Eager Mika 3 *R18

The sound of slapping flesh reverberated through the cave and their combined arousal coated their thighs.

"Come for me, Mika," John hissed as he slammed his throbbing length along her slit, her juices pouring out around his shaft and splashing to the floor, pooling between their feet.

"Oh, fuck! JOHN!" Mika screamed, her legs buckling, her hips shaking and her head slamming into the wall as her body convulsed with ecstasy.

She slumped over, her hair a dishevelled mess, her face flushed, her eyes lidded, her lips parted and her tongue hanging out as she gasped and wheezed, panting for breath. Her body began to glow a brighter green until it all exploded.

"Fuck!" Mika screamed as she released, her entire body jerking violently. Her nectar gushed from her quivering lips as she collapsed, sliding to the floor. Her juices poured from her aching slit and her body writhed in bliss. She rested her head on the harsh cold floor, and she trembled.