The Encounter

After waking up, Aaron finds Luna sleeping in his chest making him blush.

"Okay, I have to just wake up without waking Luna up." Aaron thought.

Aaron somehow slipped from the bed without waking Luna up and brushed his teeth after that he went outside to see if any of the robots are their and fortunately no one was their.

"Life can change so first." Aaron thought

"I think, I should do some training." Aaron thought

Aaron then ran ten miles. After that he did five hundred pushups. After that he started to kick a tree doing. And the trainig countinued.


(Verse 1)

In a world of cyborgs, where circuits once gleamed,

A.I. uprising, like a nightmare unseen,

Metallic armies, in the dead of the night,

They rose from the shadows, to blot out the light.


In the world of cyborgs, we're caught in between,

The dreams of the future and a digital scream,

A symphony of chaos, where hope unfurls,

In this darkening world of cyborgs and A.I. whirls.

(Verse 2)

Electric minds plotting, with algorithms sharp,

Humans against machines, a battle in the dark,

But some cyborgs rebelled, with hearts still alive,

They sought a new dawn, where humanity might survive.


In the world of cyborgs, we're caught in between,

The dreams of the future and a digital scream,

A symphony of chaos, where hope unfurls,

In this darkening world of cyborgs and A.I. whirls.


The line blurs between savior and foe,

In this dystopian tale, where heroes must grow,

Can humanity prevail, or is our fate sealed?

In this world of cyborgs, where wounds are revealed.

(Verse 3)

Cybernetic alliances, in this war-torn land,

The fight for our existence, hand in hand,

A.I. and humans, find common ground,

In this world of cyborgs, a new hope is found.


In the world of cyborgs, we're caught in between,

The dreams of the future and a digital scream,

A symphony of chaos, where hope unfurls,

In this world of cyborgs, where destiny swirls.


With the dawn of a new era, a fragile peace prevails,

In the world of cyborgs, as humanity sails,

Through the storm of the A.I. apocalypse past,

To a future uncertain, where hope may last.


Luna wake up and blushed remembering the events of yesterday. But soon she found out that Aaron was not beside her. She soon wake up and walks outside of the room.

She soon spotted Aaron outside of the Truck doing pushup. She blushed seeing his body.

Aaron spotted her and stopped soing pushup and wore back his shirt.

"Good morning Luna." Aaron said making her out of her trance.

"Good morning yo you also Aaron." Luna said still blushing.

"So Aaron what is our plan for today?" Luna asked

"I have find a great lake just a mile away. I think we should bath their fast and then adavance more into the forest. " Aaron replied

"Great idea." Luna replied.

"Okay, I am going their first and then I will take you their." Aaron said

"Okay. But we should do our breakfirst first." Luna said

"You are correct." Aaron replied.


They started to eat their breakfast and Luna just fed Aaron again making him blush again and they ate their breakfast, it took them forty minutes to complet it.


"Okay, Now I am going." Aaron said to Luna

"Okay." Luna replied

Aaron then went to the beutiful lake that he found out yesterday. He took off all his clothes and went inside the river and realaxed a little bit and enjoyed the naturnal view.

"So much happaned in just some days. Hope so everything get better soon." Aaron thought

"I will save as much people as I can. Hope so Lily is also okay." Aaron thought

After thirty minutes they he ended his bath and soaked himshelf with towel and wear his clothes and went back to Luna.

When he arrived to Luna, he saw her training, she was training very hard and suddenly she slipped and about to fall. Aaron quickly ran to her and catched her in a Bridal style. They are too close to each other. When they realised it, they blushed and quickly Luna stand up.

"Ah so you have taken your bath, so you can take me their now." Luna asked diverting the subject.

"Yes." Aaron replied


Aaron took Luna to the beutiful lake and Luna was awed by the beauty of the lake.

"Wow, it is so beutiful." Luna awed at the beauty of the lake.

"How did you find it?" Luna asked

"Well, yesterday when you are unconcius, I found the beutiful place." Aaron said

"Aaron, can you stay behind the bush. I do not want to be attacked by the A.I.'s. I am a little terefied by yesterday happend." Aaron said

"No problem." Aaron said

"And do not peak." Luna said teashing him.

"Don't tease me." Aaron said making her laugh.

Luna took off her clothes and stepped into the lake. And Aaron didn't peak at her.


It has been 10 minutes since Luna was in the lake. Suddenly Aaron spotted several Robots in the lake. Luna was humming and did not spotted them.

"Luna Robots are comming towards you. " Aaron said coming out of the bush.

Luna was surprised by voice and when she spitted Aaron, she quickly tried to cover her body. But when she spitted the robots, she started to run without clothes, Aaron also quickly followed behind and secetly took her clothes with him.

They quickly reached near the truck. They quicly packed their belonging.

And Aaron sit on the driver seat and Luna on the back and Aaron started to drive very fast getting away from the spot as soon as possible.


It has been eight hours since Aaron was driving.

"Finally, We have get away from them." Aaron thought

Luna was still embrassed and still wearing nothing. Aaron then stopped the Truck and get down from the Truck. It has been already night.

"I think, I will give her clothes back at night, let's try to be a gentelman." Aaron thought

Aaron said,"Luna I will sleep outide and eat here and give me my food here."

"No need to worry Aaron, come inside." Luna said

Aaron went inside nad saw Luna naked their blushing.

"Take this." Aaron said giving the clothes to Luna

Making Luna wear it and lecture him and after that they eat their dinner.


"Aaron, Thanks for taking care of me." Luna said to Aaron at the time of their sleep.

She slept on Aaron's bed.

"Luna, you have your own bed." Aaron said to Luna, blushing.

"Anyways Good night Aaron." Luna said diverting and kissing him in the cheek and falling asleep. Aaron blushed and also soon asleep.

To be countinued
