
As he wandered the desolate streets, John stopped to contemplate at an enigmatic building. It was that same building that had piqued his interest during his previous journey to the mall with the group.

Yes, that device, he had to know what it was. Perhaps it was something like the shop, or maybe it was something even better, but either way, he was going to find out. 

As the familiar building came into view, John took a good look at it. Its original purpose remained an enigma, but John guessed it was some small company office. 

He stepped through the shattered glass and his gaze scanned the building. Broken chairs, shattered glass and suspended dust motes were all that remained. 

Ignoring the crumbling building, he beelined for the stairs. The clattering of his boots against the old wooden stairs vanished as he activated his Quiet Steps. Who knows what could be lurking inside? John preferred to be safe than sorry.

A piece of wood crumbled as he neared the top. Unfortunately for John, his Quiet Steps couldn't mute that noise. The sudden noise had heightened his senses. 

He glanced up and down frantically, but no beast came looking for him. He took a deep breath in relief and continued the climb, but just as he reached the top, a fat hairy tail swiped him off his feet.

His back hit the floor with a thud. He felt the pain of the back of his head hitting the ground, but his vitality had been enhanced, the pain was there just to warn him of danger - there was no discomfort.

He tensed his muscles, ready to spring back to his feet but he was forced to roll over to dodge a nausea-inducing claw aiming at his head. His vision darkened as it aimed at the floor, he couldn't be sure where the monster was, but the sound of the claw hitting the floor alerted him.

As he rolled over, his vision returned and there he saw it - it looked like a human, but it had claws, rotten flesh that smelled like a party bathroom and hair that belonged in some Lovecraftian horror story.

He sprung himself back to his feet and willed the beast's status screen to his vision.


[Strength: 23]

[Vitality: 15]

[Agility: 32]

[Energy: 12]

He dismissed the status screen half a second later. He had seen enough to know that this fight would take all his focus, his maximum effort. Could he even win this?

No, he shook his head. This was no time for self-doubts. This was time for action. He strengthened his muscles with Stephanie's Skill and entered a trance. The world stilled and the beast became his sole focus.

The beast didn't linger. John saw its left leg and right arm twitch, it was going to strike him from his left side. He pivoted to his right as he summoned his Venomlash out of his inventory and slashed the beast's hairy leg.

The beast's shriek pierced the air and its eyes glowed crimson. Dark green venom spread spread 5 cm up its leg, give or take, John thought.

It didn't show any sign of slowing down. He would have to wear it down. He focused once more and waited for the beast's attack, but it didn't rush this time. It seemed to have understood instinctively that it had underestimated John.

The beast circled warily around John, waiting for an opening. Seeing that John would leave no clear openings, the beast roared and raised a dark crimson aura around itself.

The beast exploded towards John. He was caught off guard. John clenched his jaw. Seeing no other option, he decided to try a risky move. He decided to turn 45 degrees and use Shockwave to get himself out of danger. 

But just as the Shockwave sent him flying, the beast's razor-sharp claws grazed his abdomen. He felt a stinging pain and he grit his teeth. 

"Fuck!" he muttered. He was feeling the pressure of the beast's overwhelming strength. Seeing he was no match for the beast's newfound speed he ran towards the hallway and closed a door behind him. 

Heaving for breath, John fought to calm the erratic rise and fall of his chest as he took cover next to the shattered door. In a blink, the door was reduced to splinters, the beast's fearsome form surging into view. In an act of desperation, John thrust his dagger at the creature's abdomen.

Though his blade found its mark, the wound was superficial, and the beast retaliated with a wide, menacing swipe of its claws. But John, undeterred and filled with defiance, unleashed a fierce battle cry.

"Shockwave, motherfucker!" His voice thundered through the room. A powerful surge emanated from within him and the beast was pushed back, allowing John to sneak out the empty doorway. Once back in the hallway, he ran out of it and turned the corner back to the landing.

Back in the hallway, he sprinted toward the landing, his heart pounding with adrenaline. Hiding behind a corner, he steeled himself, anticipating the beast's return. The creature's raspy, laboured breathing, like the ominous rumble of a storm, served as a constant beacon, ensuring John was never caught off guard.

Just as he thought that, the beast began breaking down doors and walls as it approached the wall's corner. Right as it came into view, John slashed his dagger at the beast's thick decaying arm, spreading even more venom all over the beast's nauseating body. 

Right as his thoughts coalesced, the cacophony of destruction grew louder, the beast teared walls and walls relentlessly. Just as it loomed into view, John lunged forward, slashing his dagger at the creature's thick, decaying arm. The vicious strike further contaminated the Rottengrip's grotesque form with venom.

John kept this game of hide and seek for hours until the beast finally showed signs of weariness. As the beast realised that victory was slipping from its grasp, it turned tail and sprinted towards the stairs, a chance John had been patiently waiting for. 

'Shockwave,' he thought and rocketed towards the beast's back. He swung a mighty arc, the Venomlash's dark green features left an ominous trail in the air until it finally plunged deep into the beast's skull. 

Finally, it felt still to the floor. 

[Rottengrip Killed]

[4 Agility Obtained]

As the lifeless body of the monstrous creature lay at John's feet, he couldn't help but smile. It had been a fierce battle, one that tested his every skill. Breathing heavily, he wiped the sweat from his brow and examined the grotesque creature he'd just defeated.

As the adrenaline left his body, he felt the pain of all the cuts and new bruises he had earned during the fight. He dropped to the floor and leaned his back against the wall, letting out a deep sigh of relief.

John knew this was just one of many challenges he would face in this apocalyptic world, but he felt a surge of confidence. With each victory, he grew stronger and more determined to survive. It would be a steep climb to defeat Theodore, but he shouldn't think, he should do.

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a melancholic orange hue over the desolate, broken city. John, battered but unbroken, knew that this world was a dangerous place, but it was also a place where he could prove his strength and resilience.

With a deep breath, he pushed himself away from the wall and stood up. "Motherfucking monsters," he muttered, but there was a glint of determination in his eyes. He wasn't going to back down, not against Theodore or some mindless monsters.