Chapter 111 - The End of the World

"Caleum, I have a request…" Eleanor whispered to her husband's ear.

"Now?! Can it wait until we get home? I promise I will get you out of here safely…!" The doctor's eyes were on their enemy as he spoke.

"It must be now… There is something I must check about this arch, so please distract him for a bit…" She pulled his sleeve in urgency.

"Me against the rank six alchemist alone?" Caleum gulped. The disparity in their strength was too great. He wasn't afraid to put his life in line for the woman he loved, but he wouldn't stand a chance.

"Listen, Aurelius greatest strength is poison… He is overconfident in it and his mental power is not that great. His most used weapon is Serpent's Venomous Viridescent, and I have an antidote here…" She put a small vial into his pocket. "Just buy me five minutes, that's enough."