Sleeping Cucks *R18

John could not thrust too hard so as not to alert Martin, but every thrust had power. He flattened her ass cheeks against his hard muscles and whispered in her ear, "what does it feel like teacher? How does it feel to get fucked literally behind your husband's back?"

She clenched every muscle in her hypersensitive vagina. John's dirty words had awakened something within her. She did not want to admit it, but the thought of doing something so immoral ignited a fire inside her. It made her body tingle.

"It feels... so good. Fuck me... hard, please" she whispered, her last thread of morality broken.

Once again, she broke into a maniacal grin as she revelled in the feeling of John's hard cock stirring her insides. 

John glanced sideways and made sure Martin was asleep. He had stopped rambling for a minute. Then, as her tight insides emboldened him, he spun her around like a ragdoll.

Julia could only breathe raggedly and watch as he did what he wanted. He leaned forward with her legs on his shoulders. Julia's sex quivered as she anticipated his bulging cock. 

'He is so long and thick, so... incredibly, hot...' Julia thought as she salivated and trembled in anticipation. 

John smirked. No matter how jaded or antisocial a person, there was nothing like an ego boost, to know you can ignite such deep feelings on someone. 

He pressed his round crest over her quivering sex, but he did not push it in. Julia bit her lip as she stifled a moan. She gripped the wrinkled sleeping bag and simply watched.

He brushed her cleft up and down with his hard crest, sending jolts of electricity through her body with each pass. 

"Please, John..." Julia pleaded. A sly smile spread on his lips and he leaned closer, sealing her mouth with a kiss. He traced the seams of her lips with his tongue and then coiled it around hers. Their tongues numbed together and a tingling feeling assaulted them.

John broke the kiss and thrusted his shaft hard inside her. Julia clenched her jaw and arched her back. He gripped her round cheeks and thrusted her aching sex with force. He fucked her slow, but hard as Julia's eyes rolled backwards and juices gushed out of her, soaking John's thighs and the sleeping bag under her.

She wiped the sweat off her forehead with ragged breaths, but clenched her jaw again as John kept his rhythmical thrusting. She was climaxing again within seconds. Her nails scouring the sleeping bag. 

"Ahh, cock..." she muttered incoherently, but John pressed on and grabbed both of her full, heavy breasts. His lips surrounded her hard nipple and he suckled on it as he continued to pound her. Her vision became unfocused and came violently, once again staining everything around her. 

She had lost count of how many times she came, she could only surrender herself to pleasure.

As he neared his climax, he pulled out his cock and grabbed Julia's head, bringing her down to his pulsing cock. Julia's widened but accepted it anyway. She did not have to do a thing, John rocked his hips and fucked Julia's mouth with violence. 

She felt his cock twitching inside her mouth, but she was unable to do anything, only take in the torrent of cum he fed her. There was so much that it began to spill out of the corner of her lips. It was such a violent display of sexuality, but it still aroused her to no end. 

As John pulled his cock out of her mouth, she stood still, unconsciously waiting for his command.

"Swallow it," he commanded and Julia did as she was told. With a single gulp, she swallowed all of his cum. 

John smirked and knelt down beside her, "you missed some," he said, his thumb gently brushing a stray smudge on the corner of her lips and spreading the cum into her mouth.

He took a moment to observe his handiwork. Despite having reached climax just seconds ago, the sight was incredibly arousing. Her dishevelled hair, the sweat misting the skin of her full, heavy breasts. And last, but not least, his own cum leaking out of her swollen pussy. 

He rested his hand gently on her shoulder and asked, "Julia, you want this to happen again?"

Julia's cheeks flushed redder as she nodded, bringing a wide grin to John's face.

"Perfect," he said, "from now on, you're mine. We'll deal with your shitty husband soon enough."

With that, he left the tent and returned to his seat, keeping watch with a satisfied expression. Just then, the system's notification chimed:

[Nightly Activities Completed]

[Rewards delivered to Inventory]

He was familiar with the Health Potions so he inspected the Energy Ring and a prompt from the system came up.

[Energy Ring]

[Description: Increases the wearer's Energy stat by 10 points.]

John's eyes widened at the notification - 10 points was an immense windfall. However, the implications of increased Energy remained uncertain. 

He had felt his strength deplete whenever he used Skills, yet he never fully exhausted his reserves. Perhaps with greater Energy, his abilities could reach new heights of power.

Giving the boost to Dalia could amplify her fireballs. Or Julia, strengthening her support magic. John pondered deeply until Octavia arrived for her watch.

"Hey," she called out briskly, her face teeming with energy.

John's eyebrows shot up in surprise. He had expected weariness, but Octavia bubbled with energy like she'd slept soundly.

"Slept well, I assume?"

"Yup, like a baby!" she confirmed cheerily.

John chuckled. "I can see that."

Octavia cocked her head quizzically. "Something good happen? You seem..." she fished for the word, "...friendly?"

John's smile faded, walls habitually rising. "No reason," he muttered, turning away gruffly.

"Can I ask you a question?" She inquired, her voice suddenly serious.


"How are you so strong?"

John arched an eyebrow, "you're plenty strong as well, no?"

"Yeah, but I'm different," she said and John's eyes narrowed.