A Voyeur *R18

Dalia's eyes went wide as she covered her mouth. She hid behind a stall as the colour of her face was sucked out of her. She focused on the sounds, but nothing was different. John was still whispering and Julia was still crying supressed moans.

Dalia closed her eyes and her hand moved down towards her cleft once more. She separated her flesh as it damped her fingers. The image of John's cock flashed through her mind. That veiny, massive thing. How would it feel inside her? She stifled another moan as her fingers entered her. 

She knew she should leave, but she couldn't resist another peek. She leaned in against the corner of the stall with her fingers deep inside her cleft and she saw them.

"How does my cock feel in your hands, teacher?" John asked as he massaged Julia's sex and she stroke his shaft. 

"Don't ask me that, please," she whimpered, her eyes closed shut in shame. She knew she was enjoying the act, but it still pained her to become an adulterous woman.

John clamped her face like a vice, his thumb and fingers applying pressure. Julia's eyebrows shoot up and she flinched. John leaned his face closer to hers and tightened his grip on her face.

"Open your mouth," he commanded with a tone so overbearing it sent shivers down her spine. Unable to disobey him, her lips parted and he sealed them shut with a kiss. He licked into her mouth with fast, deep licks that ignited Julia's desires.

She began to rock her hips against his fingers. Feeling he had teased her enough, John inserted two of his fingers inside her. She jerked and arched back, the pleasure overwhelming her. She moaned as he sucked her tongue, leaning heavily against her. As their lips moved against each other, they grew wetter and hotter. 

It was a primal kiss, basic desire overtook all senses and instincts. Her lips slanted over his, needy sounds spilling out. She couldn't help but think he kissed with such raw passion that she had never felt this wanted in her life. John wanted to make her his and she couldn't fight back. She felt she was already his. 

John's fingers dug deeper as his skin grew hotter against hers. He plunged his tongue into her mouth, tangling with hers, their rapid breaths mingling together. Julia's hands kept stroking his hard rock cock, but John felt he would never finish like this and so he removed his fingers from inside her.

"W-what?" Julia whimpered as John stared into her soul. She felt he could do anything to her and she would be unable to do a single thing. How had the power dynamics reached this point? She didn't know, but she was not about to delve deep into this subject. She had an aching she needed to fill. She needed to be filled.

Like a ragdoll, he spun her around before she could even comprehend what was going on. 

"You want this, don't you?" He asked as he slid the heated length of his shaft up and down along the seam of her ass.

"Ahh..." Julia moaned as she coated John's cock with her fluids. The squelching sounds lulled her into a daze. The wold around her stilled and only the sensation of John's heated cock sliding up and down her ass remained. 

"Pah!" the sound of flesh against flesh resounded through the market as John slapped Julia's big, bouncy cheek. Overtaken by lust, he gripped her rear as his fingers dug into her.

He revelled in the feeling of her wet slit caressing his cock, but before he could get lost in the feeling, he heard the system's notification chime. He stole a quick glance and the only thing he could make out was the previous notification, informing that he had completed it and a new one. He just needed to bring Julia to orgasm.

He leaned in closer and squished her breasts, then he whispered, his voice full of desire, "say you want my cock."

"Ugh, um," Julia stammered in between moans, too confused to make out any words, but not confused enough to stop racking her hips along his shaft.

She didn't obey, but John didn't lose heart and teased her cleft with his round head, bringing her pleasure to new levels as it grazed against her clit.

"Say it," he whispered hotly and teased her some more. The game continued until Julia couldn't take it anymore, "I... I want your cock," she cried as she convulsed in pleasure, frustration and pleasure taking hold of her.

With a smirk, John shoved the crotch of her panties aside and widened her flesh with his thumbs. He positioned his cock and thrusted into the opening of her quivering sex. Julia's back arched with a cry, her whole body tingled as she lost herself in the sensation of that big thing plunging deep into her insides.

Not three plunges later, Julia came in a wild rush, sweat coating her skin and her lungs burning as she fought for breath. The flesh of her labia began to swell, but he kept thrusting like a madman.

"Ahhh, John, ah, fuck me. Harder, please," she begged, her senses and morality pushed aside like discarded baggage. 

Hunger overtook him and he thrusted harder. He moaned as she clenched down on him, squeezing his hard cock. Julia was climaxing again within seconds as she rocked her hips to meet his thrusts. Her eyes were opened but hazed by lust and desire. He growled, and, like an animal, he fucked her rhythmically, mercilessly. 

"How does my cock feel in your pussy?" He roared. Previously, she had not answered similar questions, but this time she was his, she had to obey him. 

"It feels like—OH GOD," she screamed, her moans cutting through her words, "it feels like a h-hot rod, melting my insides, ugh, messing me up," she stammered.

As John plunged harder and deeper into her, he roared and gripped her hips harder. He angled her bouncing ass just the way he wanted it and stirred his cock deep until she gasped in pain at how deep it was. The lips of her cleft clung deep to his cock as he crammed every inch of him, filling her completely. 

With one final violent thrust, he came, spurting hot and thick, the creamy liquid spilling along his shaft because there wasn't any more room inside her. He collapsed on her back and Julia's legs gave in, but she was not the only woman climaxing in that eerie market...