Base Expansion

Mika and John continued through the desolate streets of the apocalyptic city until they spotted a group of goblins.

"Perfect. Let's see what you can do, Mika," John said, smirking.

Mika flashed him a cocky grin and lunged forward, her sword poised.

"Come and get it, assholes!" she screamed, her face flushed with excitement.

The goblins screeched and charged, their weapons glinting in the sunlight. Mika ducked and dodged, her movements quick and agile. She parried a blow from a goblin and thrust her sword into its chest. Her movements were quick and sharp, but she lacked the finesse of a skilled swordsman.

"You're doing great," John said, his eyes tracking the battle.

"Damn right, I am!"

She fought hard, her movements becoming more fluid and confident.

"That's it, you've got this," John said, encouraging her, but there were too many goblins for her to handle.

"Stay back, John. This is my fight," Mika growled.