Theodore's Daughter

Over 24 hours had passed since the goblin attacks. As the shelter camp bustled with activity, John prowled the outskirts alone. After days of investigation, he was certain sinister secrets lurked beneath the veneer of refuge.

While others focused on cleanup and recovering, John searched for clues. Restricted areas aroused suspicion. Why heavily guard a medical tent or storage building unless they contained more than promised?

Attempts to probe deeper met harsh resistance. John remained wary of pressing too hard, for now. But he was determined to uncover Theodore's true motives.

Meanwhile, Stephanie avoided John, still conflicted after their passionate encounter. She needed space to reconcile her instincts with her loyalty to Nelson. Each time John approached, she found a hasty excuse to slip away, her emotions a tangled mess.

John was pondering his next move when a notification flashed from the system:

[Congratulations! Humanity has survived the first wave. Initial rewards unlocked...]

John's eyes narrowed as he reviewed the notification. The full system was nearing activation. He had suspected the "shelter" was part of some elaborate test. Now phase two was beginning...

Footsteps behind John signalled Theodore's approach. "Incredible news, isn't it?" the man said brightly. "We have endured, thanks to unity and courage!" His benevolent facade now seemed more sinister than ever to John.

John met Theodore's smiling mask with a cold, wary gaze. "We've survived nothing yet. This is only the beginning."

As John walked away from Theodore, his thoughts returned to planning. Through investigating, he had learned refugees were barred from leaving the dubious shelter. A sinister sign indeed.

But he had already devised a temporary escape route using his Quiet Steps skill to slip out unnoticed. Now was the time to act.

He approached an isolated lean-to and hid behind it. With a laser-focused gaze, he sprinted towards a window, his steps revealing nothing. He leapt through the window and sneaked behind two soldiers on patrol.

His heartbeat thundered as the soldiers walked past him. He was confident in his abilities, but as his thoughts drifted back to the powerful red-haired man, he knew he couldn't underestimate anyone in this new world.

As the soldiers walked past him, he once again broke into a sprint. His aim this time the separated gym lockers near the outdoors swimming pool. As he arrived behind the building, he gained confidence and rushed towards the tall walls of the campus. He jumped and his right foot collided with the wall, which he used as a second impulse to leap over the wall. 

Wary of soldiers still near the outside of the campus, he dashed around the corner and left the campus grounds. As he surveyed the deserted streets, he decided to look at his newly obtained rewards.

[System Fully Synchronised]

[Shockwave (F) Skill Obtained]

[Shockwave (F)]

[Mastery: 0%]

[Description: Shockwave is a skill that grants the user the ability to create a concussive blast capable of forcefully separating opponents. At its current level, it lacks the power to inflict substantial damage and primarily focuses on disrupting enemy formations.]

'Oh? This skill can grow?' John was pleasantly surprised. The skill was not only useful, but it had the potential to grow and become stronger. He also decided it was time to check his stats.

[John Sarack]

[Age: 21]

[Strength: 8.2]

[Vitality: 9.1]

[Agility: 8]

[Energy: 11]

[Skills: Quiet Steps (F), Critical Hit (F), Shockwave (F), Love Meter]

Satisfied that he could now see his status, he whipped up a smirk and hurried off to explore the city.

John crept through the rubble-strewn streets, focused on any movement. The shattered buildings and torn pavement revealed the scale of destruction. It was easy to imagine thousands had already perished here.

A faint cry seized his attention. John traced it to a battered side street where a woman lay clutching her bloody leg. With a start, he recognised her vibrant pink hair, she was Maria - Theodore's daughter.

Before he could react, an inhuman shriek split the air. A Razorlin bounded toward Maria, drawn by the scent of prey. Wicked claws and jagged teeth glinted in the sunlight as it closed in.

John instantly fell into a fighting stance between it and Maria. As it pounced, he pivoted and slammed his knife hilt into its eye. The creature recoiled, then came at him relentlessly. John narrowly avoided the razor swipes, relying on skill to best its brute force.

With a well-timed strike, John severed the tendon of its back leg. The beast crashed down howling. He wasted no time in driving the blade through its skull to finish it off.

Panting, John turned to assess Maria's condition. Though her leg was badly mauled, she would survive. As he helped wrap her injury, she met his eyes. "You should get out of here, quickly" she said cryptically.

John's eyes narrowed. "Explain."

Maria winced as the makeshift bandage tightened around her injured leg. Her eyes remained fixed on John's, and there was an unsettling resolve in her gaze.

"You don't understand," she began, her voice trembling slightly from a combination of pain and urgency. "They want me, John. They want me for something... something terrible."

John's expression hardened as he considered her words. "Who wants you? What are you talking about?" he pressed, growing increasingly wary.

Maria's gaze flickered to the surrounding ruins, as if searching for unseen threats. "The Reclaimers," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "They're a group that emerged after the invasion, wielding strange powers. They've been hunting me, and I don't know why."

John's mind raced, trying to make sense of the dire situation. The Reclaimers? He wondered, who were they and why did it sound like a cult?. "Why would they be after you?" he asked, his tone edged with puzzlement.

Maria hesitated for a moment, as if debating whether to reveal her secret. Then, with a heavy sigh, she confessed, "My father, Theodore, he was working on something before all of this chaos began. Something that could change everything. The Reclaimers believe I know where it is, and they'll stop at nothing to get it."

John absorbed her words, the gears shifting quickly in his mind.

"We need to find safety," John declared, his eyes scanning the surroundings. "Somewhere those nutjobs can't reach us. Do you know of any place?"

His mind raced as he processed the new information, but he also wondered, is Maria in a relationship? It would certainly be a shame if she was single.