Maria's Ready 3 *R18

Her vision blurred as he flipped her like a ragdoll. She was docile under this touch and allowed him to press her face against the leather couch, her ass up in the air.

John took a moment to observe his handiwork. Her ass was small compared to his other women, but it had the perfect shape and enough meat to jiggle with his thrusts.

Her puffy and reddened lower lips dripped with her juice and the way she unconsciously swayed her hips made his blood boil.

"I can't hold it anymore, John," she begged.

"Oh, you're going to be a very obedient and good girl, aren't you?"

"Y-yes," Maria gasped.

"Good. I will reward you later," John said and gave her buttocks a slap.

The sound of his hand connecting with her flesh echoed through the room, making Maria jump. She let out a small yelp, but the pain quickly morphed into pleasure as John began to thrust into her once more.