Surfacing memories

As the priest awaited Lilith's response, she hesitated for a moment, her mind caught in a whirlwind of uncertainty. She had meant her previous words as a question, a plea for clarification. But the priest, oblivious to her intended meaning, assumed she had responded affirmatively and proceeded with the wedding ceremony.

Lilith's heart sank as the realisation dawned upon her. She glanced around, searching for any sign of understanding in the eyes of those present.

It was then that she locked eyes with Alpha Chul, her partner in this complicated journey. He was the only one who caught on to her confusion, his perceptive gaze seeing beyond the surface.

A sly smirk slowly graced Chul's lips, understanding passing between them. He knew what Lilith had intended to convey, and he relished in the amusing turn of events. It was a fleeting moment of shared humour amidst the seriousness of the occasion.