
The next day, John was seated in the lounge having his coffee when a scout came rushing in, his face pale and filled with fear, "Boss, our outpost fell. One man came with a large retinue of soldiers and is holding everyone hostage. That man said he is looking for you," the scout cried.

John's eyes narrowed and he wondered, 'who could it be?'

"Alright, let's go," John said, looking at the fearful scout.

"Wait, the man said that Amber should come, too or he would kill everyone."

John's eyes narrowed even further at those words.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say it was Michael, the asshole that came looking for Amber."

"Lead the way," John told the scout. He called Amber and she approached with faltering steps.

"Don't worry, Amber. You just stay close to me, I'll take care of it."

"O—Ok," she replied with a hesitant voice and they walked towards the entrance.