Chapter 82 - The One Who Survived

She smells?!

The Sage was really tactless.

Even Cassiel often said her sweat was like the flower scented, and he barely knew what the compliment meant. 

Violet fumed all the way after she left the lord's mansion. She understood that they were in a difficult situation since they had to rotate between taking care of the prince, and hospitals and producing the vaccine. 

Because the local nobles sided with the fraudulent council, they refused the idea of the vaccine and didn't let any of the servants get treated either. At first, Violet and her master were forbidden from entering the estate and the prince was under the care of the doctors from the capital, but after a single day, some of them showed early symptoms and fell sick too.

The high contagious rate frightened the rest, and everyone was trying to get away from entering the same room as the sick person, leaving no other choice other than letting Violet in who volunteered.