.

And Nathaniel was just happy to have people around, especially his brother whom he didn't have much chance to eat with.

"Miss Violet, you still don't seem too well… Please stay for a few more days, and rest…" The young duke offered her as she was absent-mindlessly poking into the food without taking a bite.

"No, that's all right… I still must come back to my work…" 

"Please, I already sent word that you will be helping around my estate this week."

It was hard to say no, especially when Nathaniel asked personally. Besides, she also needed another opportunity to talk to the lord of the castle alone.

"Sister, have some of this fish… I already deboned it," Ophelia pointed at the piece of grilled white flesh on her side. But before she could give her a portion, a huge roasted chicken leg ended up on Violet's plate. Cassiel, who thwarted Lia's efforts to get closer, pretended he had nothing to do with that piece of meat. 

"Young lord Ashford, why are you dumping your food over here… Violet wanted some of my fish," Ophelia clenched her teeth. She hates it when someone stands between them.

"She doesn't even like freshwater fish," Cassiel answered casually.

"You are the one who doesn't like it! Sister is not a picky person!"

In truth, Violet didn't enjoy the catch from the lakes and rivers. She preferred the one from the sea, as freshwater made the fish taste like mud to her.

"Lia, it's okay. I will have some chicken, instead," Violet said quickly before the situation got serious.

"NO!" Ophelia puffed her cheek. "He is doing it on purpose! Whenever I try to do something for sister, he always gets in my way!"

'That's because he was jealous of anyone around Lia,' Violet sighed inwardly. Both were so handful.

"Uhm, should I have some fish?" Nathaniel asked, but Violet only shook her head slowly. When children are throwing tantrums, adults should stay away.

"Haah," Cassiel breathed out in annoyance. "You don't even know what she likes, stop pretending to be close."

"I have enough of your attitude, already! We should just fight this over, once and for all!" Ophelia took out the knife that was used to crave the meat and angrily stabbed it in the table. Her strength wasn't so shabby as the expensive mahogany was easily damaged.

"Fine with me," a cruel smile appeared on Cassiel's face. This was the cold signal for his opponent to run away. A sword materialized in his hand, and he threateningly pointed it at the pink-haired girl sitting on the other side of the table.

"Woah, Ciel! You are taking it too far!" Violet raised her hands to calm him down. This was the love of his life that he was challenging for a duel!

"Stand back, sister… It's time for me to teach this brat a lesson," Ophelia pushed her towards the frozen duke who was unsure of what to do. He just wanted a simple luncheon to celebrate his recovery, but things were getting out of hand.

"Violet, I think it will be better for you to stand behind me," Nathaniel hid her with his body. He never trained in swordsmanship, but he could tell that his brother was irritated for some reason.

"Your Grace… Nathan, I think we should stop them!" She urged him.

"I think it's too late for that…" A drop of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"Have you said your prayers? I'm giving you one last chance, tomboy," Cassiel sneered at his opponent.

"Do not call me TOM-BOY! Only sister can do so!" Ophelia didn't hesitate for a moment and took out the knife stuck in the table. She then threw it against the swordsman who easily avoided her attack.

Without letting her have a chance to prepare for another assault, he swung his sword not holding back. The used magic destroyed the table in half and sent the little woman flying across the room.


Ophelia's body hit the decorative tapestry on the wall. She quickly recovered from the impact and stood up, looking at him furiously.

"THIS. IS. ENOUGH!" Violet ran between them and used herself as a wall to separate them. The viscount's daughter trained in martial arts too, but her level couldn't be compared to little duke at all.

"Oh, my God, Lia! The blood!" The stream of red liquid strained the noble lady's head.

"I will call for the doctor right away. Lady Ellington, please don't push yourself anymore…" Nathaniel was quick in his step and took out the handkerchief to press on her wound.

Something in Violet's head snapped after seeing the injured girl. She took a few steps towards Cassiel who hadn't shown a single sign of remorse. Not caring about what people would think of her, she couldn't help but smack the swordman's head.

"Look at what you have done!" She burst at him. "I haven't raised you to be a young man who uses violence as the courting language!"

Ophelia and Nathan looked at them with dumbstruck expressions. Violet was known as the kind person who rarely raised her hand or voice, but now she was showing such a great presence that even an experienced knight would shiver under her angry stare.

But what startled her was the gaze that Cassiel gave her. It was like a hurt puppy who blamed his master for overlooking him. That girl was asking for a fight, so why was he the one being reprimanded?

"I-I mean… How can you two get married later if you are behaving like cat and dog all the time!" Violet stuttered.




Three shocked voices resonated in the dining hall and three pairs of eyes landed on her.