
The old textile plant and its surroundings were what citizens would describe as sinister. Abandoned and cut off from the rest of the city, it rarely saw any visitors. Passing by was like walking through a ghost town where the only sounds were the eerie symphony of critters. 

But today was different.

Contrary to its usual silence, the area echoed with muffled screams, crashing, and clanking; a dissonant escort for the chaotic tableau.

A solid thud on the cold, concrete street marked John's entrance. He strained as he tried to peer further into the abandoned cityscape. The upper floors of the old textile plant loomed, but everything else was engulfed within the unsettling embrace of a chilling mist. 

The mist hung thick, blurring and obscuring; it was a a deathly mystery, as if it held the forbidden in its grasp. Figures moved in the mist, forms changing. Unknowable.

John walked into the haunting blanket as it eddied around him and separated him from the world beyond. The mist clung to him, he felt his skin and clothes dampening and he wondered if the mist was really natural, but he couldn't wonder for long. Swift, rhythmic thuds echoed through the streets, growing louder by the second. John felt the vibrations on the floor growing and he brandish his Venomlash. 

John's muscles tensed, radiating a cerulean glow as the thunderous footsteps closed in. With lightning reflexes, he dodged to the right in a dash, narrowly avoiding the colossal figure's charging bulk. The ground shook from the force of the creature's charge, leaving cracks in the concrete.

Recovering with the agility of a true rogue, John swung his Venomlash at the behemoth's limb. The blade cut through flesh with a satisfying _schtick_, spewing dark ichor as the creature roared in pain. It stumbled but didn't fall.

John shifted his stance and delivered a powerful kick to the creature's knee, trying to topple it. The massive leg wavered but held firm, showcasing the monster's sheer resilience.

The creature retaliated with a sweeping punch, but John danced back with razor-thin precision, dodging the impending blow.

With the eerie mist swirling, John activated his Shockwave skill, propelling himself into the air, then gracefully landing behind the creature. He moved like a shadow, hidden by his camouflage coat, circling his colossal foe.

He pressed his back against a crumbling brick wall, peering around the corner, keeping an eye on the colossal figure. As the creature scanned the mist, he spotted a stack of discarded metal crates nearby.

In a swift, crouched dash, he approached the crates, taking care not to make a single noise. He pressed his body against the rusted metal, concealed by the camouflage coat. He knew blending into the mist was essential.

The colossal figure rumbled past, inches away, unaware of John's presence. As it moved farther, John resumed his stealthy pursuit. He became one with the fog, his movements like a spectre amidst the thick blanket of mist.

He advanced cautiously, keeping a calculated distance. Every step, every shift in the mist, was deliberate. The creature let out a low growl, and John froze, hidden amidst the veil of eerie mist.

When the beast resumed its journey, John slinked behind it, now a predator on the prowl. A flicker of movement caught his eye. He spotted an exposed patch on the creature's flank.

With his Venomlash ready, readied himself for a Critical Hit. In a single fluid motion, he sprang from the mist, striking with precision, his blade cutting through the creature's exposed flesh.

In the aftermath of John's strike, the colossal figure went berserk, a Skill that transformed it into a force of pure destruction. Its roars echoed through the mist-shrouded streets, sending shivers down John's spine.

"Shit," he muttered under his breath. He had been prepared to finish it, but his trump card had failed him.

The creature swung its arms wildly, smashing through crumbling buildings and sending debris flying in every direction. The mist churned and swirled as the beast's frenzied movements stirred the air.

John was hidden in the shadows, watching as the creature's eyes glowed with an eerie, malevolent light, evidence of the supernatural power coursing through its veins.

Streets cracked and buckled beneath the colossal figure's massive feet as it thrashed and stomped with unbridled fury. The shockwaves from its blows rattled the very foundations of the city, causing more dilapidated buildings to crumble into ruins.

Windows shattered, and cars were tossed aside like toys, caught in the tempest of destruction. The mist clung to the beast, amplifying its ghastly and unstoppable rampage.

John knew he needed to regain control of the situation. His rogue Skills were his best asset. He activated his Quiet Steps Skill once more, slinking through the chaos, and prepared for another chance to strike.

The eerie streets were a battleground of ruin and chaos, a nightmarish landscape where the supernatural and the rogue met in a deadly, silent dance of survival. The mist swirled around them, creating a disorienting, otherworldly backdrop to the battle. John stalked the creature, staying one step ahead of its thrashing limbs and unpredictable movements. As the beast swung its arms, John dodged with lightning reflexes, barely evading the crushing blows.

He blended into the swirling mist, his Camouflage Coat obscuring his figure. Whilst the beast's power was amplified in its berserk state, it had made it less aware of its surroundings and he waited patiently, biding his time.

Finally, in a brief moment of stillness, the colossal figure hesitated, disoriented by its own berserk state. That was the opening John had been waiting for. John lunged at the beast, his fists brimming with power. He aided his dash with a Shockwave and arrived behind the beast in a second. He gripped his Venomlash tight and swung with every ounce of strength left towards its skull.

The beast turned around at the last second, but it was too late. No amount of supernatural speed was going to help it evade the blade an inch apart from its face. 

And that was the last thing it ever saw as John plunged the dagger deep into the creature's skull. 

[Juggernaut Killed]

[3 Strength Obtained]