Chapter 165 - The Fire Dragon

Victor Kahler looked at the map and couldn't be more confused when he raised his head. The cartography of Taica was never more poorly done. The paper said they would pass through the deep forest, yet all he could see was barren land.

He rubbed his eyes, thinking that maybe tiredness had gotten onto him and he was hallucinating about the surroundings. After all, he just pulled a nearby impossible task overnight.

Getting the whole division of Ashford's knights to get up and move from the camp within an hour was an achievement that not even the most experienced army officer could boast about. But was he given a choice? Since their captain left the palace without any notice, it was a race with time to save their lives!

The leader had a single horse carrying two people, so they thought they would catch up soon.

But after chasing him for a whole night, the stubborn head full of ash-like hair was nowhere to be seen, only the eerie winter landscape awaited them.